Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 31

New Years Fucking Eve. Holy shit I had forgotten how fucking busy it is at work on New Years Eve. Le sigh. But it'll be over soon, and it's Thursday night, so yay for the weekend! I know I haven't written in like 2 weeks but I've just been kinda blah. Plus work is busy since all of the kids are home from school so it's been hard to find the time. But everyone's good, Christmas was cool, and so on and so on. I'll get into more detail later, lol. Just figured it would be super lame not to write anything at all tonight. Since it is, you know, the last day of 2015...

So woohoo and hooray.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20

So, yeah. I'm still alive and all that shit. Just been busy and stuff. Or whatever, lol. Not really too much going on though. Mostly just work, sleep, hanging out...the usual. This past Saturday (the 19th) my mom came over and we did our little Christmas thing with her. We didn't cook a big dinner or anything though. She made a couple of mexican casserole type thingies and we made chocolate pies. So that was good :-) We did our stockings and stuff with her and gave her the Christmas present we had bought. We got her an Amazon Fire TV Stick so she can watch Hulu and Netflix and all that shit on her TV. She was quite excited :-) Then next Friday is Christmas so after TH gets home from work we'll do our little thing with presents and all that. I really hope everyone likes what they're getting!

Oh yeah. So TK doesn't work at Target anymore. Le sigh. He made it 3 or 4 days and then just couldn't handle it anymore. I guess it was just too big and busy and stressful and shit. He doesn't do well with stressful :-/ So he's been looking around for something else. Hopefully he can find something that will work out alright...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 10

Thursday night again! Holy shit finally, lol. It has been a long-ass week. And I just realized that somehow I haven't managed to write at all this week. So, yeah. Oops.

Ok so let's see. Last Friday morning I got off work and TK and I went by Walmart to pick up a few things then I dropped him off at Target for his orientation! It was supposed to be from 10-1:30 so I ran a few errands while he was there. I went to Sam's, stopped by HEB for a few things, then went home and wrapped some Christmas presents and stuff. Headed back to Target to pick him up and after waiting for a little bit he texted and said they wanted him to stay for cashier training. Ok fine. I headed home and since he would be done about the time TH would get off work, I asked TH to pick him up. I had literally just walked in the door at the house when he texted me back saying it had been canceled and he was ready to go. So, I went back to Target (again) and picked him up. Got home and played a little Fallout until TH got home, then we got to go downtown to the main transit office to get TK an ID card that shows he's eligible for the student rate bus fare. You know, since he doesn't have a student ID and shit, lol. We also went ahead and bought a month-long bus pass at the reduced rate. Unlimited rides for $31 a month. It sounds crazy but I hadn't realized how expensive the buses had gotten. I think it's like $3 a trip now for adults! Stopped by Pizza Hut on the way home because that sounded really, really good. Got home and hung out for a while then went on to bed.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 3

Holy shit, it is finally Thursday night! Not really much going on this week, oh except that TK went for an interview this morning and GOT A FREAKING JOB!!! Ahem. So Tuesday he filled out an application for seasonal work at Target and Wednesday they called him back wanting him to come in for an interview this morning. At freaking 10:00, which kinda sucked because sleeeeep. Ah well, that's what Monsters are for, lol. So this morning we left the house kinda early and stopped by Walmart to kill some time, then went and wandered around Target until time for his interview. Apparently they had quite a few people come in because we were there for freaking ever. But he got it!! He's going to be a cashier/cart attendant/whatever they tell him to do, lol. They wanted him to come back in for orientation tomorrow morning so we scrambled around trying to find a uniform and stuff. It was kind of a pain in the ass but we did it, so he's all set to "start" tomorrow morning! He is super excited (and kinda nervous) but I think he'll be fine. I am so proud of him :-) The really cool thing is that since he's homeschooled he can pretty much work whenever they want him to. So it's only considered a seasonal job (through January), but if it works out and they like him there's a chance he could stay on as a regular employee. If nothing else this will give him a couple of months to work, make a little money, get some experience, and have something to show as work history. So yay :-) The only thing that's kinda fucked is that his starting pay is $.50 less per hour than I'm making right now, and I've had this job for like 6 years...

It's all good, though. So he goes for orientation tomorrow, then we need to set him up a bank account and see about getting him a buss pass and stuff so he can get to work. He picked a store that's a pretty easy little bus ride away, which was smart. I'm a little nervous about him getting out and doing all that by himself because there are freaking crazy people everywhere, but I know he has to grow up sometime. Sigh, lol.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29

Sunday night, back at work. Sigh. At least though it's relatively quiet tonight. School starts back tomorrow so all the little fuckers have to behave themselves. For like the next 2 weeks, then they're off again until after New Years. So that's going to be tons of fun...

So let's see. I got off work Friday morning and it was still raining so I got to drive home in that :-/ There wasn't much traffic at all though, which was nice. TK was awake when I got home so we hung out and played a little Destiny, cleaned up the house a little bit to get ready for Saturday, then played Fallout 4 until TH got home. Hung out with him for a while, made leftover pork roast with mashed potatoes and gravy, made the banana pudding for Saturday, then went to bed kinda early. The cold front blew through around 3:00 or so and it got cold, windy, and rainy. I was kinda glad to just stay home, lol.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26

Yeehaw. So it's Thursday night. yay! It's also Thanksgiving, so meh. TH and I both work and all that shit so basically it's just another day. A day that everyone else is off which means that it has been busier than fucking dog shit at work. Sigh. But it's Thursday night, so I'm almost done for the week! And then this Saturday is *our* Thanksgiving. My mom's coming over and we're gonna cook a bunch of shit and it's gonna be fun :-) We bought some chicken breast and pork chops and we had originally thought about grilling them but it's supposed to be cold and rainy. So, maybe not, lol. We'll just have to see.

Ok so, not really much going on this past week. Tuesday morning TK and I started playing Fallout 4 and yeah, I can totally see how people get sucked into it. I likes :-) Wednesday morning I got home and we went to Walmart early to get the stuff we're going to need for this weekend. This morning TK was asleep when I got home but TH was home because he worked a later shift so I hung out with him for a while then went to bed kinda late. I didn't sleep very well for some reason though :-/ Got up around 4:00 or so and hung out with TK for a while then took another quick nap before work. I'm still pretty tired though :-(

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23

Monday night, yay. Didn't really get a chance to write last night. Dunno why, either. It wasn't particularly busy or anything, I just...didn't, lol. So yeah, There's that.

So let's see. I got off Friday morning and picked TK up from TH's work and we drove up to the funeral home to pick up my dad's ashes. The little road trip itself was nice but everything else was kinda depressing. Got back into town and went by the house to drop everything off then went to Gamestop to return our extra copy of Halo 5. We had every intention of just returning it for cash but at the last minute we decided to go ahead and pick up Fallout 4. I blame peer pressure, lol. The one guy here at work and like half the people in our clan keep talking about how freaking awesome it is. So, yeah. Went by Target to look at toys and stuff, then stopped at HEB and picked up a few grocery type things. Got home and played some Destiny until TH got home, hung out with him for a while and had leftover type things for dinner, then went to bed.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19

Thursday night! Yay :-) So let's see. Not really much going on this week. I got home Monday morning and TK was asleep so I just hung out for a while then went on to bed. Monday night it rained off and on all night then about an hour before I got off work the cold front blew through. It got cold and windy and stormed its ass off. So that kinda sucked. TK was up when I got home so we played a little Destiny. The rain quit later in the morning so by the time I left for work Tuesday night it was kinda really cool out. Felt good though :-) Wednesday morning TK was awake again (and it wasn't raining) so we went by HEB to buy the rest of the stupid little stuffed snakes. Cause they're sooooo cute, lol. Got home and hung out for a while then went to bed kinda late. Thursday morning he was asleep so I stayed up for a while and watched another season of Red vs. Blue. Went to bed kinda late so I'm a little tired tonight. Not too bad though. We had leftover pork rib thingies from last weekend so we pretty much ate leftover type things all week. Nom :-)

So I've been talking to my mom and she's been all upset because my brother was supposed to figure out what to do about my dad's ashes and he never has. I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself here though. Ok so apparently my dad was living in some random nursing home in a neighboring state when he died. The funeral home there picked him up and he had enough money in his little nursing home account (or whatever) to pay for a cremation. So that's what they did. We were going to try and see if they would ship the remains here so we didn't have to drive to the neighboring state to pick them up but they didn't want to do that. Apparently though the owner of that funeral home also runs a couple in my state, and the closest one is about a 2 hour drive away. So when he came to do his little monthly check-up visit or whatever, he brought them with him. So they've been sitting there for like a month and a half. My brother was originally supposed to handle it but just kinda played fuckalong with it. Then my sister said she would do it because it was sooooo important to her that he have a real funeral and all that shit. In theory, since he was a veteran, he should be eligible for everything that goes along with that but we don't have any of the paperwork that we need or any easy way to get ahold of it so that was slowing things down too. So basically nobody was doing shit. And I know my mom has been stressing herself out over all of this and it's just not good for her. So I finally got the phone # of the lady at the funeral home who has been handling everything and called her yesterday. Now I'm gonna get off in the morning and make the 2 hour drive up there to pick them up just to fucking get it over with. Yee-fucking-haw...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15

