Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19

Thursday night! Yay :-) So let's see. Not really much going on this week. I got home Monday morning and TK was asleep so I just hung out for a while then went on to bed. Monday night it rained off and on all night then about an hour before I got off work the cold front blew through. It got cold and windy and stormed its ass off. So that kinda sucked. TK was up when I got home so we played a little Destiny. The rain quit later in the morning so by the time I left for work Tuesday night it was kinda really cool out. Felt good though :-) Wednesday morning TK was awake again (and it wasn't raining) so we went by HEB to buy the rest of the stupid little stuffed snakes. Cause they're sooooo cute, lol. Got home and hung out for a while then went to bed kinda late. Thursday morning he was asleep so I stayed up for a while and watched another season of Red vs. Blue. Went to bed kinda late so I'm a little tired tonight. Not too bad though. We had leftover pork rib thingies from last weekend so we pretty much ate leftover type things all week. Nom :-)

So I've been talking to my mom and she's been all upset because my brother was supposed to figure out what to do about my dad's ashes and he never has. I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself here though. Ok so apparently my dad was living in some random nursing home in a neighboring state when he died. The funeral home there picked him up and he had enough money in his little nursing home account (or whatever) to pay for a cremation. So that's what they did. We were going to try and see if they would ship the remains here so we didn't have to drive to the neighboring state to pick them up but they didn't want to do that. Apparently though the owner of that funeral home also runs a couple in my state, and the closest one is about a 2 hour drive away. So when he came to do his little monthly check-up visit or whatever, he brought them with him. So they've been sitting there for like a month and a half. My brother was originally supposed to handle it but just kinda played fuckalong with it. Then my sister said she would do it because it was sooooo important to her that he have a real funeral and all that shit. In theory, since he was a veteran, he should be eligible for everything that goes along with that but we don't have any of the paperwork that we need or any easy way to get ahold of it so that was slowing things down too. So basically nobody was doing shit. And I know my mom has been stressing herself out over all of this and it's just not good for her. So I finally got the phone # of the lady at the funeral home who has been handling everything and called her yesterday. Now I'm gonna get off in the morning and make the 2 hour drive up there to pick them up just to fucking get it over with. Yee-fucking-haw...

So, yeah. And then it's the weekend, finally. It's supposed to be rainy and cold starting Saturday morning so it'll be a good weekend to just kinda hibernate. At least until Sunday night when it alllll starts again :-P

Noms for the days: Not great, but...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Song: Weezer - Thank God For Girls. A new one :-)

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: There was a big wreck on my way into the neighborhood where I work. I ended up sitting in traffic for a while then had to take the long way around :-(

Le sigh.

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