Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29

Thursday night! Finally, lol. Not much going on again today. It's a little cooler tonight but pretty windy. Supposed to be even cooler tomorrow and then rain off and on most of the weekend. Or something like that. Dunno.

So let's see. TK was asleep when I got home this morning so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed. Got up a little after TH got home and hung out with them, helped TK with some school work, then TH and TK went to Sonic for dinner. I stayed home and played a little COD by myself :-) Hung out with them for a little bit after they got back, and now I'm at work. Super duper exciting, huh?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28

Welp, not much going on today. I managed to sleep a little more, so yay! It was really warm again today, 82 or so, but there's supposed to be a front blowing in sometime tomorrow that will drop temps back down to a little more normal. So that will be nice.

So I stopped by Walgreen's on my way home for some baby shampoo to give Amber (the new little Siamese) a bath. She's still a little ratty looking, lol. Got home and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed and randomly woke up in the middle of the day so I hung out with TK then went back to bed. Got up at 7:00 and made some pork roast/egg/spinach scramble stuff for dinner then hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work.

I'm still waiting to see if Mary Ann (the calico) needs to go to the vet. She's still stuffy sounding but she acts like she feels alright. According to the vet from the last time I took Umbra in, a lot of times upper respiratory stuff will go away on its own after a few days so as long as their appetite and activity level are fairly normal, it's usually ok to wait and see. And too, I don't really want her to get any antibiotics that she might not need. Cause that's how we end up with superbugs, y'all.

Noms for the day: MFP. Probably end up being less than that because I haven't eaten the salad yet, lol.

Song: They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople). Random shuffle :-)

Best thing: Managed to log my shit and stay on the keto track for a whole week now. Yay!

Worst thing: Had some random pissed off resident last night. Eh, fuck em all >:-(


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. I ended up going home this morning and trying to take a quick nap but it didn't really work. Sigh. Woke TK up around 9:30 and we went to Gamestop to pick up the poster, then went over to Petsmart to return the carrier that we had borrowed from the cat lady and buy some fish for TK's new little aquarium. Got home and got the fish set up and played some of the new AW map pack until TH got home. It is awesome!! Hung out with TH and TK and the kitties for a while, then went to bed around 5:30 or so. Eh, at least I have coffee, lol.

Ok so the plan for Petsmart was just to return the carrier and buy some fish. Before we went by there though TH texted me and said that if the little calico that we had almost taken home Friday was still there, we should go ahead and get her because she was soooo sweet. Well, she was and we did. So now we have a new little calico too. That brings us up to eight, and that should be all unless something happens. I might think about fostering some kittens at some point, but just until they're old enough to be fixed and adopted out. Figure though we'll wait and let things get settled down at our house first. They're actually adapting pretty well for the most part. There have been a few growls and hisses but so far nothing major. I give it a week or so and they'll all being playing and going crazy together :-) We named the little Siamese Amber after the Halo 2 ship In Amber Clad. The calico's name was Mary Ann and it seems to fit her so we're going to keep it. She does have a little bit of the sneezes so I may end up taking her to the vet too. Not sure yet.

Noms for the day: MFP.

Song: Tech N9ne, T-Pain - B.I.T.C.H.. The guy at work was listening to this when I got here tonight. I likes :-)

Best thing: Kitties!!!

Worst thing: So we bought 4 little Neon Tetras and a Ghost Shrimp for TK's little aquarium. Had the whole thing set up to run for 24 hours before we bought the fish, floated the bag in the tank to acclimate them, everything. Not an hour after we put them in all 4 of the Tetras were dead. WTF?


Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26

Monday night, back at work. It was warm today, 75 or so, and I think it's supposed to stay like this for the next couple of days. Not very cold tonight, either. And of course nice and slow here at work since all of the children have to go to school.