Lol ok so I guess I didn't write Wednesday or Thursday night. So let's see. I got home Wednesday morning and TK was asleep on the couch so I kinda poked him and we thought about going to do some of our running around but he was tired and I was tired and it was all humid and gross out since the front hadn't moved through yet so we just said fuck it, lol. I went to bed a little early and got up after TH got home. Hung out with them for a while, had leftovers for dinner, then went to work. By then the front had moved through and we never really got any rain but it had cooled down a lot. So that was nice :-)

Wednesday night at work was quiet. Got home Thursday morning and TK was awake so we went to Walmart to pick up a couple of things then went by the DPS office to get his ID card. We got there right after they opened and there was already a huge line because they were having computer problems. So since I had to work that night and didn't want to sit there all freaking day we said fuck it and left. Got home and played some Destiny for a while, went to bed kinda late, and slept til almost time to go to work. Sonic was doing buy one, get one free wings so TH stopped by there on his way home and picked some up. Nom :-)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10

Sooooo, let's see. Not really much going on yesterday so I wasn't too bummed when I didn't get a chance to write. I got home Monday morning and TK was asleep so I hung out and chatted with TH for a while before he went to work (because he goes in late on Monday mornings), watched a little Hulu, then went to bed kinda early. Got up earlyish and hung out with TH and TK until time for work. I had kinda planned on fixing something for dinner but they both ate chili before I got up so fuck em, lol. I still had leftover pizza from Sunday :-P Work was nice and boring and uneventful, which is always nice :-)

This morning I stopped by Walgreen's on my way home to pick up my medicine. Cause drugs are good, mmmkay? XD Got home and TK was asleep again so I chatted with TH at work for a while, cleaned up the kitchen, and went to bed around 10:00 or so. Got up at like 6 and made some macaroni and cheese to go with the last of the leftover chicken for dinner. Nom :-) Hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work and now I'm here. Yeehaw, lol.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 8

Sunday night, back at work. Yay, lol. It's nice and cool out tonight :-) It kinda rained off and on Friday and Saturday but it's pretty much all dried out by now. We never did get the serious stuff like they were calling for but that's cool. I wasn't really ready for another round of hiding out in the bathroom with 7 nervous cats anyway, lol.

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and TK and I started on the Black Ops 3 campaign. We only made it through the first 4 or 5 missions but so far I'm liking it. We were pretty tired after that so we took a nap and TH woke us up when he got home. Made wings and fries for dinner, watched the newest Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then hung out with TH until he went to bed. Hopped on and played a little Destiny with a couple of our clan buddies and went to bed around 3:00 or so.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5

Okey dokeys. Nothing really going on yesterday so I didn't bother writing. Basically just went home Wednesday morning and hung out for a while, went to bed, got up kinda early and played a little more of the Halo 5 campaign with TK, then came to work. We had leftover chicken and rice stuff so I didn't bother cooking. So that was super duper exciting, lol.

Last night at work though, was kinda interesting. It rained off and on all night but never really got heavy or anything. There was one little thunderstorm right before I got off work so I got to drive home in a little bit of a mess. That was fun, lol. Oh, and I found a freaking rattlesnake! I walked outside and it was just...sitting there. It wasn't very big but it was a little freaky, lol. I called my buddy up at the clubhouse and he came down and helped me move it. We ended up flipping it over into a box with a coathanger and tossing it out into the woods. So that was my excitement for the night :-)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3

So, not much going on today. Got home and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH for a while then went to bed. Got up around 4:00 or so, made some banana bread, hung out with TH for a while, then took another quick nap before work. And now I'm here, lol. We still had leftover chicken so we had that for dinner. If I have the stuff for it I might make an enchilada casserole with some of it for tomorrow night. Just need to poke around in the pantry and see what all's in there, lol.

It was super foggy Monday and Tuesday morning and they're calling for more of the same in the morning. Definitely makes the drive home interesting :-/ Right now I think it's supposed to start raining either Wednesday night or Thursday morning and it looks like it's gonna be more of what we got last weekend. So this should be fun...

Noms for the day: MFP.

Song: Cowboy Mouth - Jenny Says. I likes :-)

Best thing: So yesterday was another chance to get the Black Spindle in Destiny but I didn't have a chance to do it. TK took my guy in and got it for me :-)

Worst thing: Ok so I had to change my tire yesterday, right? Well now I am so freaking sore it's not even funny. It was a bitch and a half to get the lug nuts broken loose >:-(


Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2

Hey, check it out...2 in a row! So I totally forgot about this last night but when I went out to leave for work I discovered that my car had a flat tire. Like, a seriously flat tire. My tire pressure light had come on last Thursday or so and I kept meaning to get it checked out but never did. So yeah. Super flat. Luckily it was Sunday night so I was able to just take TH's car instead of having to mess with changing it. A while back TH's schedule got changed a little bit so that on Monday mornings he goes in at 9:30 instead of 6:30 like the rest of the week. It was all confusing and shit but something to do with being able to stay late a couple of days when they didn't have anyone else to work without it being overtime. Or something like that. So since I would be home before he had to go to work I just took his car. Got home this morning and tried to just air it up to drive it over to the tire place but apparently it was seriously fucked so I had to change it. Le sigh. TH went on to work and when he got off he came by to get my car and take it to the tire place. Cause he's awesome :-) So the good news is that we ended up putting a whole new set of tires on it. Which it really needed since it's a 2011 with like 55,000 miles and those are the original tires. The bad news is...holy fucking shit tires got expensive! They were "only" about $80 each but out the door was about $525! I did get the road hazard/replacement warranty thing though so if they crap out I can get them replaced. So yay?

Oh yeah, so we've been watching football this season! We used to watch it all the time but the last couple of years we just kinda got away from it. So that's what TH and I (and sometimes TK) do on Sundays now :-)

So other than that, not really much going on. I threw some split chicken breast in the crockpot this morning and made some rice to go with it for dinner tonight. I ended up staying up until like noon today so I'm a little tired tonight. Not too bad though. We took down a few of the Halloween decorations but the giant spider was still pretty wet. Hopefully he'll be dry enough to take down tomorrow because it's supposed to start raining again sometime Wednesday or Thursday and rain all weekend. Again, lol. So we'll see...

Noms for the day: MFP. Yay, lol.

Song: Fall Out Boy - Uma Thurman. A new one :-)

Best thing: Yay for new tires!!

Worst thing: Boo for new tires being so expensive!!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1

Wow. Ok I kinda hadn't realized it had been quite this long since I had written anything. So, yeah. We're all still alive and well and all that good stuff, so yay! TH's birthday was in September so we made him some birthday brownies and bought him a couple of little stuffed Star Wars critters. We just did Halloween last night and that was a lot of fun. Yay for sitting on the porch with vodka gummy bears handing out candy! Um, let's see. We played the betas for the new Gears of War, Black Ops 3, Star Wars Battlefront, and it seems like there was something else but I don't remember. They were all pretty entertaining. Halo 5 came out October 27th so we bought that and we've been playing it a little bit. A new expansion for Destiny came out September 15th and that's been tons of fun. Black Ops 3 comes out next Friday (the 6th) and as long as Target doesn't fuck anything up, I have the Juggernog Edition preordered. So that's gonna be freaking awesome! It's rained its ass off for the last 2 weekends, making this the wettest October we've had in like, forever. We ended up with just over 8" at the house each time. And they're calling for more rain next weekend. Lol, it's either drought or flood here. We've had like 5 new people at work in the last couple of months. They keep getting hired, lasting like a week, and quitting. So we've been super shorthanded which means lots of overtime. Like, LOTS of overtime. I think I've had 3 stretches of 12 days straight. So I'm kinda tired. The paychecks have been awesome, though :-) Oh, and my boss buddy quit to move back home :-( I still talk to him and we play together and everything but I kinda hated to see him go. The guy who took over as boss is nice enough though so it's not too bad. Hmmm. I'm still (mostly) on my meds and doing alright. Yay! Can't seem to really keep it together with the tracking and trying to lose weight though. I'll do great for a while and then it just kinda falls apart. Le sigh. I'll get there eventually...

Ok well, giant wall of text but whatever. So now all I need to do is make sure I don't wait another 2 months to write again, huh? Yeehaw.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30

Welp, still alive over here. Still (mostly) tracking stuff on MFP and doing alright. Just really haven't had much to say lately. TK started school last week. We're doing a slightly more relaxed version of the online stuff that we did last year. So far it seems to be going well. There was a big stink or whatever for a little while about what to do with my dad. We finally just decided on doing the cremation and having his ashes sent here. We still need to figure out if we're doing some kind of service or whatever but I guess we'll just wait and see what happens. So, yeah. That's pretty much it...

Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 9

So, I found out Friday afternoon that my dad died one day last week. And I really don't know how I feel about it...

