Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15

Lol ok so I guess I didn't write Wednesday or Thursday night. So let's see. I got home Wednesday morning and TK was asleep on the couch so I kinda poked him and we thought about going to do some of our running around but he was tired and I was tired and it was all humid and gross out since the front hadn't moved through yet so we just said fuck it, lol. I went to bed a little early and got up after TH got home. Hung out with them for a while, had leftovers for dinner, then went to work. By then the front had moved through and we never really got any rain but it had cooled down a lot. So that was nice :-)

Wednesday night at work was quiet. Got home Thursday morning and TK was awake so we went to Walmart to pick up a couple of things then went by the DPS office to get his ID card. We got there right after they opened and there was already a huge line because they were having computer problems. So since I had to work that night and didn't want to sit there all freaking day we said fuck it and left. Got home and played some Destiny for a while, went to bed kinda late, and slept til almost time to go to work. Sonic was doing buy one, get one free wings so TH stopped by there on his way home and picked some up. Nom :-)

Work Thursday night was uneventful, as usual. Got home and TK was asleep so I waited and woke him up around 7:15 or so. We had a coupon for a buy one, get one free breakfast burrito at Jack in the Box so we stopped and grabbed some breakfast then went over to the DPS office. They had gotten their shit together because we were only there about an hour. So now TK has an official state ID card! Well, once he gets it in the mail. For now he has a temporary paper copy. But still :-) Finished up there then went by HEB for a few grocery things and stuff to make TK's birthday cake. While we were there we found a huge bin of stuffed animals. He found this ridiculously adorable stuffed snake that we just had to get. It's about 3 feet long or so and they had like 5 different colors. He chose the purple one, lol. After we got it home we decided that it was so cute we're going to have to go back and get one in each color, lol. Anyway, we did our grocery shopping, took everything by the house, then went to the mall and spent like 3 hours just walking around fucking off. It was actually pretty fun! Went home after that and played some Destiny until TH got home, made nachos for dinner and watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then I went on to bed kinda early.

Saturday morning I actually woke up around 3 am and couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and TK was crashed out on the couch. He woke up when I started making noise and stuff so we decided to go ahead and make his birthday cake. Well, he actually decided on birthday brownies, lol. So we made 2 pans of brownies. One just plain chocolate with chocolate frosting, and the other his choice - chocolate brownies with peanut butter chips mixed in, then chocolate frosting, whoppers, and these little mustache decorations on top. It was...special, lol. Played some Destiny until TH got up, hung out with him for a while, then went back and played some more while he did some math homework. TK decided he wanted Dominos pizza for his birthday dinner so we ordered a couple of pizzas and some of their little specialty chicken thingies. The pizza was pretty good but the chicken was just meh. After it showed up we kinda split up and everyone went off to do their own thing. I ended up watching part of a movie while I ate then went on to bed.

Sunday I woke up in the middle of the night again but nobody else got up so I just kinda sat around by myself for a few hours fucking around online. Went back to bed for a little bit then got up around 9:00 or so. Hung out with TH for a little bit and we started grilling. We had kinda planned on doing it Saturday but it rained off and on all day so whatever. We had some garlic and pepper jack sausage, some jalapeno cheddar meatballs, and some pork ribs that had been marinating since Friday. And it all turned out awesome! I made some macaroni and cheese to go with it and we watched football until about 5:30. I took a quick nap before work and now here I am. Woohoo, lol. I'm thinking that if TK is awake in the morning we may go back over to HEB and get the rest of the little snakey guys. Cause they are seriously adorable XD

Ok soooooo...Saturday morning I found a post on the little neighborhood list thingie from a lady looking for a new home for her 2 guinea pigs. She said they were about 4 years old, healthy, friendly, and all that good stuff. She just didn't have time to take care of them or whatever. She was even going to include their cage, some food, litter, hay...pretty much everything you would need. I emailed her back and, (do I even need to say it?) now we have a set of guinea pigs. And they are SOOOOOO FREAKING CUTE AND SWEET I CAN'T EVEN STAND IT!!!!! Ahem. We had some a long time ago, but we ended up giving them away because I just didn't want to fuck with them anymore. Of course that was during the...dark times, shall we say, when I really just didn't want to fuck with anything anymore. I'm all good now though :-) We've already held them and played with them and the kitties have had a chance to watch them. They don't know what to think, lol. We've got them set up in the gameroom but we pulled the cage out into the living room while we were hanging out watching football. That way they get to watch us and feel like part of the family :-) We are going to make sure the gameroom door stays closed if there's no one in there though just to make sure the cats can't mess with them. It's a big, nice sturdy cage though (similar to this) so they would probably be alright. I just don't want to risk it...

Hmmmm, what else? There's supposed to be another front coming through tomorrow afternoon/evening that's supposed to kick up some storms and shit. They're saying there might even be some severe stuff :-/ I really hope not though. Just a little rain then nice and cool would be just fine.

Noms for the weekend and stuff: Um, yes and no... MFP Wednesday and Thursday, but then Friday-Sunday were a little fucked up. So, oops.

Song: Eagles of Death Metal - Silverlake :-(

Best thing: GUINEA PIGS!!!!!!!

Worst thing: So on Friday night this happened in Paris. I don't really know what to say except that it's really, really fucked up :-(

Yep yep yep.

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