So let's see. TK was awake when I got home Friday morning so we got some coffee and went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there and stopped by Walmart for a couple of things then went by Gamestop and bought the Season Pass (gives you all of the map packs) for COD:AW. The first map pack comes out tomorrow!! Went back to Petsmart to, yep you guessed it, pick up a kitty. Lol. TH has been wanting a Siamese and there was one there Friday so we decided to bring it home. And that actually ended up being kind of a clusterfuck :-/ He was super cute and sweet and everything, but he was about 3 years old and had only been neutered a few months ago. After he had already learned how to spray. So of course he got home and immediately started peeing on all of the stuff that the other kitties we gave away had peed on. Sigh. I had to text the cat lady and tell her he wasn't going to work out. Hung out with TK for a while then after TH got home we went back to Petsmart and dropped the kitty off. While we were there one of the other volunteers was there cleaning up. He had let one of the super cranky kitties out and couldn't catch it to put it back in the cage. So, I helped and the little fucker clawed my arm and bit the fuck out of my thumb. So that was awesome >:-( Went home and hung out with TH, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, and had chicken for dinner. TK was already asleep and I was tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22

Finally Thursday night :-) Still cold and rainy out. Oh, and now it's windy too. So that's just freaking lovely, lol. It ended up raining most of the night last night and pretty much all day today. I think it's supposed to stop around noon or so tomorrow though so it should be a pretty weekend. And I seriously, no excuses, have to drive at least one night this weekend. Because...yeah.

So I got home this morning and TK was asleep. Chatted with TH at work for a while and went to bed kinda early. Got up around 3:00 and played a couple of games of COD with TK until TH got home, made hamburgers (burger salad, nom!) for dinner, hung out with them for a while, then took a quick nap. And now I'm at work.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21

Wednesday night! Only one more night to go and I'm done for the week. Yay :-) Pretty quiet here at work again tonight. A lot cooler and rainy though. They're calling for something like 2-3 inches of rain in some spots by the time it quits sometime Friday. So that should be fun.

So let's see. Stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning for almond milk and a couple of other things. TK was asleep when I got home so I stayed up for a little bit talking to TH at work. Went to bed around 9:00 or so and got up at 3:00. Helped TK with some more schoolwork, made wings, tater tots, and roasted veggies for dinner. Oh, and some boiled eggs. Nom :-) TH got home and we had dinner, helped TK with a little more schoolwork, hung out for a while, and now I'm at work.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 20

Welp, not much going on today. It's warmer again tonight but there's supposed to be a cold front blowing through sometime tomorrow. Then it's supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow night and Thursday. Woohoo, lol. Still nice and quiet at work, which is always nice.

So TK was asleep when I got home this morning. I chatted with TH at work for a while then went on to bed. Got up later and hung out with TH, helped TK with some more schoolwork, then took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut to pick up on my way to work, figuring I could eat a few slices and take the rest home for leftovers. When I got there to pick it up though, they handed me two pizzas instead of just one. Turns out that they were out of pan crust (which I had ordered) and they weren't sure whether I would rather have hand tossed or thin crust so they made one of each. So I ended up with a whole extra pizza :-) I brought it to work and fed everyone, lol. So that was cool.

Noms for the day: Maybe tomorrow...

Song: Lorde - Yellow Flicker Beat. A new one!

Best thing: Free random extra pizza!

Worst thing: Still all blah and crappy :-(


Monday, January 19, 2015

January 19

Monday night, back at work. It's a lot warmer tonight but not as busy. I think the last of the college kids have finally gone back to school :-) So now it should be fairly quiet around here for a while. At least until Spring Break, that is. Then I'll be back to bitching about the children every night. Guess I'd better enjoy the quiet while it lasts, lol.