He had been living off by himself in a different state for the last 10 years or so, ever since my mom got tired of his shit and moved out here with us. He showed up here a few years ago and stirred up all kinds of shit but then just kinda dropped off the radar. Nobody has heard anything from him since, so we really didn't even know if he was still around or not. Then the nursing home that he ended up in called the other day to tell us that he was gone. So, yeah...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

August 2

Sunday night, back at work. And holy crap somehow it's August already! That means there's only about 3 weeks until these little fuckers here at work go back to school and it calms down a little bit. I seriously cannot wait. We also need to figure out for sure what we're doing about school for TK. I definitely don't want to send him back to public school since the school district here is a joke. Last year we tried an online charter school but actually ended up pulling him out towards the end of the year because there was still just too much bs. I'm thinking about looking around at some of the homeschool curriculum to see what all is available. I dunno. We've got a few weeks to think about it.

So let's see. Last week was pretty much work, sleep, and hang out with TH and TK again. Thursday afternoon I got up early so TK and I could play some Destiny with my boss dude, the other guy from work, and a couple of random dudes we found online. We're working on doing some of the raids (the big boss fights) that require 6 people so it takes a little planning and shit to get everyone together. But we did it and completed one of the three so that was cool :-) Friday morning as soon as I got home TK and I went swimming! We have this huge spring-fed swimming pool near downtown that opens at like 5 am, and before 8:00 there are no life guards on duty so there's no entry fee, which is awesome. One side is concrete like a regular swimming pool but the bottom and the rest of the sides are natural limestone so there's a little bit of algae and stuff. We didn't venture down to the deep end but there's supposed to be fish and stuff living down there. And, the water is freaking cold! Since it's spring-fed it stays a constant 68º year-round. It's awesome :-) So we swam for a while, went by Randall's to pick up a couple of things, went to Target to look at toys and stuff, then went to Walmart for a few grocery type things and new shoes for work. Oh, and stopped by Gamestop to drool a little bit, lol. Got home and played a little while until TH got home, hung out with him until it cooled off a little bit outside, grilled some steaks that we found on sale, watched a movie, then went on to bed.

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27

Ok yeah so I am seriously slacking off here. Still not really anything going on though so oh well. Basically I'm still here and still alive and still using MFP to track my calories and shit so yay! It's been 2 weeks as of today and I'm doing well! I'm still afraid to step on the scale because I have no idea how bad it got before I decided to get my shit together but I have noticed that my clothes are fitting a little looser and I feel a little better, so that's something at least. Oh and since once again I had gone off my meds I decided to start them back tonight. So hopefully I'm really gonna get my shit together this time...

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 19

So once again it's Sunday night and I'm back at work. Ended up not writing anything else again last week. I guess it's just become a once a week kinda thing. I dunno, there's not really much going on plus I just haven't really felt like it lately. So there's that.

Basically last week was pretty much just work, sleep, hang out with TH and TK...the usual. We had kinda planned on trying to go swimming Friday but that didn't really work out. TK and I went to HEB early then just went home and played Destiny until TH got home. Hung out with him, made some nachos for dinner, and watched Jurassic World. It was pretty good. I mean, the movie itself was kinda meh but the dinosaurs were cool. Because dinosaurs :-)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12

Sunday night, back at work. And holy crap I hadn't realized that I never wrote anything else last week. Not really much going on, but still. I've just been kinda blah lately so I dunno...

So let's see. Last week was pretty much just the usual. We had a big golf tournament here at work so I had people coming in early every morning setting up for it. So that was kinda annoying. It's been hot, dry and humid which is pretty much typical for this time of year. It still hasn't quite hit 100 yet but there's still time, lol. I'm hoping that since it didn't get as hot as early this year as it usually does that maybe we'll have a nice cool early fall :-)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5

Sunday night, back at work. Sigh. At least though it's not as busy as it was Thursday night. Since July 4th was on a Saturday apparently everyone fucking took off Friday so it was busier than fucking dog shit. Plus the clubhouse here in the neighborhood had their fireworks display and shit so we had everyone coming in for that. I had kinda thought about getting here early enough to watch the show but I ended up staying up really late and sleeping until almost time to come to work. So whatever, lol.

So let's see. Friday morning I hung out here at work for a while talking to my boss buddy since I knew I wouldn't get stuck in any traffic by leaving late. Got home and woke TK up and we went by Randall's to get a couple of briskets that were on sale, stopped and got TK a haircut, then went by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played some Destiny until TH got home then went and picked up TK's buddy (and the buddy's little sister, lol) and went swimming! Yay :-) Dropped the little sister off on the way home and the buddy came over to spend the night. Which meant that they took over the game room so I didn't get a chance to play any more. It actually worked out alright though because I was seriously tired so I just hung out with TH for a while then went on to bed.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1

Wednesday night. Not really much of anything going on. I've gone home the last 2 mornings and stayed up too late playing Destiny with TK, slept til almost time to come to work, and done leftover type stuff for dinner. So, yeah. Super duper exciting, lol. It's rained a little bit every day, and managed to hit just about the time that we would be trying to go swimming. Sigh. The pool we go to is closed on Thursdays but I'm hoping that we'll be able to make it Friday. Because swimming!

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: Neon Trees - Songs I Can't Listen To. A new one!

Best thing: So my buddy who used to work here (R.) had a birthday last Friday, and our sheriff buddy's was Monday. I stopped and picked up some cupcakes and we had a little mini party Monday night :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired :-(


Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28

Sunday night, back at work. For some reason it hasn't been quite as busy tonight. I have no idea why, but I'll take it, lol. It rained off and on all day and right now I'm seeing lightning off in the distance. There's a decent sized storm out there but I dunno if it's going to make it all the way here or not. So maybe more rain, maybe not.

So let's see. I got home Friday and TK was asleep so I hung out and watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Woke him up around 9:00 and we did some yardwork and shit. Yay :-/ I mowed our back yard while he mowed the neighbor lady's yard, then we raked up all of the sticks and tree limbs from her back yard and loaded them in her truck. And holy shit it was a lot of work! Hot, too. Finished that up and decided to go swimming to cool off but when we got over to the pool they had closed down because the chlorine was too low >:-( I really like that pool but it seriously seems to have a problem with its chemicals and shit because that happens wayyyyyy too often. Sigh. So we stopped by HEB for a few things then headed home. Took a shower, played some Destiny until TH got home, hung out with him for a little while, then he went on to bed and we stayed up a little later playing.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25

So...yeah. Thursday night, yay! I'm not really sure why but I just haven't had a chance to write all week. It's been busy at work and shit but there's also just not really much going on. Been feeling kinda blah lately too so maybe that's it. I dunno...

So let's see. It has kinda rained off and on all week. We never did get a chance to go swimming but I think TK and I are going to try to go when they open in the morning. We've all felt kinda shitty all week but TH actually came home early from work today because he was puking and shit. So I don't imagine he'll feel like going tomorrow even if he does make it to work. Other than that it's just been the usual. So yay?

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: Kevin McKidd - How We Operate. From Grey's Anatomy. I likes :-)

Best thing: Got plans for another game night with my boss/buddy Saturday night!

Worst thing: Poor sick TH :-(


Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21

Sunday night, back at work. Not really much going on but it's busy, as usual. It rained off and on all day but I think it's pretty much done for the night. I'm kinda tired and I feel super shitty. I can't decide if it's because I drank too much (probably) or if the pork ribs that we grilled today were not as fresh as we thought they were. They had been marinating in the fridge since like, last Saturday but they smelled fine so we went ahead and cooked them. I guess if nobody else gets sick it's just a hangovery type thing. Sigh.

So let's see. I didn't write like, at all last week but there really wasn't much to write about. I worked Monday night, was off Tuesday, then worked Wednesday and Thursday. Off Friday and Saturday as usual and now I'm back tonight. Last week was pretty much just work, sleep, hang out with everyone...the usual. It ended up raining enough and at just the right times that we weren't able to go swimming at all, which kinda sucked :-( Starting tomorrow though it's supposed to be dry again for a while so hopefully we can go this week. We didn't really do much this weekend either. Today was Father's Day so we grilled some stuff even though it was raining, lol. So that was fun.

Noms for the days: Nopedy nope nope nope.

Song: Fireflight - Unbreakable. Random shuffle.

Best thing: So my boss finally broke down and bought an Xbox One. Friday night TK and I played some Destiny with him. It was fun :-)

Worst thing: Feel like absolute shit :-(


Monday, June 15, 2015

June 16

Fuck fuck fuck. Got home this morning and found all of the kitties except Thor (one of the new guys). I found his collars in the backyard but he's missing. Fuck this, from now on they can go in and out during the day but once it gets dark they're staying in. I'm tired of my kitties going missing >:-(

In other news, since I worked Saturday night I'm supposed to be off tomorrow night (Tuesday). That is, as long as nobody calls in sick and they call me to come in. Really though, fuck it. I don't think I want to even if they do. Oh and there's a tropical storm down in the Gulf (ok so I live in Texas, in case you hadn't figured it out) that's supposed to make landfall sometime tomorrow and still be kinda nasty by the time it makes its way up to us later in the day. So it could get interesting.

Yep. Just fuck it all...

