Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28

Sunday night, back at work. For some reason it hasn't been quite as busy tonight. I have no idea why, but I'll take it, lol. It rained off and on all day and right now I'm seeing lightning off in the distance. There's a decent sized storm out there but I dunno if it's going to make it all the way here or not. So maybe more rain, maybe not.

So let's see. I got home Friday and TK was asleep so I hung out and watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Woke him up around 9:00 and we did some yardwork and shit. Yay :-/ I mowed our back yard while he mowed the neighbor lady's yard, then we raked up all of the sticks and tree limbs from her back yard and loaded them in her truck. And holy shit it was a lot of work! Hot, too. Finished that up and decided to go swimming to cool off but when we got over to the pool they had closed down because the chlorine was too low >:-( I really like that pool but it seriously seems to have a problem with its chemicals and shit because that happens wayyyyyy too often. Sigh. So we stopped by HEB for a few things then headed home. Took a shower, played some Destiny until TH got home, hung out with him for a little while, then he went on to bed and we stayed up a little later playing.

Saturday we got up earlier than we probably should have, for some reason. Hung out for a while, did some cleaning and laundry, I watched a few more episodes of Grey's Anatomy, then we all took a short nap. Got up and made some frozen pizzas for dinner, hung out with TH, then he went on to bed and TK and I got online and played some Destiny with my boss buddy :-) We stayed up almost all night but it was fun, lol.

Sunday I slept kinda late, got up and hung out with TH and TK and finished the laundry, then took a nap before work. Super duper exciting, lol. We had kinda thought about trying to go see Jurassic World at some point over the weekend but we just never really got around to it. Maybe next weekend.

Noms for the days: Nope,

Song: Counting Crows - Mr. Jones. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TH is better! He made it to work Friday and by Saturday he was back to normal :-)

Worst thing: Stupid no chlorine having swimming pool >:-(


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