So, I survived the whole weekend at my mom's house thing. Yay!! Let's see. I was kinda tired when I got off Friday morning so I went home and took a quick nap, then TK and I went to take care of the Petsmart kitties. While we were there we bought 6 little Neon Tetras to put in my fish tank here at work. They're so cute!! Ahem. Finished up there and stopped by HEB for a couple of things, went home and grabbed all of the shit we were taking to my mom's house, stopped by my work to drop off the fishies, then went up to my mom's. Hung out with her for a little bit then took her and TK to get a haircut. She didn't feel like doing anything else but she needed a couple of things from the store so we dropped her off at home and went to HEB. At like, 5:00 on Friday afternoon. Not. Fucking. Fun >:-( Went by Dominos on the way back to her house and picked up a couple of pizzas. Watched a couple of movies, ate dinner, and hung out for a while then went to bed kinda early because we were tired.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15

Thursday night, yay!! It's not as cool tonight and it's a lot busier here at work. Kinda makes you think the two are related, lol. It was warmer today, in the mid 50's, and it's supposed to get a little warmer ever day through the weekend. As long as it doesn't get too hot too early it won't be bad. So we'll see.

So I got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write. Not much going on though so oh well. Got home yesterday and TK was still awake so I hung out with him for a while and helped with some schoolwork. Went to bed kinda late and woke up before TH got home. Made some fajita type stuff from the leftover chicken, ate dinner, hung out with TH and TK for a while, then took another quick nap. When I got to work I found out that the other girl here had called in because she couldn't find a babysitter. Again ಠ_ಠ I'm kinda thinking she might not be around too much longer since she did the same thing last week, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to make it Thursday either (Spoiler alert - she didn't). So, yeah.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 13

Not much going on today. Pretty slow again at work, which is nice. It's still cool and a little damp out tonight but at least the wind has died down for now. I think tomorrow's supposed to be cold and drizzly again though, and then warm up a little bit by the weekend. Dunno for sure.

TK was awake when I got home this morning so I hung out with him for a while. Helped him sort through some more of his Lego stuff and did a little schoolwork with him. Went to bed around 11:00 or so and got up at 8:00. We still had leftover chicken so I didn't worry about cooking dinner. And now I'm at work. Soooo exciting, lol.

Noms for the day: Nope.

Song: KFaceTV - Talk Nerdy To Me. I love this :-) It's a parody of Jason Derulo's Talk Dirty To Me.

Best thing: Saw my cop buddy last night :-)

Worst thing: Just kinda eh again :-(


Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12

Monday night, back at work. It's not quite as cold tonight as it has been but it's damp and windy so being outside for too long isn't super fun. Luckily though it's pretty slow here at work so I can kinda hang out inside for the most part.

So let's see. Stopped by Starbucks on the way home Friday morning for some coffee. Yay for gift cards, lol. Woke TK up when I got home and we went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there then stopped by Target to look at toys and pick up a couple of grocery type things. Got home and played a little GTA V then helped TK with some of his schoolwork. TH got home and we made frozen pizzas for dinner and watched Predator for movie night. He went on to bed and TK and I stayed up pretty late playing. There was a Winter Storm Advisory most of the afternoon and overnight but it never really did anything serious in our part of town. It was cold and we got a little bit of sleet but nothing really stuck. They did go ahead and pretreat some of the overpasses, and there were a few wrecks overnight because of icy roads so I'm glad I didn't end up driving. Plus I was tired, lol.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8

Thursday night! Cold tonight but not nearly as bad as it was last night. When I left work this morning it was 22 with a wind chill of 16. That's...a little cool, lol. It didn't help either that one of my cop buddies came by and I stood outside for almost an hour talking to him. It was a while before I could feel my toes again :-/ They're still calling for a slight chance of icy shit in the morning, and then better chances for Friday night and Saturday night. So I guess we'll see what happens. On the bright side though it has been pretty freaking slow at work tonight. So that's something :-)

So I got home this morning and TK was asleep. Chatted with TH at work for a little bit, played a little COD by myself, then went to bed. Got up and helped TK with his schoolwork, hung out with TH after he got home, made fish and veggies for dinner, then played a little GTA V with TK until time to come to work. Yay, lol.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 7