Saturday, June 13, 2015

June 13

Saturday night, at work. Poop. Actually though it's busy, but it's really not too much busier than a normal weeknight now that school is out. So yay, I guess? So the only thing that really sucks is that I'm here and my people are at home. Sigh. We usually would have tried to grill tonight but I think if it's not raining in the morning we'll try to do it early tomorrow. That way I can still sit out there and drink beer and then go to bed before work, lol.

So let's see. I stopped by Randall's on the way home Friday morning to pick up a couple of things. They had grapes on sale for $.77/lb! Nom :-) I also had to use their little Western Union thing to send my sister $100 (looooong story, lol) and they were the ones who opened earliest. So that was fun, lol. Got home and played with TK until the pool opened and went swimming! It was awesome :-) Stopped by HEB on the way home for a couple more things, then got home and started playing COD because CLAN WARS!! TH got home and he was tired so he took a nap. Hung out with him after he woke up, had Hot Pockets for dinner, and went to bed around 9:00 or so. Because tiiiired.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11

Well, Zoe is still missing :-( We've been checking the shelter and Craigslist and everything but I'm pretty sure she's gone, just like Amber. It almost has to be some kind of critter so that makes me really nervous about letting the others out but I know if we tried to keep them all inside they would just be miserable. So I let them out and worry and hope they're all still there every time I check on them...

So yeah. This has not been the best week. It's Thursday night so I'm off tomorrow but then I have to work again Saturday. I haven't slept worth a shit all week. I drank wayyyyy too much trying to be able to fall asleep Wednesday so I spent the entire night at work feeling like shit. It has been fucking ass busy at work because all of the fucking kids are out of school and they have nothing better to do than roam the fucking streets all fucking night. I swear these people have no idea where their kids are or what they're doing. Probably don't even care, either. Whatever. If I can just make it through tonight maybe I can get some sleep tomorrow. Although this was kinda fucked up - I actually went home this morning and was sleepy enough to go to bed early. I was in bed by like 7:30. Then my boss called and woke me up to see if I could work this weekend, my mom called wanting a favor...yeah. That's just the way it goes, though.

Noms for the days: Not fucking even.

Song: Hollywood Undead - Fuck The World. It just fits :-P

Best thing: You're fucking kidding me, right? Um, it's Thursday night and at least I get one day off this weekend? Fuck if I know...

Worst thing: My little baby ZoZo :-(

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9

Well, fuck. Now Zoe (the little tortie) is missing. I saw her before I went to work last night (Monday) and TK saw her before he went to bed. And that's it. She's not really the kind to wander off either so I'm afraid she's gone too. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7

Sunday night, back at work. It's pretty busy again, but I guess it's just going to be this way for the rest of the summer. Stupid kids >:-( Though at least there was one good thing  - last Thursday night my sheriff buddy came by and told me that someone had poured soap in all of the fountains in the rest of the neighborhood, but they didn't get the one in my section. So yay for not getting yelled at!

So let's see. Friday morning TK and I went by Walmart for a couple of things then went home and basically just played until TH got home. Hung out with him, made frozen pizzas for dinner, I watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy, then went on to bed kinda early.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 4

Thursday night! Fucking finally, lol. So I guess school is out for the kids out here at work because they had their graduation this morning and the little fuckers are all over the place tonight. Sigh. And so it begins...

So let's see. I got busy the last couple of nights and didn't get a chance to write so I'll just hit the highlights, lol. Tuesday the new map pack for COD:AW came out but by the time we finished downloading it and fucking around with mowing the neighbor's yard we didn't have time to play. I still ended up going to bed too late (again) though so I dunno. Slept, hung out with TH and TK, and came to work.

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1

Wow, it's June already. Kinda crazy. So let's see. Right now the days are all kind of a blur, lol It's Monday night now, which means after tonight I only have 3 days left to work until the weekend. Yay! I've totally got this, lol.

So I got busy Sunday night and didn't get a chance to write but there's still not really much going on. Stopped by HEB on my way home Sunday morning and picked up a couple of things. TH was awake so I hung out with him for a while. TK and his buddy got up a little later and I went on to bed. Work last night was pretty quiet, which is always nice :-)

Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30

Yep. Saturday night, busy here at work (of course). We had another decent storm earlier today but it's all moved out and cleared up now. I think there's just a slight chance of rain and stuff for later tonight and tomorrow but nothing serious. So that's cool.

I got home this morning and everyone was awake so I hung out with them for a while, then spent wayyyyy too long playing AW with TK. But right now we're holding first place in Clan Wars, so yay! I didn't end up going to bed until after 5:00 so I'm tired tonight but it's not as bad as I was afraid it would be. If I'm awake enough when I get off in the morning I may stop by HEB on my way home and pick up a few grocery type things since TK and I didn't go Thursday or Friday. Then hopefully after that I can get some decent sleep. TK's buddy is spending the night tonight so they'll either still be awake when I get home or crashed out all over the world, lol. You just never know.

Noms for the day: MFP. Yeah, not great...

Song: Icon For Hire - Make A Move. Another new one!

Best thing: The guy who used to work here but now works down at the clubhouse (R.) brought me a little molded resin Lego guy that his roommate made. It's so cute!!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29

Yeehaw. So it's Friday night and yep, I'm at work. It's always busier on the weekends but even that's not bothering me tonight because it's nothing compared to the last few days, lol. So it's all good. I didn't actually even sleep very long but I must have slept pretty well because I'm not really tired. Which is nice :-)

So let's see. We had a huge storm blow through while I was at work Thursday night. High winds, heavy rain, lightning...all the fun stuff. By the time I left work Friday morning it was just kind of a light rain. There were a couple of small trees down out here at work but no damage or anything at our house. Some neighborhoods lost power and had trees and fences and shit blown down so we got lucky. Since I stayed an hour later traffic sucked on the way home. Sigh. Got home and TK was awake so we played a little COD, I watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy, then went to bed around 1:30 or so. Got up at 7:30 and hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. They had gotten out and done some running around while I was asleep, and they went by Petsmart to buy some more fishies for my tank here at work :-) So now I have 6 little Neon Tetras, 3 yellow Platys, 4 Ghost Shrimp, and 2 little snails. They're all so cute!!! So yeah, that's pretty much it.

Noms for the day: MFP. Still being a good girl with the alcohol :-)

Song: Skillet - "Sick Of It". A new one!

Best thing: Fishies!!!

Worst thing: Working but would kinda rather be home tonight playing with TK. It's double XP weekend and another round of Clan Wars for COD:AW. Sigh.

Yep yep yep

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28

Thursday night. And holy shit here we go again. Got to work at 7 pm and I'm staying until 7 am tomorrow. So another freaking 12 hour shift. Sigh. And and and, as of right now my boss has offered me Friday and/or Saturday nights if I want them because we just really don't have anyone who can work it. I'm debating it, lol. I really don't want to work 12 days straight but man that would be some serious fucking overtime pay. Dunno yet.

So yeah. Today was pretty much like yesterday. Got home and TK was awake so we played for a while. My boss called around 11:00 to see if I wanted to come in early so I tried to go on to bed. Of course it picked right then to start storming, which made it kinda hard to sleep. Oh and the guys working on the install for Google Fiber (woot!) were right in front of our house all day making all kinds of noise. So I'm like, really fucking tired :-( But I'm here, and I'll survive, and all that shit. Oh and there's a seriously huge line of storms slowly creeping our way. So it's probably going to rain and shit the rest of the night. Fun stuff, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP. And if you'll notice, I had a beer this morning. A single beer :-)

Song: Saliva - Hate Me. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TH stopped by Sam's on his way home just to buy me some more spinach because I ran out. Cause he wubs me :-)

Worst thing: Sooooo tired :-(


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27

So. Wednesday night, yay. Except that tonight I got here at 7 pm and I'm here until 7 am tomorrow. So not quite as yay. Although this will give me 4 hours of overtime, on top of the 4 hours of holiday pay for Memorial Day, plus getting my Sundays back puts me back at 40 hours for the week... Yeah, it should be a pretty sweet paycheck, lol. Apparently the other girl who was quitting didn't actually let anyone know until after she was supposed to be at work today, and they didn't have anyone who could cover it so my boss stayed late and I came in early. So that was that. 

Not really much else going on though. Got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but there really wasn't much to tell. Got home Tuesday morning and TK was asleep so I slept most of the day, lol. Got up and hung out with them for a while, had leftover chicken stuff for dinner, then went to work. It didn't rain during the day Tuesday but it stormed just a little bit overnight. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25

Holy Shit. So there was more rain today, more storms, more flooding, a few more tornadoes...yeah. I didn't sleep well at fucking all. I never did hear exactly how much rain fell today but we had the worst flood we've had here since 1981 (which, oddly enough, also happened on Memorial Day). So that's all been super duper fun and shit :-/

So yeah. Got home this morning and TK was awake so we played a little COD, I watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy, threw some chicken in the crockpot for dinner, then went to bed around 10:30 or so. Woke up around 1:00 when the storms started and basically just sat there watching the freaking weather alerts rolling in. Luckily nothing too bad ended up happening. It finally all died down around 6:30 and I took another quick nap before work. I'm sitting here watching the radar right now though and there are a few storms firing up off to the west that look like they might make it to us. Sigh.

