Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23

Monday night, yay. Didn't really get a chance to write last night. Dunno why, either. It wasn't particularly busy or anything, I just...didn't, lol. So yeah, There's that.

So let's see. I got off Friday morning and picked TK up from TH's work and we drove up to the funeral home to pick up my dad's ashes. The little road trip itself was nice but everything else was kinda depressing. Got back into town and went by the house to drop everything off then went to Gamestop to return our extra copy of Halo 5. We had every intention of just returning it for cash but at the last minute we decided to go ahead and pick up Fallout 4. I blame peer pressure, lol. The one guy here at work and like half the people in our clan keep talking about how freaking awesome it is. So, yeah. Went by Target to look at toys and stuff, then stopped at HEB and picked up a few grocery type things. Got home and played some Destiny until TH got home, hung out with him for a while and had leftover type things for dinner, then went to bed.

Saturday morning we got up kinda early, hung out for a while, watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with TH, then TK and I went to play Destiny for a while and TH did some schoolwork. We had a front blow through that made it kinda cold and really windy. So that was awesome :-) Once it got dark we headed downtown to check out a little art installation thing. We have this little creek that runs along the eastern edge of downtown and they've gone through and done sort of like a little Riverwalk type thingie. They had a big light display thing going on and it was actually pretty cool. So we went down and walked through that, stopped by the post office for a box to mail the extra copy of Black Ops 3 that we sold on Ebay, and got a couple of little ghetto 7-11 pizzas for dinner. Got home and ate dinner, hung out for a while, then went to bed.

Sunday I actually woke up at like 4 am and couldn't fall back asleep so I just got up. Watched a little Netflix until TH got up, then hung out with him and watched Ted 2 until football came on. Watched almost 2 whole games then took a quick nap before work. I had thrown a pork roast in the crockpot that morning so we had that for dinner. Oh, and the lady we got the guinea pigs from stopped by with her kids so they could say hi :-) Work Sunday night was nice and quiet but seriously cold! There was ice on my car when I headed home Monday morning, lol

Monday I got home and TK was asleep but TH was still home because he usually goes in late one Mondays. Hung out with him until he left, watched a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead, and went to bed kinda late. Got up and TH had made burgers for dinner so I hung out with them and brought a burger to work for later. And now I'm here. It's not quite as cold tonight. It's a little busier than normal because I think the school district out here is off all week for Thanksgiving (which is this Thursday). Nothing too bad yet though :-)

Hmmmm, what else? We've decided we're doing our little Thanksgiving dinner thingie on Saturday since we both have to work Thursday. Right now my mom's planning on coming over so it should be fun :-) We bought an ammo can and we're going to stick my dad's ashes in that and bury him behind the shed in our back yard. I figured everyone's just been playing fuckalong with the whole thing so dammit, I decided what to do. Kinda surprisingly (or not?), my mom is actually ok with it. She said she figures at least that way he's somewhere and not just...out there, you know? So I guess we'll have a little ceremony or whatever when she comes over Saturday. And then I can finally just forget about the whole thing. Kinda, sorta...

Noms for the days: Eh, not really.

Song: Florence + The Machine - Ship To Wreck. Another new one.

Best thing: I had a resident here at work stop by earlier tonight and thank me for always being so nice and cheerful and all that shit. It was actually kinda sweet :-)

Worst thing: I have been drinking wayyyyyy too much this past week or so. I really need to get my shit together here...


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