Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1

Wow, it's June already. Kinda crazy. So let's see. Right now the days are all kind of a blur, lol It's Monday night now, which means after tonight I only have 3 days left to work until the weekend. Yay! I've totally got this, lol.

So I got busy Sunday night and didn't get a chance to write but there's still not really much going on. Stopped by HEB on my way home Sunday morning and picked up a couple of things. TH was awake so I hung out with him for a while. TK and his buddy got up a little later and I went on to bed. Work last night was pretty quiet, which is always nice :-)

Got home this morning and TK was still awake so I stayed up wayyyyy too late playing AW with him. But we managed to win another Clan War, so yay! Went to bed just before TH got home and slept until almost time to come to work. Everyone had already gone to bed when I left. That was kinda weird.

Our older lady neighbor next door asked if she could hire TK to mow her yard since she's not really able to do it any more. Right now we're planning on him doing it after I get home tomorrow morning before it gets too hot. He mows ours most of the time but he might need a little supervision with hers if he's going to use her lawnmower. We've had electric mowers for like, ever, so he's never messed with a gas mower before. Normally he could use ours but as tall and wet as her yard is right now it would just eat the batteries up too fast. So if we do that in the morning, that should be tons of fun :-/

Noms for the day: MFP SundayMonday.

Song: Mastodon - The Motherload. Random shuffle. Lots of butts in this video XD

Best thing: Yay for winning Clan Wars.

Worst thing: So my mom texted me earlier and said that her doctor called about some bloodwork she had done last week. He wants her to come in as soon as she can to have a few more tests done. She's going back in the morning so I'm kinda nervous to hear what's going on :-/


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