Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5

Okey dokeys. Nothing really going on yesterday so I didn't bother writing. Basically just went home Wednesday morning and hung out for a while, went to bed, got up kinda early and played a little more of the Halo 5 campaign with TK, then came to work. We had leftover chicken and rice stuff so I didn't bother cooking. So that was super duper exciting, lol.

Last night at work though, was kinda interesting. It rained off and on all night but never really got heavy or anything. There was one little thunderstorm right before I got off work so I got to drive home in a little bit of a mess. That was fun, lol. Oh, and I found a freaking rattlesnake! I walked outside and it was just...sitting there. It wasn't very big but it was a little freaky, lol. I called my buddy up at the clubhouse and he came down and helped me move it. We ended up flipping it over into a box with a coathanger and tossing it out into the woods. So that was my excitement for the night :-)

So since it was supposed to like, dump its ass off all weekend, when I got home this morning TK and I went to Walmart to go ahead and get the grocery type stuff for the week. Got home and hung out for a while then went on to bed. I made up a chicken enchilada casserole type thing for TH to stick in the oven when he got home from work. So that was dinner. Nom :-) And now I'm at work, just waiting for 6 am so I can go home! Then TK and I can play Black Ops 3 allllll weekend, lol.

Noms for the days: MFP Wednesday and Thursday.

Song: Mastodon - The Motherload.

Best thing: Rattlesnake!!

Worst thing: Waiting for BO3!!!!


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