Noms for the day: MFP! Decided I'm going to do the whole keto thing for a couple of weeks to kinda kick start things. I did finish up the rest of a bottle of vodka today so I don't plan on drinking anything for a while.

Song: Alabama - Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler). Random shuffle.

Best thing: Didn't get blown away by a tornado, so yay?

Worst thing: Stupid stormy shit and no sleep so I'm all tired and shit :-(


Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24

Sunday night, back at work. Yay, lol. Tomorrow is Memorial Day so it's pretty fucking busy, as I expected. Sigh. It rained off and on all weekend so I was kinda hoping it would continue on through tonight to keep all of these little fuckers at home but no such luck. Double sigh.

So let's see. Not really much going on. Like I said, it rained off and on pretty much all weekend so TH and TK didn't go to his family reunion thing and we didn't mess with the flowerbeds or anything. Just kinda chilled all weekend. Friday morning TK and I went by Walmart and HEB to pick up a couple of grocery things but that was pretty much it. Got home and played a little until TH got home, hung out with him, made chili cheese tater tot stuff for dinner, and started watching a movie but I kinda fell asleep in the middle of it. Oops. So I went on to bed.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21

Thursday night! And holy shit my internet at work is actually working right now. Better make this quick before it craps out again >;-(

Ok so, it has been a long, relatively eventful week, lol. I don't even really remember exactly what happened day-to-day so let's just hit the highlights. Oh, but it did rain off and on most of the week, so that was kinda cool. Let's see. Last Friday TK and I went to take care of the kitties, stopped by the tire place to have a screw removed from my tire, and went by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played a little COD because it was time for Clan Wars again. This time, however, we got our asses kicked. So no new gear for us :-( Seems like we made chicken and fries or something for dinner, watched the season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then went on to bed pretty quick.

May 14

Disclaimer: I have been trying (and failing) to post this for a fucking week thanks to the shitty internet connection at work. So I know it's a week late but hey, whatever, lol.

Thursday night! Yay :-) Been busier here at work the last couple of nights. I think some of the college kids are home already. So begins the annoying ass summer full of annoying ass children. Sigh...

So let's see. Not really much going on. Wednesday I went home and tried to sleep but it didn't work very well. It rained off and on and I gave up when TH got home. Hung out with them for a while, tried another quick nap, then went to work. Thursdays we usually try to go do our grocery thing but I didn't feel like it today so I went home, played with TK for a little while, then went to bed kinda late. Woke up before TH got home and he brought home Taco Bell so we had dinner. Hung out with them for a while, took another quick nap, and now I'm at work. Again :-P

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12

Tuesday night. Yay, lol. Figure I'd better get this done while I still have internet here at work. It was out all night last night and since I've been here tonight it's been off and on like 5 times. So that's awesome :-/ It's a little cool and breezy tonight but also kinda foggy and humid. It rained off and on all day and they're calling for even more overnight and tomorrow. So we'll see.

Ok so Friday morning TK and I went to take care of the kitties then went to Walmart for a couple of things. Got home and hung out for a while and played some COD until TH got home. Made some chicken and fries for dinner and watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TH's boss called and asked him to work Saturday so he went on to bed kinda early and TK and I stayed up for a while playing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6

Wednesday night! No internet at work last night, again, so I didn't get a chance to write. It rained most of the night too so I dunno if that had anything to do with it or not, lol. Not really much else going on though so it's not that big of a deal.

So I got home Tuesday morning and TK was awake so I played with him for a while then tried to go to bed. I ended up not falling asleep until almost 1:00 though :-( Got up and had leftovers for dinner then went to work. It had started raining sometime in the afternoon and rained really hard until around 2:00 am or so. I think they said some areas ended up getting over 4" of rain! Crazy.

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4

Monday night, back at work. Yeehaw, lol. It's still a little cool at night compared to what it usually is in early May but it's back to getting warm during the day. Not my favorite, but at least it's not like 100 out there yet. There's supposed to be a decent chance for rain over the next few days so we'll see. We could definitely use it!

So let's see. Friday morning I went home to pick up TK and we went to get my oil changed. Finished up there then went to take care of the kitties, stopped by Walmart for a couple of things, went by Gamestop, and got home a little before TH did. Hung out for a while and started on Clan Wars (spoiler alert - we won!) then after TH got home we made nachos for dinner and watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing COD. At one point we went out front to see what the kitties were up to and discovered that they had found a baby(ish) blue jay. He looked pretty much alright except for possibly a broken leg so we took him in, put him in a box, and hid him in TK's room so the kitties couldn't find him again. The wildlife rescue place opens every day at 9 am, which leads us to...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30

Thursday night! Yay :-) Tomorrow is the first day of May, which is kinda crazy. Still a little cool here at night but starting to warm back up during the day. It's supposed to be a nice weekend so I think we're going to try to build another flowerbed or 2. Maybe play outside a little bit. And of course grill something :-)

So let's see. Wednesday was pretty much go home and sleep, hang out with everyone, have leftover stuff for dinner, and come to work. Super duper exciting, lol.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 28

Not much going on today. Nice and cool again though, which is nice :-) I think they were calling for a high of around 70 today but it stayed cloudy and barely hit 60. Figure we'd better enjoy it while it lasts because before we know it it's gonna be like, 100 or so :-/

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work then stayed up reading for a while. Went to bed around 9:00 and got up around 4:00. Made some banana bread, hung out with TH and TK, watched the pilot episode of The X Files (I had forgotten how awesome it is!), had leftovers for dinner, and now I'm at work. Fun stuff, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP. Not sure how much of the salad I'll end up eating so it could actually be less.

Song: DJ Khaled - I'm So Hood. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Nice and cool :-)

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27

Monday night, back at work. Yay. There's a cool front moving through tonight so it's nice and breezy right now. There's a chance for a few storms as it passes but so far everything is staying just north of us. I am getting quite the lightning show off in the distance though so that's pretty cool :-)

So let's see. It started storming just before I left work Friday morning so I drove home in the rainy shit which was seriously not fun. Got home and played with TK for a while waiting for the storms to die down. Went and took care of the kitties, went by Sam's for a couple of things, then went and checked a couple of McDonald's to see which little Transformers Happy Meal toys they had. Got home and hung out until TH got home, hung out with him for a while, then made frozen pizzas for dinner. It stormed off and on all night. I went to bed kinda early but didn't sleep very well.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23

Thursday night, yay! Fucking hell this no internet at work shit is getting old. It will work for a little while when I first get to work and then just die. And of course they're probably not going to do anything about it cause it's not like we really, 100%, need the internet. It's just nice to have. Like, really really nice, lol.

So let's see. Really not much going on this week. Work, sleep, cook, hang out with TH and TK. We did go by HEB after I got home this morning so we don't have to do it when we go take care of the kitties tomorrow. We'll still probably go by Sam's though cause we need a couple of things (like cat food, so the little bastards don't eat us, lol) and I kinda want to go hiking or go back to the duck pond or something. But then I think it's supposed to rain and shit so we'll see. Monday morning is the bulk item trash haul off thingie that they do twice a year so we need to spend this weekend digging out all of the shit we need to get rid of. There's a couch on the front porch (lol), a mattress and boxsprings and some other shit back in the shed, and if we get super duper motivated we might even clean out the closets in the gameroom and master bedroom and see what all we can get rid of from there. And of course try to grill Saturday night if it's not raining. And hopefully have time to play some :-)

So yeah. that's pretty much it.

Noms for the days: Kinda getting back on the tracking thing a little, so yay? MFP for Wednesday and Thursday.

Song: Tripping Daisy - I Got A Girl. Random shuffle.

Best thing: I worked an extra day for the last 2 weeks so I actually had a full paycheck this time :-)

Worst thing: Stupid internets at work >:-(


Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20

Holy shit. So it's Monday night and this is the first time I've had internet access at work for more than a few minutes since whatever day it was last week when I posted. And since it probably won't last I'm gonna make it short. Basically nothing going on, lol. Weekend was alright, got a little rain and stuff but not too bad. I actually worked last night (Sunday) because someone needed the night off so I'm on 5 days this week. Yay, lol. Still haven't found Amber :-( So, yeah.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14

Tuesday night, back at work. Last night I had no internet access for most of the night so I'd better get this done before it decides to quit on me again! So let's see. First things first, Amber is still missing :-( We're still checking the shelters and everything but I'm afraid it's not looking very promising. Oh and last Friday Zoe (the tortie) went missing for about 10 hours but thankfully she found her way back home. We locked them all outside so we could spray the house for fleas and I guess something spooked her and when she couldn't get inside she just took off running. So that was scary. Other than that though, really not much else going on.

