Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1

Wow. Ok I kinda hadn't realized it had been quite this long since I had written anything. So, yeah. We're all still alive and well and all that good stuff, so yay! TH's birthday was in September so we made him some birthday brownies and bought him a couple of little stuffed Star Wars critters. We just did Halloween last night and that was a lot of fun. Yay for sitting on the porch with vodka gummy bears handing out candy! Um, let's see. We played the betas for the new Gears of War, Black Ops 3, Star Wars Battlefront, and it seems like there was something else but I don't remember. They were all pretty entertaining. Halo 5 came out October 27th so we bought that and we've been playing it a little bit. A new expansion for Destiny came out September 15th and that's been tons of fun. Black Ops 3 comes out next Friday (the 6th) and as long as Target doesn't fuck anything up, I have the Juggernog Edition preordered. So that's gonna be freaking awesome! It's rained its ass off for the last 2 weekends, making this the wettest October we've had in like, forever. We ended up with just over 8" at the house each time. And they're calling for more rain next weekend. Lol, it's either drought or flood here. We've had like 5 new people at work in the last couple of months. They keep getting hired, lasting like a week, and quitting. So we've been super shorthanded which means lots of overtime. Like, LOTS of overtime. I think I've had 3 stretches of 12 days straight. So I'm kinda tired. The paychecks have been awesome, though :-) Oh, and my boss buddy quit to move back home :-( I still talk to him and we play together and everything but I kinda hated to see him go. The guy who took over as boss is nice enough though so it's not too bad. Hmmm. I'm still (mostly) on my meds and doing alright. Yay! Can't seem to really keep it together with the tracking and trying to lose weight though. I'll do great for a while and then it just kinda falls apart. Le sigh. I'll get there eventually...

Ok well, giant wall of text but whatever. So now all I need to do is make sure I don't wait another 2 months to write again, huh? Yeehaw.

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