Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 7

Well, I'm tired tonight but not nearly as bad as I thought I was going to be. I woke up wayyyy too early, lol. Not horribly busy at work, which is nice. It's kinda seriously cold out here tonight though. Right now it's 29 with a wind chill of 19. They're calling for a low of like 24 by morning, with wind chills in the low to mid teens. Oh, and it's still windy as shit. So that's awesome :-/

So let's see. TK was asleep when I got home so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went on to bed. Woke up around 11:30 and TK and I went to Home Depot to get the stuff for the shelves for his room. They didn't have everything we needed in stock but we got what we could. We also went by Walmart and found a couple more posters for the game room :-) Got home and hung out for a while then made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. Oh, and some hummus. Because nom :-) TH stopped by another Home Depot on his way home to pick up the rest of the shelf stuff. So now we have everything! Ate dinner and hung out with TH for a while then tried to take another quick nap before work. It...kinda sorta worked, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP :-)

Song: Royal Blood - Figure It Out. A new one!

Best thing: Finally found the Halo poster we've been looking for!

Worst thing: I just knocked over an almost full cup of coffee on the desk. It didn't quite get to my laptop though, so at least there's that...


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