Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28

Welp, not much going on today. I managed to sleep a little more, so yay! It was really warm again today, 82 or so, but there's supposed to be a front blowing in sometime tomorrow that will drop temps back down to a little more normal. So that will be nice.

So I stopped by Walgreen's on my way home for some baby shampoo to give Amber (the new little Siamese) a bath. She's still a little ratty looking, lol. Got home and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed and randomly woke up in the middle of the day so I hung out with TK then went back to bed. Got up at 7:00 and made some pork roast/egg/spinach scramble stuff for dinner then hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work.

I'm still waiting to see if Mary Ann (the calico) needs to go to the vet. She's still stuffy sounding but she acts like she feels alright. According to the vet from the last time I took Umbra in, a lot of times upper respiratory stuff will go away on its own after a few days so as long as their appetite and activity level are fairly normal, it's usually ok to wait and see. And too, I don't really want her to get any antibiotics that she might not need. Cause that's how we end up with superbugs, y'all.

Noms for the day: MFP. Probably end up being less than that because I haven't eaten the salad yet, lol.

Song: They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople). Random shuffle :-)

Best thing: Managed to log my shit and stay on the keto track for a whole week now. Yay!

Worst thing: Had some random pissed off resident last night. Eh, fuck em all >:-(


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