Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 3

Holy shit, it is finally Thursday night! Not really much going on this week, oh except that TK went for an interview this morning and GOT A FREAKING JOB!!! Ahem. So Tuesday he filled out an application for seasonal work at Target and Wednesday they called him back wanting him to come in for an interview this morning. At freaking 10:00, which kinda sucked because sleeeeep. Ah well, that's what Monsters are for, lol. So this morning we left the house kinda early and stopped by Walmart to kill some time, then went and wandered around Target until time for his interview. Apparently they had quite a few people come in because we were there for freaking ever. But he got it!! He's going to be a cashier/cart attendant/whatever they tell him to do, lol. They wanted him to come back in for orientation tomorrow morning so we scrambled around trying to find a uniform and stuff. It was kind of a pain in the ass but we did it, so he's all set to "start" tomorrow morning! He is super excited (and kinda nervous) but I think he'll be fine. I am so proud of him :-) The really cool thing is that since he's homeschooled he can pretty much work whenever they want him to. So it's only considered a seasonal job (through January), but if it works out and they like him there's a chance he could stay on as a regular employee. If nothing else this will give him a couple of months to work, make a little money, get some experience, and have something to show as work history. So yay :-) The only thing that's kinda fucked is that his starting pay is $.50 less per hour than I'm making right now, and I've had this job for like 6 years...

It's all good, though. So he goes for orientation tomorrow, then we need to set him up a bank account and see about getting him a buss pass and stuff so he can get to work. He picked a store that's a pretty easy little bus ride away, which was smart. I'm a little nervous about him getting out and doing all that by himself because there are freaking crazy people everywhere, but I know he has to grow up sometime. Sigh, lol.

So yeah, that's pretty much the big thing right now. Yay :-)

Noms for the days: Yeah, not quite. Soon though, I hope...

Song: Elton Britt - Uranium Fever. From Fallout 4. Of course XD

Best thing: TK GOT A FREAKING JOB!!!!

Worst thing: Seriously tired tonight. It's all good though :-)


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