Friday morning I stopped on the way home to buy the flea spray. Got home and vacuumed, locked the kitties outside, and sprayed everything down. TK and I went to take care of the kitties then went by HEB and Walmart for a couple of things. I got new socks :-) I've been needing new socks, lol. Got home and vacuumed again, made sure everything was dry, and let the kitties back in. Then we pretty much spent the rest of the day looking for Zoe :-/ She finally came home around 9:00 that night. I had tried to go to bed kinda early but couldn't fall asleep, then once she came home I got up and played with TK for most of the night, lol.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9

Thursday night, yay. Our kitty Amber's still missing, so...yeah. We've put up fliers and we're still checking the shelter and everything but I'm kinda not really thinking we're going to get her back :-( Hopefully I'm wrong though...

So let's see. Not really much going on. I haven't slept well all week so that kinda sucks. Played a little COD with TK and my buddy from work today. That was fun :-) Tomorrow we go take care of the kitties and run errands. We've got a pretty bad flea infestation even though everyone has a flea collar so if it's not storming in the morning when we leave I think we're going to lock the kitties outside and flea bomb the house. Cause they're getting seriously annoying >:-( There's supposed to be a decent chance for storms tonight, Saturday, and Sunday but only a slight chance Friday. So we'll see.

Noms for the days: Nope. Though I have decided (once again :-/) that I'm not going to buy any alcohol for a while. Hopefully that will be a good thing...

Song: Barenaked Ladies - Alcohol. Seems fitting, lol.

Best thing: Thursday night!!

Worst thing: Kitty Amber :-(


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 7

Well fuck. So one of our kitties, Amber, is missing. I saw her last night when I left for work, and TK said he saw her before he went to bed around 2 am or so. And nobody's seen her since. We went and walked around the whole yard, checked the shed, drove around to a couple of streets nearby, called her off and on all day, but nothing. We've been checking the animal shelter's page and I posted something on the neighborhood group. We made up some flyers and if she's not back by the time I get home in the morning we're going to go hang them up around the neighborhood. She is microchipped so I called them to let her know she's missing in case someone finds her and takes her to the shelter or a vet or something. TK will probably keep checking outside for her all night, too.

I'm really hoping she just wandered off and she'll find her way back but I'm almost sure something bad happened. I don't think she got run over because we didn't find her, but there are coyotes further back in the neighborhood, owls, hawks, stray many bad things that could happen to a little kitty :-(

Grrrrrrr. So I have some pics but my internet here at work is being a giant dickwad so I'll have to post them later. Fucking figures though, the way today is going >:-(

Edit: ok I've got them:

This was fairly soon after we got her. She was a raggedy looking little thing but she's growing up nicely! The hair on her nose finally grew back so she's all cute again :-)

Bonus! This is her with Maryann, the calico that we adopted the day after we got her. She was soooo sweet we just couldn't leave her behind, lol.

Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6

Monday night, back at work. At least tonight it's nice and slow like it's supposed to be, lol. Not really too much going on though. Friday TK and I went to take care of the kitties, stopped by Walmart for a couple of things, went home and played until TH got home, made frozen pizzas for dinner, then I was pretty tired so I went on to bed kinda early. Saturday we slept kinda late, hung out and did some laundry and cleaning, played with TK for a while, then I took a nap and went to work. And of course it was busy and annoying and all that shit. Sigh. Got off Sunday morning (Easter) and stopped by Walgreens to get a few things to make Easter Baskets. Got home and hung out with TH and TK, took a nap, did a little more cleaning and stuff, made tacos for dinner, then TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up pretty late playing. Monday I woke up when TH left for work, stayed up and read for a while, slept a little longer, then got up when TH got home and hung out with them for a while. Made some rice to go with the leftover taco meat then took another quick nap before work. And now I'm here. Yay, lol.

So, yeah. That's pretty much it. It was supposed to rain some over the weekend but all we ever got were a few sprinkles. The garden is doing well. We planted it just about a week ago and the spinach radish, and cabbage seeds have already started sprouting. They're so cute!

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: The Wanted - We Own The Night. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Garden!!

Worst thing: Feeling all eh again :-(


Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2

Thursday night, yay! Not much going on though. Tomorrow is Good Friday and apparently there's no school so it's busier than fuck here at work. Sigh. We'll go do the kitties and stuff tomorrow and I'll be off Friday night but then back at work Saturday night because I'm covering for someone. So that should be loads of freaking fun :-/

So let's see. Like I said, not really much going on. Pretty much just work, sleep, hang out with TH and TK, and come back to work. April Fools Day was a huge success though. The brownie thing was fucking hilarious, lol. I'm kind of afraid to see what they might do to me next year though because TH said that I definitely outdid myself this year :-)

Noms for the days: Almost?

Song: Flobots - Handlebars. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: April Fools Day XD

Worst thing: Stupid busy night at work >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31

So, I'm still alive. Just been kinda busy at work for some reason so I haven't really had a chance to write. It's Tuesday night, so only 2 days left for the week. Yay :-) But then I'm working this Saturday because someone needs the day off so that's gonna suck a little bit. Oh well though. The extra cash will be nice. Oh, but some random resident lady brought me flowers tonight! She said she sees me all the time and I'm always smiling (and farting sunshine and rainbows and shit) so she wanted to do something nice. They're so purty :-)

Okey dokeys let's see. Last Thursday was pretty much just the usual - work the night before, sleep, hang out with TH and TK, and come back to work that night. Friday morning I got off work and went online on the way home but didn't manage to catch any rides. Chatted with TH at work for a while then woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties, stopped by the restaurant supply place to buy a pizza peel, looked at Gamestop to see if there was anything interesting (there wasn't, lol) went by HEB to pick up some grocery stuff, then got home and played for a while until TH got home. Hung out with him, watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then went to bed kinda early because I was tired. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night and playing with TK for a while though, so that was fun :-)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 25

Wednesday night. Yay. Really nothing going on though so whatever. Worked, went home, slept, and hung out with TH and TK. It was pretty warm today and it's supposed to rain a little later tonight, be cooler tomorrow, but then be back up in the 80's or so by the weekend. Yeehaw, lol.

Noms for the day: MFP. Eh, figure I might as well start keeping track again...

Song: Rise Against - I Don’t Want To Be Here Anymore. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Got my vacation check from work today.

Worst thing: Feeling all eh again :-(


Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23

Monday night, back at work. And Thank FSM that Spring Break and that fucking music festival thingie are over and everyone has left town. So now it's nice and quiet here at work, just the way I like it :-)

So let's see. I went online when I left work Friday morning and managed to catch a decently long ride that ended up close to home, so that was cool. TK and I went to take care of the kitties, went by HEB for a few grocery things, stopped at Home Depot and bought some wildflower seeds, a hummingbird feeder, and a couple of wind chimes, then went by Gamestop to buy a new Xbox One headset (because the darling kitties ate one of ours, lol). Got home and tossed the wildflower seeds out in the side yard then basically just hung out until time for TH to get home. TK's buddy was coming to spend the night so TH stopped by Sam's on his way home and picked up a couple of their precooked pizzas. They're actually surprisingly good, lol. He got home and we hung out, watched a couple of episodes of agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then we went on to bed and the boys stayed up pretty much all night.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 18

Wednesday night, yay. Almost done for the week. So I got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but again there's not really much going on. It has definitely gotten busier here at work than it was Monday night. Sigh. It rained a little off and on last night and the first half of today but then it got hot and humid and gross. So that was awesome :-/

So let's see. I went online on the way home Tuesday morning but didn't manage to catch any rides. Got home and TK was asleep so I stayed up too late chatting with TH at work. Woke up kinda early and we had leftover grilled pork chops for dinner. Hung out with TH and TK for a while then took another quick nap before work.

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16

Monday night, back at work. So it's Spring Break but so far it hasn't really been too much worse than a normal Wednesday or Thursday night. I'm sure it will get a little busier as the week goes on but I'll take whatever I can get, lol. Traffic around town sucks ass but I'm trying to stay out of it as much as possible. It was pretty warm all weekend but there's a decent chance of rain starting sometime tomorrow. So we'll see.

So Friday morning I turned on Lyft and Uber on the way home and managed to catch an airport ride. So that was cool :-) Got home and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties then stopped by Sams and HEB for a couple of things. Played a little GTA V until TH got home then helped him put together his new grill and sat outside while he let it burn for a while to season it. Made wings and fries for dinner, watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for movie night, then stayed up for a little while playing with TK.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12

Thursday night, finally. Still not really much going on. Next week is Spring Break and there's a bigass music festival thingie in town again so everything has been busier than shit. I am so not looking forward to work next week because all of the kids will be back in town with nothing better to do than run in and out all night. Sigh. Traffic already sucks ass but it's only going to get worse before it's all over. I kinda just want to go do the shit we have to do tomorrow and then camp out at home all weekend. It's supposed to be nice so we'll probably grill again. Yay :-)

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: Dope - America the Pitiful. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Got our Lyft bonus!

Worst thing: Feeling blah still.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10

Tuesday night. Yay? Didn't write last night but there's still really not much going on. Went and did the kitty thing Friday, did some cleaning and laundry and shit over the weekend, did the whole BBQ thing again Saturday, then it rained most of the day Sunday and Monday. It hasn't been very cold either so I'm wondering if our cold weather is over for the season. I guess that would make sense - it is almost Spring, lol.

