Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26

Monday night, back at work. It was warm today, 75 or so, and I think it's supposed to stay like this for the next couple of days. Not very cold tonight, either. And of course nice and slow here at work since all of the children have to go to school.

So let's see. TK was awake when I got home Friday morning so we got some coffee and went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there and stopped by Walmart for a couple of things then went by Gamestop and bought the Season Pass (gives you all of the map packs) for COD:AW. The first map pack comes out tomorrow!! Went back to Petsmart to, yep you guessed it, pick up a kitty. Lol. TH has been wanting a Siamese and there was one there Friday so we decided to bring it home. And that actually ended up being kind of a clusterfuck :-/ He was super cute and sweet and everything, but he was about 3 years old and had only been neutered a few months ago. After he had already learned how to spray. So of course he got home and immediately started peeing on all of the stuff that the other kitties we gave away had peed on. Sigh. I had to text the cat lady and tell her he wasn't going to work out. Hung out with TK for a while then after TH got home we went back to Petsmart and dropped the kitty off. While we were there one of the other volunteers was there cleaning up. He had let one of the super cranky kitties out and couldn't catch it to put it back in the cage. So, I helped and the little fucker clawed my arm and bit the fuck out of my thumb. So that was awesome >:-( Went home and hung out with TH, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, and had chicken for dinner. TK was already asleep and I was tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Saturday I woke up and my thumb where cranky cat bit me was super red and swollen. I basically went all day without being able to use that hand at all. That was not fun. Hung out with TH and TK, made some breakfast, did a little laundry and cleaning, watched TK play some COD :-( then made taco meat and watched Lucy for movie night. Oh, and cooked a pork roast in the crockpot. TH went on to bed and I stayed up hanging out with TK for a while. So overall not a horribly unproductive day. I didn't even try to go drive though :-(

Sunday I slept kinda late and when I woke up TH and TK were gone. They went by TH's work to check on something and did a little running around. They got home and we hung out for a while, ate some dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck, then TH went on to bed and TK and I played for a while. My thumb was still pretty sore and swollen but I was at least able to use it some. So yay, lol.

Monday TK and I woke up pretty early and went to go take care of the kitties. Someone needed the day off so we filled in for them :-) While we were at Petsmart we bought a small aquarium for TK's room! Got home and set it all up, hung out for a while and played some COD until TH got home, then the cat lady texted me and said she had a female Siamese looking kitten and wanted to know if we wanted to meet her at the store later to look at it. We said yep, lol. So I took a quick nap then TH and I went to meet the kitty. Long story short, there's a little fuzzy white kitten running around my house right now. She's sooooo cute and sooooo sweet! And if for some reason we figure out in the next couple of days that she's not going to work out, we can take her back so she can get adopted. But I think she's going to fit in just fine. When I left for work she was already running around playing with one of the others :-)

So let's see. When Gamestope opens tomorrow at 10:00 TK and I need to be there to get our free poster for buying the season pass. We also need to go back by Petsmart and buy some fish for his new little aquarium. Oh, and play the new map pack and sleep at some point. So I'll probably be a little tired tomorrow night. Sigh, lol.

Noms for the weekend: FridaySaturdaySunday and Monday. Suck it, lol.

Song: Pentatonix - Royals (Cover). Random YouTube shuffle this time.

Best thing: New kitty!!

Worst thing: Stupid cat bite >:-(


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