Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23

Thursday night, yay! Fucking hell this no internet at work shit is getting old. It will work for a little while when I first get to work and then just die. And of course they're probably not going to do anything about it cause it's not like we really, 100%, need the internet. It's just nice to have. Like, really really nice, lol.

So let's see. Really not much going on this week. Work, sleep, cook, hang out with TH and TK. We did go by HEB after I got home this morning so we don't have to do it when we go take care of the kitties tomorrow. We'll still probably go by Sam's though cause we need a couple of things (like cat food, so the little bastards don't eat us, lol) and I kinda want to go hiking or go back to the duck pond or something. But then I think it's supposed to rain and shit so we'll see. Monday morning is the bulk item trash haul off thingie that they do twice a year so we need to spend this weekend digging out all of the shit we need to get rid of. There's a couch on the front porch (lol), a mattress and boxsprings and some other shit back in the shed, and if we get super duper motivated we might even clean out the closets in the gameroom and master bedroom and see what all we can get rid of from there. And of course try to grill Saturday night if it's not raining. And hopefully have time to play some :-)

So yeah. that's pretty much it.

Noms for the days: Kinda getting back on the tracking thing a little, so yay? MFP for Wednesday and Thursday.

Song: Tripping Daisy - I Got A Girl. Random shuffle.

Best thing: I worked an extra day for the last 2 weeks so I actually had a full paycheck this time :-)

Worst thing: Stupid internets at work >:-(


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