Well, I'm tired tonight but not nearly as bad as I thought I was going to be. I woke up wayyyy too early, lol. Not horribly busy at work, which is nice. It's kinda seriously cold out here tonight though. Right now it's 29 with a wind chill of 19. They're calling for a low of like 24 by morning, with wind chills in the low to mid teens. Oh, and it's still windy as shit. So that's awesome :-/

So let's see. TK was asleep when I got home so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went on to bed. Woke up around 11:30 and TK and I went to Home Depot to get the stuff for the shelves for his room. They didn't have everything we needed in stock but we got what we could. We also went by Walmart and found a couple more posters for the game room :-) Got home and hung out for a while then made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. Oh, and some hummus. Because nom :-) TH stopped by another Home Depot on his way home to pick up the rest of the shelf stuff. So now we have everything! Ate dinner and hung out with TH for a while then tried to take another quick nap before work. It...kinda sorta worked, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP :-)

Song: Royal Blood - Figure It Out. A new one!

Best thing: Finally found the Halo poster we've been looking for!

Worst thing: I just knocked over an almost full cup of coffee on the desk. It didn't quite get to my laptop though, so at least there's that...


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6

Not much going on today. Still not as busy at work, which is always nice. Not quite as cold tonight but they're calling for a "polar cold front" to blow through sometime tomorrow. So tomorrow night will be windy and colder than shit. Awesome, lol. Oh, and we have a private security company in here doing 24 hour surveillance on a resident's house because her ex husband threatened to take their kids overseas. So...yeah. That's exciting :-/

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work then went to bed kinda early. Woke up around 1:00 or so and hung out with TK for a while, then made biscuits and potato soup stuff for dinner. I added shredded cheese and garlic to the biscuits and some chopped cauliflower, bell peppers and onion, and diced leftover ham to the soup. It was seriously nom :-) Ate dinner then hung out with TH for a little bit, took another quick nap, and now I'm at work. I'm thinking about stopping by Home Depot in the morning to get some of the stuff we need to build the shelves in TK's room. Not sure yet, though.

Noms for the day: MFP!

Song: Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Yay for tracking! And no alcohol :-)

Worst thing: Feet hurt, kinda.


Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5

Monday night, back at work. Yay. And since yesterday was my birthday, I'm a year older than I was last week. Double yay, lol. It's cold out tonight but not too bad. The college kids are still in town but high school started back today so it's a little slower than it has been. I'm just glad that all of the holiday shit is over with so everything can go back to normal for a while.

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and TK was asleep so I took a quick nap. Got up around 8:30 and we went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there then stopped by Walmart for a couple of things. Got home and played a little GTA V then started cleaning up TK's room. Holy crap was his room horrible. He had kinda cleaned it up a while back but there was still a ton of stuff under the bed, and his closet was a nightmare. I guess the biggest problem was that when we moved in he had a bunch of shit just kinda crammed in boxes and it never really got unpacked properly, so it basically just all went to shit. So we bought some storage totes at Walmart to organize things and I told him I would help him get his shit together. Talk about fun, lol. So we worked on his room until after TH got home (he had to work late again), then we decided to order pizza for dinner. Nom :-) Hung out with TH for a little while, watched an episode of Chuck for movie night, then went on to bed kinda early. It stormed for a little while overnight but nothing serious. So that was cool :-)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1

Okey dokeys then. Holy crap it is soooooo much better at work tonight!! Still kinda busy but nothing like the epic clusterfuckedness that was last night. So that's good :-) It never did ice or anything though. It was cold most of the day yesterday and the rain started this morning around 2:00 am or so. It's pretty much been like that all day today. I think it's supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow but there's still a decent chance of rain early in the day. Or something like that, lol.

So let's see. Not really much going on the last couple of days. Wednesday morning I got home and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed kinda early. Got up before TH got home and played a little GTA V with TK for a while. Hung out with TH after he got home then took another quick nap. And then went to work. And holy fucking shit it was busy :-/