Meet The Kitties!


Naga! Officially she's not even our kitty. She's one of the two that we agreed to cat-sit for a few months when my sister and her boyfriend lost their apartment and had to move. That was like, a year ago? So  yeah, she's ours now. They're better off with us, anyway. They kept them shut up in a bedroom because they didn't want cats around the baby. I'm like,  really Sis?!?! She's kind of a weird kitty. She's really sweet, but if you pet her for too long she gets nervous and scoots away. She does this thing where she'll trot past and headbutt you to get petted, then keep going and repeat until she gets bored. We say you got drive-by Naga'd. Silly hairy poofball kitty 

Jim Bob! He's the second oldest. He's adopted - back when we were still delivering newspapers TH  found him one morning at a BBQ place called Jim Bob's BBQ. We brought him home the same day that the other kittens were born. He's one of the biggest cats, but he's a big chickenshit. I prefer to call him a pacifist, lol. He's got a very distinctive meow, it's hard to describe but it's like: Eehhhhhhhhhhhh.

Misadventure! When she and her siblings were really small she was a super whiny little kitten. Her mom actually  tried to move her away from the rest of the kittens and hide her under the bed. We said she knew this one was gonna grow up to be bitchy too, lol. She's one of the two that basically moved in with the lady down the street, so we didn't lock her in the shed while the house was being rebuilt. She still comes down to see us when we're there, but she does not like the other cats anymore. When you pet her and scratch down her side, she leans over and kinda flops down on the ground. Kinda looks like those fainting goats that they showed on Mythbusters once :-)

Jazz! One of the first set of little shelter kittens. We actually met him when we were there taking care of the Petsmart kitties and just fell in love with him. TK begged me to adopt him and I caved, lol. There was just something about him, you know? He was the first to figure out the kitty door to the outside so he thinks he's the shit, lol. He's a hyper little sweetie too though. He's gonna be a big kitty, we can already tell. We got him and Zoe 10-17-2014.

Loki! So a couple of months after we got the first 2, we found another one that just fell in love with us. He had actually been there for almost a month, and every week he would just snurgle with us and cry when we got ready to leave. So, we decided we had to take him home. He's a super sweet little cuddle bug :-) We got him 12-12-14.

Umbra! Well, actually it's officially Umbreon, but we call him Umbra. Cause why not. We kinda accidentally ended up with him, lol. So when we decided to adopt Loki and called the rescue lady to tell her, she asked if we might also have room for his little cellmate. He had been back at the foster home recovering from a scratch on his ear that got infected and she kinda wanted to keep them together if possible. So once again, one kitten turned into 2, lol. We got him and Loki 12-12-14.

Maryann! She was apparently brought to the shelter with a litter of kittens, who ended up getting adopted out but she didn't. We had seen her for 2 or 3 weeks and TK kept wanting to bring her home because she was soooooo sweet. When we took TH over there to meet Amber he got to meet her too and fell in love. So we went back the next day to get her :-) She's a funny little kitty too. She does this weird little leg thing where she stretches her back legs straight out one at a time. Hard to explain but adorable, lol. Oh and when she meows it actually sounds like she's saying her name: Marrryyyyyyaaannnnnn!! We got her 1/27/2015.

Sarge! He had been at Petsmart for almost a month when we found out our rescue group was pulling out for a while because the lady in charge was having problems with management. All of the kitties that were left needed to be adopted out or they would go back to the fosters. He was always soooooo sweet and happy to see us so we decided to take him. He's a silly, playful little kitty :-) TH named him because he said he looks like a Sarge, lol. We got him and Thor 5/16/2015.

Ok so, these next 2 guys ended up going to the shelter December 2014. They just got to where they were attacking Jim Bob constantly, and peeing on everything in the house. We really hated to do it but really didn't have any other options. We did find out though that they got adopted like 2 weeks after they got there, so that makes me feel a little better, at least...