We finally got the flea collars that we ordered so everyone got collared today. Hopefully it'll wipe all the little fuckers out pretty quick. I think we've had some kind of bug going around because the kitties have been taking turns laying around looking pitiful and sleeping a lot. Seems to last a couple of days and then they're fine so it's not anything serious. And for the last couple of days TK has had some kind of snotty coughing type thing so he's not feeling great either. And now I think I'm trying to come down with it too. Sigh. I hate it when my everyone is sick :-(

Noms for the days: Nah.

Song: Vance Joy - Riptide. Random shuffle.

Best thing: So it turns out that Lyft extended the deadline for the $2,000 sign on bonus and we are eligible. Freaking awesome!!!

Worst thing: Sick critters :-(


Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5

Yay it's Thursday night. Cold again tonight but at least it's not windy, raining, and sleeting like last night. That was seriously not fun. All of the schools in the area were closed this morning but it actually didn't end up being as bad as they had expected. I ran into a little ice on a couple of bridges on my way home but that was pretty much it. So that works, I guess.

So let's see. Not really much going on right now. Tomorrow TK and I will go take care of the kitties and do whatever else. I really need to try to drive at some point this weekend too. So we'll see.

Noms for the days: Not exactly...

Song: BlackHawk - Goodbye Says It All. Random shuffle.

Best thing: No serious ice this morning.

Worst thing: SO Lyft had a promotion last Thursday where if you signed someone up to be a driver and they completed at least one ride by this Thursday each of you would get $1,000. So of course I got TH to sign up because fee money, lol. Well apparently they had more response than they expected so they drug their feet on the background checks and shit so a lot of people couldn't meet the deadline. Now a lot of people are pissed and I don't know if they're going to do anything about it. Probably not, though...

Yep yep yep.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3

Tuesday night. Got busy again last night and didn't get a chance to write. Pretty much just the usual blah blah whatever. Basically just checking in to say I'm still alive, lol. It's supposed to get super cold again tomorrow night with a chance of freezing rain and shit. So that could be fun :-/

Noms: Eh.

Song: Avril Lavigne - Complicated. Random shuffle.

Best thing: It's Tuesday night so only 2 more days left for the week? I dunno...

Worst thing: Just eh.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26

Thursday night, yay. Super cold again tonight and I think it's supposed to be this way most of the weekend. There's a slight chance for some sleet or snow flurries or some shit in the morning but right now it looks like it might stay just to the north of us. So we'll see what happens.

So not much going on today. Got home and TK was awake so we stayed up way too late playing COD (again). Went to bed and slept until pretty much time to come to work. So, yeah. Tomorrow we'll go take care of the kitties, run a few errands, then...I dunno. The other girl here at work didn't show up today so I'm wondering if she's gone for good. If so I may be back working Sunday nights starting this weekend. Eh, whatever, lol.

Noms for the day: Yeah...

Song: Savage Garden - Carry On Dancing. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Thursday night!!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25

So, yeah. Wednesday night, yay, lol. Got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but again there's not much going on so not really that big of a deal. Pretty much just the usual. It was cold Monday and Tuesday, a little warmer today, and it's supposed to be cold and rainy again over the weekend, I think. Dunno though. So, yeah. That's petty much it.

Noms for the days: Keto :-)

Song: Flo Rida, David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Bought a couple of butterfly knife comb thingies off of Amazon and we've been practicing. I'm actually getting better, lol.

Worst thing: Feeling kinda crappy tonight :-(


Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23

Monday night, back at work. And it is seriously fucking cold out there! We had a little bit of sleet and freezing rain and stuff early this morning, it's been right about freezing almost all day, and they're calling for more freezie stuff overnight. They've already called a 2 hour delay for most of the school districts in the area. The roads were still fine when I came to work but if it does anything like what they're expecting, the drive home in the morning could be fun...

So let's see. Friday morning TK and I went to take care of the kitties, went to Walmart for a couple of things, then stopped by HEB for some grocery stuff. Got home and hung out for a while, then my neighbor buddy came over for a little bit and we got a little drunk, lol. TH got home and took me to pick up my Lyft Glowstache then we stopped by a different HEB for a couple more things. Got home and had leftover type stuff for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck, then went to bed kinda early.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19

Thursday night, yay! So I'm still alive and all of that stuff. It's been busy here at work the last couple of nights so I haven't really had a chance to write. Not really much going on though so I guess it's not that big of a deal, lol. Pretty much just work, get home and hang out with TK, sleep, get up and hang out with TH and TK, and come back to work. Thrilling :-P I spent one night here at work getting all of my Uber and Lyft tax stuff sorted out, and another night downloading and converting a bunch of ebooks for the Kindle app on my phone. So that was fun. I'm so fucking tired tonight though. The lady behind us is having her roof reshingled and the fucking dog next to us spent all day outside barking at the roofers so I got the shittiest sleep ever today. Sigh.

So let's see. Tomorrow we'll go take care of the kitties, run a few errands, then...I dunno. I need to drive at least one night but I'm not sure which one yet.

Noms for the days: Back on the keto thing but not so much logging stuff. I'm doing alright though.

Song: Fiona Apple - Criminal. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Filed our taxes yesterday, and the deductions and stuff from Uber and Lyft added like $400 to our refund :-)

Worst thing: Tired, crampy, and just eh :-(

Yep yep yep.

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16

Monday night, back at work. It's cold and windy tonight and there's a slight chance of some sleet and stuff later on but it's warm enough that there shouldn't be any accumulation. So there's that. Today was Presidents' Day so pretty much everyone was off but it's pretty slow here at work. Other than that, not much going on.

So basically it was an uneventful and rather unproductive weekend. Just kinda blah :-( Friday TK and I went to take care of the kitties and went by Walmart to pick up a couple of things. I thought my neighbor buddy and R. from work might be coming over Friday night so we picked up some beer and snacks and a couple of Papa Murphy's pizzas. They didn't, though :-( TK's buddy came over to spend the night so at least that was something. Basically we pretty much just hung out all weekend and did some cleaning and laundry. And I drank wayyy too much. Sigh. TH and TK went to breakfast Sunday morning but I really didn't feel like going. So...yeah. Woohoo.

Noms for the weekend: Nope nope freaking nope. Back on track today though so yay?

Song: Ed Sheeran - I See Fire. From The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

Best thing: R. from work had a camera that he has been trying to sell and he offered it to me in exchange for 2 bottles of liquor, lol. So now we have a decent little camera :-)

Worst thing: Just blah :-(


Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12

Thursday night! Yay...maybe, lol. There's a decent chance that I might end up working tomorrow night if the other girl here at work calls in again like she did today. So that could be fun, I guess. If not then I'll probably end up driving. I figure Friday would be better than Saturday again this week because there's going to be a marathon Sunday morning that's supposed to have all kinds of street closures and shit downtown overnight Saturday. So that just sounds like a huge pain in the ass. So we'll see what happens.

So let's see. Got kinda busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but there's really not much going on so I guess it's not that big of a deal, lol. Pretty much both days I got home and hung out with TK for a while, went to bed, got up and hung out with everyone and had dinner, then came to work. So...yeah. Wednesday we had leftovers for dinner but tonight I made a crock pot full of Buffalo Chicken Soup. So that was nom :-)

Noms for the days: Wednesday, Thursday.

Song: Miley Cyrus - Party In The U.S.A. Random shuffle.

Best thing: One of the residents here at work is from Thailand and he went back to visit over Christmas. He brought me back a small bag of different kinds of candy from there! I mean, I'm not going to eat it, but it was a super sweet thing to do :-)

Worst thing: Tired, kinda.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed. Got up kinda late and hung out with TH and TK, had leftovers for dinner, and now I'm at work. Super freaking exciting, huh?

Noms for the day: MFP.

Song: Imagine Dragons - Tokyo. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Spent a couple of hours last night on the phone with my niece (well, TH's niece) because she needed someone to talk to. She's all pregnant and hormonal and everyone else was asleep, lol. It was nice though :-)

Worst thing: Still feeling eh :-(


Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9

Monday night, back at work. Woofuckinghoo. It was really warm today, like 81 or 82, and it's still kinda gross and muggy tonight. So yeah, that's freaking awesome. At least it's not busy though?

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties. Went by HEB for a couple of things then got home and played for a while. Hung out until TH got home then I took a quick nap and went to go drive. Yay, lol. I went out about 11:00 and quit around 4:30-4:45 to make sure I had time to get to that stupid meeting on time. And yeah, it was a stupid fucking meeting. Sigh. But I'll end up bringing home about $120 for driving Friday night, so at least there's that :-) Did the stupid meeting, got home and everyone was awake so I hung out with them for a little bit then took a nap. Did a little cleaning and laundry then watched The Interview and had nachos for dinner. It was actually better than I had expected! Hung out for a little while then TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while. So I guess that was pretty much Friday and Saturday all rolled into one.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 5

Thursday night, yay! Still kinda cool tonight but it's supposed to start warming up for this weekend. No rain or anything though so we should be able to get out and do a couple of things. So that should be nice :-)

Not much going on again today. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed later than I should have and woke up a little bit after TH got home. Hung out with TH and TK for a while then actually ended up falling back asleep until almost time to come to work. Oops, lol.

