Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. So let's see. Friday I went home and TK and I just kinda hung out all day. We got the house and the little ferret cage cleaned up getting ready for a new batch of kittens, then played some Destiny and stuff until TH got home. We made homemade pizza and watched...something. Fuck if I can remember, lol. Ended up going to bed kinda late.

Saturday we got up and did a little more cleaning and laundry and all that. I hung out with TH then read for a while. I had kinda been waiting all day to hear from the rescue lady about the kittens and juuuust when I had given up and was ready to go to bed, she called. So we went to pick up kitties at like 9:30, lol. Got home and played with them a little then stuck them in the ferret cage so they could settle in overnight. So I ended up going to bed around midnight, just to get up at 3:00 to go do the newspaper thing. Le sigh...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8

Thursday night! Holy shit this has been a long week for some reason. I did have like 3 days of absolute shit sleep though so that probably didn't help :-/ Just need to make it through tonight and then it's the weekend! I'm thinking TK and I will probably go do a little pokehunting tomorrow morning then just go home and chill. Overwatch is free to play this weekend so I wanna try that out. Then football season officially starts Sunday, so yay! It should be fun :-)

So I got home this morning and we rounded up the 3 little (semi) ferals and the little orange dude. Met the rescue group lady at Petsmart and sent them off to get vaccinated and fixed and all that. She was going to just go ahead and put them in at Petsmart after they were done today so we're pretty much done with them. I'm curious to see if any of them are still there when we go back Tuesday, lol. Finished up with her then did kitty duty, went by Walmart for some groceries, then hit a few pokestops on the way home. I ended up going to bed around 1:00, got up at like 5:00 to talk to TH for a while, then slept for another hour or so before work. So I'm a little tired :-( Luckily work hasn't been too annoyingly busy since the kids all started back to school. But yeah, I m definitely ready for the weekend!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6

So...yeah. Still here, and all that shit. Just really haven't felt like writing. Dunno why, either. Everything's been going ok, I've just been kinda...blah. So there's that.

So let's see. TK and I are still doing the Petsmart volunteer thing. We go over there on Tuesday and Thursday mornings right after I get off work. We rejoined the Y (I forget if I had said that already?) and we go over there to swim once or twice a week. It's actually pretty awesome because early in the mornings there aren't really too many people in the indoor pool. That's probably going to change though once it starts cooling off because I'm pretty sure the little senior exercise classes will move indoors. Those things get pretty busy :-/ So we'll have to decide if we're just going to deal with it or brave the outdoor pool again. It's heated, which will help, but still...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

June 29

Okey freaking dokeys then. So yeah, I'm still alive, lol. For some reason I thought it had been a lot longer than 2 months since I had written, though. I dunno, it all kinda just runs together after a while...

So let's see...still working, sleeping, hanging out with TH and know, the usual. We decided to rejoin the YMCA a month or so back, so that's been cool. We haven't used any of the machines or anything but they have a big outdoor lap pool and a nice little indoor pool that is hardly ever busy in the mornings. 2 or 3 days a week TH drops TK off on his way to work, I go straight there when I get off, and we swim for a couple of hours. Then TH and I usually go at least one day on the weekends. It's pretty awesome :-) We've also started back volunteering with the new kitty group that took over at the Petsmart we used to volunteer at. So Tuesdays and Thursdays we get to go play with kittens! And and and, we have foster kittens now! We got our first batch about a week and a half ago and we're supposed to keep them until they're big enough to be spayed/neutered and make sure they're well socialized. It's 3 little Lynx Point Siamese and they're soooo tiny and cute! I know it's gonna be hard to give them back but we plan on fostering from now on so we'll always have kittens around.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 19

Woo-fucking-hoo. So yeah, same shit different day, lol. I did end up working both of my days off this past week so right now I'm on day 10 of...? Hopefully Thursday will be the last one and I'll have a whole weekend off for the first time in what seems like forever. They hired  new girl to fill the weekend night shifts. She started last weekend but worked a couple of the open day shifts since we didn't have anyone else to do them. And I refuse to work days, lol. They've hired another girl for the last 4 open days, and she's supposed to be here Thursday for training. So as long as nobody flakes the fuck out, we should be good for a while. The new boss lady's still kind of annoying, and she and the other guy here aren't really getting along, so there's been a lot of drama and shit. It's exhausting, lol. I'm just trying to stay out of it all, do my shit, and go home...

And that's pretty much it. Yayyyyyyy....

Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 3

Welp, I'm still here, lol. Nothing really new going on though. We're still shorthanded at work so I've been working 6 days for the last couple of weeks. One of the newer guys just quit though so starting this week I may end up working both Friday and Saturday nights for a while. So, yay overtime?

So yeah that's pretty much it. Woohoo...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 17

Welp, here we go, lol. This past week has been Spring Break, plus one of the huge music festival thingies that always brings a shit-ton of people to town. So it has been busier than shit here at work and the traffic has sucked fucking ass. But it's Thursday night, so yay. I'm working Saturday night though, which kinda sucks. I ended up staying an hour and a half late this morning and I'm pretty sure I'll do the same thing again tomorrow morning. We're super short-handed again because my boss quit. Le sigh. They have a new lady to replace him but she's not supposed to start until next Friday. She came in one day this week to train though so I did get to meet her. I think she's going to be alright. She's an older lady, kinda reminds me of a teacher or something, lol. So hopefully she'll stick around for a while...

So let's see. Today is St. Patrick's Day. Woohoo, lol. Yesterday though was our anniversary :-) TH and I have been married 17 years now! We both had to work so we didn't really do anything but I made him a cute little gift basket with some snacks and lotto tickets and stuff. He liked it :-) He snuck off to target while I was asleep and bought ponies for me! They're soooooo freaking cute!!!!! And then tomorrow night I'm going to cook him a special dinner. He loves chicken fried steak but I've never actually made it. So I'm a little nervous :-/ But I'm going to do chicken fried steak, macaroni, roasted brussels sprouts, cornbread (or something), and these little lava cakes. So it should be interesting, lol.