Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2

Hey, check it out...2 in a row! So I totally forgot about this last night but when I went out to leave for work I discovered that my car had a flat tire. Like, a seriously flat tire. My tire pressure light had come on last Thursday or so and I kept meaning to get it checked out but never did. So yeah. Super flat. Luckily it was Sunday night so I was able to just take TH's car instead of having to mess with changing it. A while back TH's schedule got changed a little bit so that on Monday mornings he goes in at 9:30 instead of 6:30 like the rest of the week. It was all confusing and shit but something to do with being able to stay late a couple of days when they didn't have anyone else to work without it being overtime. Or something like that. So since I would be home before he had to go to work I just took his car. Got home this morning and tried to just air it up to drive it over to the tire place but apparently it was seriously fucked so I had to change it. Le sigh. TH went on to work and when he got off he came by to get my car and take it to the tire place. Cause he's awesome :-) So the good news is that we ended up putting a whole new set of tires on it. Which it really needed since it's a 2011 with like 55,000 miles and those are the original tires. The bad news is...holy fucking shit tires got expensive! They were "only" about $80 each but out the door was about $525! I did get the road hazard/replacement warranty thing though so if they crap out I can get them replaced. So yay?

Oh yeah, so we've been watching football this season! We used to watch it all the time but the last couple of years we just kinda got away from it. So that's what TH and I (and sometimes TK) do on Sundays now :-)

So other than that, not really much going on. I threw some split chicken breast in the crockpot this morning and made some rice to go with it for dinner tonight. I ended up staying up until like noon today so I'm a little tired tonight. Not too bad though. We took down a few of the Halloween decorations but the giant spider was still pretty wet. Hopefully he'll be dry enough to take down tomorrow because it's supposed to start raining again sometime Wednesday or Thursday and rain all weekend. Again, lol. So we'll see...

Noms for the day: MFP. Yay, lol.

Song: Fall Out Boy - Uma Thurman. A new one :-)

Best thing: Yay for new tires!!

Worst thing: Boo for new tires being so expensive!!


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