Tomorrow morning we're going to go take care of the kitties, maybe run a few errands, then I need to try to get a nap so I can drive tomorrow night. I figure it would be easier to stay up and drive Friday night and then go to the stupid Saturday morning meeting instead of trying to get some sleep and wake up early. Plus I really really need to go out driving.

Noms for the day: MFP.

Song: Katy Perry - California Gurls. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Thursday night!

Worst thing: Had some flax pancakes for dinner and they're causing a little bit of an...intestinal issue, lol.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4

Not much going on today. Nice and slow at work again. It was a little warmer today but there's supposed to be a cold front pushing through tonight that will drop temperatures for the next day or so. Then it's supposed to be much warmer this weekend. Yay, lol.

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work. Went to bed a little early and got up around 3:00 or so. Made a couple of batches of flax buns and had breakfast for dinner after TH got home - eggs, sausage, and flax pancakes. Nom :-) Hung out with TH and TK for a while then took a quick nap before work. And now I'm here.

Noms for the day: MFP. I'm not even hungry yet so I may or may not end up eating the salad. So it could be less :-)

Song: Cracker - Low. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Woke up this afternoon and had sooooooo many kitties sleeping with me. It was awesome :-)

Worst thing:Found out that my Sister-in-law's mom died. We grew up in a really small town so I knew my sister-in-law (and her mom) way before she and my brother got married. She was a really sweet lady :-(


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3

Okey dokeys. I got busy last night and didn't have a chance to write so here goes. Tuesday night, back at work, lol. It's been cooler the last couple of days and it rained off and on today. I don't think we actually got very much, but it's been nice. We'll pretty much take anything we can get at this point.

So let's see. Friday morning we should have gone to take care of the kitties but that ended up getting sidetracked. Ok so I've been feeling a little weird for the last week or so, and about halfway through the night Thursday night it started getting pretty bad. I was kinda shaky, and dizzy, and everything felt all tingly. I managed to hold it together long enough to get home but by that point I was kinda freaking out. I was going to wait until my doctor's office opened and see if I could get an appointment but it just got so bad that I legitimately thought I was having a heart attack or some shit so I went on over to the emergency room. Long story short, they did a bunch of tests and there's nothing wrong with my heart. So yay! My blood sugar was a little low (which is not really that unusual) and my blood pressure was a little high (which is unusual). I was kinda freaking the fuck out though so I guess it makes sense. So basically they think I was having a panic attack. Which makes no sense whatsoever, because nothing was wrong! So once again it's my fucked up brain screwing things up for me. Sigh. They gave me a prescription for an anti-anxiety drug and told me to follow up with the doctor. So I finished up there and went home, woke TK up and we went to pick up a couple of things from HEB, then got home and played and hung out for a while until TH got home. Had some leftovers for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, then went on to bed. Cause it had been a long ass day...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29

Thursday night! Finally, lol. Not much going on again today. It's a little cooler tonight but pretty windy. Supposed to be even cooler tomorrow and then rain off and on most of the weekend. Or something like that. Dunno.

So let's see. TK was asleep when I got home this morning so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed. Got up a little after TH got home and hung out with them, helped TK with some school work, then TH and TK went to Sonic for dinner. I stayed home and played a little COD by myself :-) Hung out with them for a little bit after they got back, and now I'm at work. Super duper exciting, huh?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28

Welp, not much going on today. I managed to sleep a little more, so yay! It was really warm again today, 82 or so, but there's supposed to be a front blowing in sometime tomorrow that will drop temps back down to a little more normal. So that will be nice.

So I stopped by Walgreen's on my way home for some baby shampoo to give Amber (the new little Siamese) a bath. She's still a little ratty looking, lol. Got home and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed and randomly woke up in the middle of the day so I hung out with TK then went back to bed. Got up at 7:00 and made some pork roast/egg/spinach scramble stuff for dinner then hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work.

I'm still waiting to see if Mary Ann (the calico) needs to go to the vet. She's still stuffy sounding but she acts like she feels alright. According to the vet from the last time I took Umbra in, a lot of times upper respiratory stuff will go away on its own after a few days so as long as their appetite and activity level are fairly normal, it's usually ok to wait and see. And too, I don't really want her to get any antibiotics that she might not need. Cause that's how we end up with superbugs, y'all.

Noms for the day: MFP. Probably end up being less than that because I haven't eaten the salad yet, lol.

Song: They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople). Random shuffle :-)

Best thing: Managed to log my shit and stay on the keto track for a whole week now. Yay!

Worst thing: Had some random pissed off resident last night. Eh, fuck em all >:-(


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. I ended up going home this morning and trying to take a quick nap but it didn't really work. Sigh. Woke TK up around 9:30 and we went to Gamestop to pick up the poster, then went over to Petsmart to return the carrier that we had borrowed from the cat lady and buy some fish for TK's new little aquarium. Got home and got the fish set up and played some of the new AW map pack until TH got home. It is awesome!! Hung out with TH and TK and the kitties for a while, then went to bed around 5:30 or so. Eh, at least I have coffee, lol.

Ok so the plan for Petsmart was just to return the carrier and buy some fish. Before we went by there though TH texted me and said that if the little calico that we had almost taken home Friday was still there, we should go ahead and get her because she was soooo sweet. Well, she was and we did. So now we have a new little calico too. That brings us up to eight, and that should be all unless something happens. I might think about fostering some kittens at some point, but just until they're old enough to be fixed and adopted out. Figure though we'll wait and let things get settled down at our house first. They're actually adapting pretty well for the most part. There have been a few growls and hisses but so far nothing major. I give it a week or so and they'll all being playing and going crazy together :-) We named the little Siamese Amber after the Halo 2 ship In Amber Clad. The calico's name was Mary Ann and it seems to fit her so we're going to keep it. She does have a little bit of the sneezes so I may end up taking her to the vet too. Not sure yet.

Noms for the day: MFP.

Song: Tech N9ne, T-Pain - B.I.T.C.H.. The guy at work was listening to this when I got here tonight. I likes :-)

Best thing: Kitties!!!

Worst thing: So we bought 4 little Neon Tetras and a Ghost Shrimp for TK's little aquarium. Had the whole thing set up to run for 24 hours before we bought the fish, floated the bag in the tank to acclimate them, everything. Not an hour after we put them in all 4 of the Tetras were dead. WTF?


Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26

Monday night, back at work. It was warm today, 75 or so, and I think it's supposed to stay like this for the next couple of days. Not very cold tonight, either. And of course nice and slow here at work since all of the children have to go to school.

So let's see. TK was awake when I got home Friday morning so we got some coffee and went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there and stopped by Walmart for a couple of things then went by Gamestop and bought the Season Pass (gives you all of the map packs) for COD:AW. The first map pack comes out tomorrow!! Went back to Petsmart to, yep you guessed it, pick up a kitty. Lol. TH has been wanting a Siamese and there was one there Friday so we decided to bring it home. And that actually ended up being kind of a clusterfuck :-/ He was super cute and sweet and everything, but he was about 3 years old and had only been neutered a few months ago. After he had already learned how to spray. So of course he got home and immediately started peeing on all of the stuff that the other kitties we gave away had peed on. Sigh. I had to text the cat lady and tell her he wasn't going to work out. Hung out with TK for a while then after TH got home we went back to Petsmart and dropped the kitty off. While we were there one of the other volunteers was there cleaning up. He had let one of the super cranky kitties out and couldn't catch it to put it back in the cage. So, I helped and the little fucker clawed my arm and bit the fuck out of my thumb. So that was awesome >:-( Went home and hung out with TH, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, and had chicken for dinner. TK was already asleep and I was tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 22

Finally Thursday night :-) Still cold and rainy out. Oh, and now it's windy too. So that's just freaking lovely, lol. It ended up raining most of the night last night and pretty much all day today. I think it's supposed to stop around noon or so tomorrow though so it should be a pretty weekend. And I seriously, no excuses, have to drive at least one night this weekend. Because...yeah.

So I got home this morning and TK was asleep. Chatted with TH at work for a while and went to bed kinda early. Got up around 3:00 and played a couple of games of COD with TK until TH got home, made hamburgers (burger salad, nom!) for dinner, hung out with them for a while, then took a quick nap. And now I'm at work.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 21

Wednesday night! Only one more night to go and I'm done for the week. Yay :-) Pretty quiet here at work again tonight. A lot cooler and rainy though. They're calling for something like 2-3 inches of rain in some spots by the time it quits sometime Friday. So that should be fun.

So let's see. Stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning for almond milk and a couple of other things. TK was asleep when I got home so I stayed up for a little bit talking to TH at work. Went to bed around 9:00 or so and got up at 3:00. Helped TK with some more schoolwork, made wings, tater tots, and roasted veggies for dinner. Oh, and some boiled eggs. Nom :-) TH got home and we had dinner, helped TK with a little more schoolwork, hung out for a while, and now I'm at work.