Stupid! He's one of the kittens. We originally named him Stripe because he had a white stripe down his back, but it faded as he got older.  So  it turned into Snipe. He is the sweetest kitty ever, but he's about the dumbest cat that ever lived. I mean, just look at those eyes - there ain't nothing going on in there. So yeah, now he answers to Stupid as well as he does Snipe. He does this thing where if you start petting him and scratch down his back, he'll start leaning forward and do a perfect somersault. Relocated 12-16-14

Hiccup! Another one of the kittens. Yeah, he had the hiccups while we were naming them. Don't think he's ever had them again, either. His nickname is Asshole, which he answers to quite well. He's kind of a dick. He really likes to pick on Jim Bob, even though Jim Bob is like twice his size. He's nice enough to us, but he's really not much of a people kitty. I do think that we've been gone long enough that even he has started to miss us, though. He has started being awfully whiny when we go see them. Relocated 12-16-14

And now for the really sad part :-(

Prozac. She's the one that drowned in the pool. She was Moose's sister, and the Mama kitty to the kittens. We named her Prozac because she was kinda bipolar - she could be sweet one minute and then super bitch the next. She used to sleep with TK, I think she thought he was her kid. She also hated the harmonica with a passion, so it was funny to play it and listen to her bitch about it loudly :-) Died 3-?-11.

Gypsy. She's one that we lost in the fire. She was also one of the kittens. She was the smallest one, but she didn't take any shit from any of them. You could say "Baby Gypsy!" kinda high pitched, and she would do this little "what's up" head tilt and go "meow!" She was almost always waiting for me in the driveway when I got home in the mornings, and I would get out of the car and she would roll over looking all cute so I would pet her. I would always tell her that I had to pet her before I could get my backpack out of the car, because I couldn't bend over wearing my back pack or it would fall off. It was kind of our morning thing. Died 11-15-11.

Runt-Runt. The other one we lost in the fire. She was young, maybe just over a year old. We got her from my sister - her boyfriend's brother or somebody found her in a cornfield, or something like that, and they were going to take her to the shelter. She was so tiny, and she had fleas and worms and looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks. When we first brought her home, every time we turned around she was sitting in the food bowl eating. It took a while for her to realize that there would always be food there when she got hungry :-/ She turned into a pretty little kitty though. She would always follow me around like a little puppy. Died 11-15-11

Moose! We originally named him Mooster, cause he's a moo-cow kitty, haha. Get it? He's the oldest, and is probably daddy to some of the others. I think we figured he's about 7? He's kind of a fat-boy kitty. and he likes to talk. He'll run up to you going "nyow nyow nyow nyow." **Update: He died, probably from old age type problems, on 11-15-14.

Amber! So TH had been wanting a Siamese type kitty so I told the lady in charge of the rescue group to be on the lookout for one for us. She's not really a Siamese but she was fluffy and white and cute and sweet so we decided to take her. She was also kinda raggedy looking because she had been adopted before and the guy mistreated her >:-( But she's safe and happy with us now :-) She's a silly, crosseyed (and, I think, ever so slightly retarded), little kitty. We got her 1/26/2015. She went missing 4/21/2014 and we haven't been able to find her yet :-(
Zoe! The other one from the first set of little shelter kittens. We had actually really only intended to adopt Jazz but when I saw her I just couldn't leave her behind. She was soooo tiny and pitiful and skinny when we got her so we actually supplemented with kitten milk for the first month or so. Now she's a good-sized healthy looking little kitty :-) She's a sweetie but also a total little butt so she fits in just fine. We got her and Jazz 10-17-2014. She disappeared 6/9/2015.

And this would be Thor :-) Figured since we had a Loki we needed a Thor to go with him. He showed up at Petsmart about 2 weeks after Sarge did and they shared a cage until we took them home. He's a little more laid back but still super sweet and cuddly :-) We got him and Sarge 5/16/2015. He disappeared 6/16/2015.

Hiro! The other one who is not locked up. She's also the other one from my sister. She's kind of a really cranky bitch. She really doesn't like any of the other kitties, not even Naga. She's sweet to us, though. She still comes down and sees us when we go visit them. 
**Update 12-2014: We haven't seen her in a month or so, and neither has the little girl down the street where she moved in at. So she's either moved on along or something happened to her :-(   

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