Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10

Sooooo, let's see. Not really much going on yesterday so I wasn't too bummed when I didn't get a chance to write. I got home Monday morning and TK was asleep so I hung out and chatted with TH for a while before he went to work (because he goes in late on Monday mornings), watched a little Hulu, then went to bed kinda early. Got up earlyish and hung out with TH and TK until time for work. I had kinda planned on fixing something for dinner but they both ate chili before I got up so fuck em, lol. I still had leftover pizza from Sunday :-P Work was nice and boring and uneventful, which is always nice :-)

This morning I stopped by Walgreen's on my way home to pick up my medicine. Cause drugs are good, mmmkay? XD Got home and TK was asleep again so I chatted with TH at work for a while, cleaned up the kitchen, and went to bed around 10:00 or so. Got up at like 6 and made some macaroni and cheese to go with the last of the leftover chicken for dinner. Nom :-) Hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work and now I'm here. Yeehaw, lol.

So tomorrow morning TK and I were planning on going by Walmart to pick up a couple of things, then going to the DPS office to get him a state ID card (since he doesn't have a drivers license yet). Monday is his 16th birthday!!!! and he's ready to start applying for jobs. I forgot though that tomorrow is Veterans Day and everything will be closed. So....yeah. We'll probably still get out and fart around though. I dunno yet.

Ok so...some pics!

The Juggernog fridge in all its awesomeness! Still need to find a place for it in the gameroom but for now, here it sits :-) Oh, and we can't forget the fabulous kitty cat wine bottle collection. I really need to get a pic of all of them together...

And a bonus pic of the new neighbor's kitty. This is Chloe, and she's a sweetie :-)

Noms for the day: Monday, Tuesday.

Song: Hum - Stars. Totally random, lol.

Best thing: Got our Juggernog edition of BO3 yesterday! It is beyond awesome :-)

Worst thing: Little bit of a headache tonight. Not too bad though.

Okey dokeys then.

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