Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20

Welp, not much going on today. It's warmer again tonight but there's supposed to be a cold front blowing through sometime tomorrow. Then it's supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow night and Thursday. Woohoo, lol. Still nice and quiet at work, which is always nice.

So TK was asleep when I got home this morning. I chatted with TH at work for a while then went on to bed. Got up later and hung out with TH, helped TK with some more schoolwork, then took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut to pick up on my way to work, figuring I could eat a few slices and take the rest home for leftovers. When I got there to pick it up though, they handed me two pizzas instead of just one. Turns out that they were out of pan crust (which I had ordered) and they weren't sure whether I would rather have hand tossed or thin crust so they made one of each. So I ended up with a whole extra pizza :-) I brought it to work and fed everyone, lol. So that was cool.

Noms for the day: Maybe tomorrow...

Song: Lorde - Yellow Flicker Beat. A new one!

Best thing: Free random extra pizza!

Worst thing: Still all blah and crappy :-(


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