Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26

Yeehaw. So it's Thursday night. yay! It's also Thanksgiving, so meh. TH and I both work and all that shit so basically it's just another day. A day that everyone else is off which means that it has been busier than fucking dog shit at work. Sigh. But it's Thursday night, so I'm almost done for the week! And then this Saturday is *our* Thanksgiving. My mom's coming over and we're gonna cook a bunch of shit and it's gonna be fun :-) We bought some chicken breast and pork chops and we had originally thought about grilling them but it's supposed to be cold and rainy. So, maybe not, lol. We'll just have to see.

Ok so, not really much going on this past week. Tuesday morning TK and I started playing Fallout 4 and yeah, I can totally see how people get sucked into it. I likes :-) Wednesday morning I got home and we went to Walmart early to get the stuff we're going to need for this weekend. This morning TK was asleep when I got home but TH was home because he worked a later shift so I hung out with him for a while then went to bed kinda late. I didn't sleep very well for some reason though :-/ Got up around 4:00 or so and hung out with TK for a while then took another quick nap before work. I'm still pretty tired though :-(

So it started raining off and on Wednesday night and it's supposed to continue until like Sunday or something. There's a cold front coming through Friday afternoon/evening that's supposed to kick off some serious rain and storms. Right now they're talking about the same kind of storms and flooding and shit we got back before Halloween. I really hope not though, mostly because I want my mom to be able to come over and if the weather's too bad she won't want to get out and I won't want to drive in it. So, fingers crossed, lol.

Yeah so that's pretty much it. Super duper exciting, huh?

Noms for the days: Yeah, no.

Song: Nine Inch Nails - Somewhat Damaged. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Thursday night!!

Worst thing: Tiiiiiiired :-(


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