Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29

Sunday night, back at work. Sigh. At least though it's relatively quiet tonight. School starts back tomorrow so all the little fuckers have to behave themselves. For like the next 2 weeks, then they're off again until after New Years. So that's going to be tons of fun...

So let's see. I got off work Friday morning and it was still raining so I got to drive home in that :-/ There wasn't much traffic at all though, which was nice. TK was awake when I got home so we hung out and played a little Destiny, cleaned up the house a little bit to get ready for Saturday, then played Fallout 4 until TH got home. Hung out with him for a while, made leftover pork roast with mashed potatoes and gravy, made the banana pudding for Saturday, then went to bed kinda early. The cold front blew through around 3:00 or so and it got cold, windy, and rainy. I was kinda glad to just stay home, lol.

Saturday morning I woke up around 4:00 or so and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and played Fallout 4 until everyone else woke up. Hung out and drank some coffee with TH, made a big batch of hummus, then TK and I drove up to pick up my mom. Got home and it was still kinda cold but the rain had pretty much stopped so we decided to go ahead and grill the chicken and pork chops. TH pretty much took care of that while everything else was being done. It was fun though, hanging out and chatting with my mom. I feel bad that it's been so long since I've been to see her :-( I think we're going to try and make this a monthly thing though. She was just happy to see us and get out of the house for a while :-) So basically we cooked all afternoon, had lunch/dinner/whatever, hung out for a while, then TH and I went to take her home. Got home and finished cleaning up the kitchen then just kinda sat around going "ehhhhhhhh" for a while and eventually went on to bed.

Sunday I got up kinda early, did some laundry, hung out with everybody, watched some football, ate leftovers, and took a quick nap before work. Woohoo, lol.

Oh and and mom gave us seriously the best Christmas present ever. Of all time. Tadaaa!! She said she originally ordered it for herself since she needed a new coffee pot but once it showed up she decided it was too big and too complicated so she figured we would enjoy it and just ordered another, smaller one for herself. She said she got a really good deal on it, plus it came with a shit-ton of little pods and a refillable pod thingie so you can use your own coffee. I never would have bought one, but holy shit is it awesome. TK has made about 4 cups of the hot chocolate since last night. TH tried one of the little flavor pods and I made a cup with the refillable pod to bring to work with me tonight. I would never have made a pot of coffee just to take some to work, but now I can make a cup every night :-) We'll probably use up the little pods it came with but I really don't see us buying any more since we're not really into flavored coffees and shit. That's what my little syrups are for, lol. Plus holy crap they're expensive! But I do like the refillable pod thingie. So's awesome :-)

Noms for the days: Nope nope nope.

Best thing: Nice little Thanksgiving thingie!

Worst thing: Kinda tired tonight :-/


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