Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 4

Thursday night! Fucking finally, lol. So I guess school is out for the kids out here at work because they had their graduation this morning and the little fuckers are all over the place tonight. Sigh. And so it begins...

So let's see. I got busy the last couple of nights and didn't get a chance to write so I'll just hit the highlights, lol. Tuesday the new map pack for COD:AW came out but by the time we finished downloading it and fucking around with mowing the neighbor's yard we didn't have time to play. I still ended up going to bed too late (again) though so I dunno. Slept, hung out with TH and TK, and came to work.

Wednesday I got home and TK was awake so we tried out the new maps. I like :-) Stayed up too late playing with him, slept, then headed to work and got held up by a big-ass fucking accident. So I was almost half an hour late. Sigh. Pretty busy at work but not too bad.

Thursday morning I got home and had planned on trying to go to bed earlier but it just didn't work :-( Hung out with TK, watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy, and finally went to bed around 1:00. Got up early and came to work a little early to make up for being late Wednesday night.

So, yeah. I guess that's pretty much it. I am so freaking tired I can't even think straight. Physically tired and like, mentally tired :-/ But I did end up with about 12 hours of overtime for last week and like, 19 for this week. So yay!

So we still don't have to go take care of the kitties tomorrow :-( We'll probably go by the store, maybe go feed the ducks or something...I dunno. It's not supposed to rain this weekend so we might go by Home Depot and pick up the stuff we need to build another flowerbed in case we get super motivated. Dunno yet.

Noms for the days: :-(

Song: Johnny Paycheck - Take This Job And Shove It. Because lol XD

Best thing: THURSDAY FUCKING NIGHT!!!! Ahem.

Worst thing: Stupid busy everything and tired.


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