Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12

Monday night, back at work. It's not quite as cold tonight as it has been but it's damp and windy so being outside for too long isn't super fun. Luckily though it's pretty slow here at work so I can kinda hang out inside for the most part.

So let's see. Stopped by Starbucks on the way home Friday morning for some coffee. Yay for gift cards, lol. Woke TK up when I got home and we went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there then stopped by Target to look at toys and pick up a couple of grocery type things. Got home and played a little GTA V then helped TK with some of his schoolwork. TH got home and we made frozen pizzas for dinner and watched Predator for movie night. He went on to bed and TK and I stayed up pretty late playing. There was a Winter Storm Advisory most of the afternoon and overnight but it never really did anything serious in our part of town. It was cold and we got a little bit of sleet but nothing really stuck. They did go ahead and pretreat some of the overpasses, and there were a few wrecks overnight because of icy roads so I'm glad I didn't end up driving. Plus I was tired, lol.

Saturday we got up kinda early and made some breakfast, hung out for a while drinking coffee, then put the shelves up in TK's room. They look freaking awesome!! That actually ended up taking most of the day though, lol. Finished up with that and had leftovers for dinner, watched Predator 2 for movie night, then TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while.

Sunday we slept a little later, did some cleaning and laundry, and I hung out with TH and TK for a while. Played a little GTA V with TK while TH watched a movie, then he went to take a nap and I helped TK with some more schoolwork. TH woke up and decided he wanted nachos for dinner so he went to Taco Cabana, lol. We had dinner and watched Predators (the 3rd movie) for movie night, then TH went on to bed kinda early. I stayed up for a while and helped TK arrange some of the stuff on his shelves and sort through some of his Lego stuff.

Monday I woke up when TH left for work and stayed up by myself for a while, then took another nap until almost time for TH to get home. When he got home we put together TK's desk, I made some chicken and fries for dinner, then tried to take another quick nap. It didn't work very well though so I'm a little tired. Sigh. And now I'm at work.

So I got a few pictures of TK's room, and I finally remembered to get a few of the game room. Yay! We still want to put some shelves up in the game room, and TK's room needs more posters and maybe a nightstand or something. So they're not quite finished but they're soooo much cooler than they used to be :-)

TK's desk, lamp, and lava lamp :-) You can't really see it from here but the shades on the lamp are all different colors. Still need to find him a chair, so right now he's using one from the kitchen table.

One set of shelves by the window. Right now it's Minecraft dudes, apparently.

Shelves on the other side of the window. Empty for now.

Shelves and posters over the futon. These are little Halo Mega Bloks sets. I wanted to get a shot of the futon too but it was messy - covered in cats and blankets, lol.

Shelves at the end of the futon, beside the closet. Call of Duty Mega Bloks sets :-)

Game room!! Futon and posters, and two of the little footstools from the new storage ottoman in the living room :-)

Poster and some of our nerdy junk. That ugly little nightstand is probably going to be painted or replaced at some point but hey, it was free.

Soooooo shiny :-)

More posters. I don't have all of the ones I really want to get yet so some of these may not be permanent. Dunno yet.

Tadaaaa, lol.

Noms for the weekend. :-(

Song: The Airborne Toxic Event - Wishing Well. A new one (to me, at least).

Best thing: Got TK's room fixed up!!

Worst thing: Didn't drive. Again. I just haven't had the motivation :-(


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