Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7

I saw a coyote on the way to work! It's been a while since I've seen one. I think they wandered further back into the woods looking for water or something. I still hear them all of the time, though. I came in the back way, a dark little 2 lane road that curves down past a steakhouse and some apartments. If you come in at the light there's a lot more traffic, and you have that drop to 35 mph zone that nobody ever slows down for. I like the back way because it's quieter. They are building another big apartment complex back there though, so we'll see how long it stays nice and quiet. Sometimes there's a cop along in there, but I know where they sit so I'm good.

So, TK started back to school today. I went home and had a couple of vodka chocolate milks and tried to fall asleep as early as I could. Good stuff, by the way. Works with strawberry milk, too. Of course though, as soon as I laid down the fucking dogs behind us started barking. They barked for about 30 minutes and then, I couldn't believe it, but the people actually let them inside. I am so tired of fucking dogs. I don't understand why people have dogs and just let them sit outside and bark all day. It just makes no sense to me. I wish I could sleep with earplugs, because I sleep so much better when I use them, but I'm always afraid I won't hear the phone if TK got sick at school and they called, or the alarm when it goes off, or the house falling down around me, or whatever :-/ I use one of the Sleep Machine apps on my phone, and it does ok, usually.

Got up and went to pick up TK, then went by the house. It didn't look like they had done anything today! I guess they're waiting for the results from one of the inspections, or something? They were supposed to have had one yesterday and I think one today. So many inspections, grrr. I mean, I understand why they do it, just grrrr though. It all takes time. Fed and played with the kitties a little bit. They had shoved one of their little toy mice under the door and it was laying on the sidewalk. I just realized, I need to post pictures of all of the kitties! There are 5 of them in the shed: Jim Bob, Mooster (Moose), Naga, Snipe (Stupid), and Hiccup (Asshole). There are 2 more that we didn't lock up: Hiro and Misadventure. They had kinda moved in with a lady down the street before the fire even happened. They're pretty much antisocial bitches, anyway. So, no house progress pic today, but there was this one chunk of the old slab left in the side yard that TK said looks like a sculpture of a crashed alien ship. Which of course made me think of this, lol.

Welcome to Earf.

Got home and TK and I played a few rounds of Nuketown Zombies and some Team Deathmatch on Black Ops 2 and a little bit of Spec Ops on MW3. Is it weird that I don't like real dogs, but I always feel guilty for killing the attack dogs in Call of Duty? Oh and anytime I play Minecraft with TK I'll start out helping him build whatever but then halfway through I'm running around taming the little wolves so they follow me around. I call them my StinkyWolves and I build little houses for them, lol. And now with the latest update for Xbox 360, you can breed the animals. So he'll be off building something and I'm over there making all kinds of little baby animals to run around the map with. Drives him nuts :-)

TH got home from work and we made soup and grilled cheese for dinner. We found out a few days ago that he isn't going to be eligible for any financial aid for the spring semester because his completion rate is too low, because he dropped a class last semester. He had been on financial aid probation or whatever they call it last semester because his GPA was too low. So he bumped up his GPA, but fucked up the completion rate. Sigh. So we figured we could just pay for him to take one class in the spring, and that would bring up his completion rate enough to be eligible for financial aid again in the summer or fall. He was still registered for one class, but they dropped him because we missed a payment deadline. So we need to find something else for him to take. There's not much to choose from right now, just have to keep checking and hope somebody drops something that he could use. Sucks.

Song of the day: Toadies - Summer of the Strange. Video is...NSFW (Yay, boobies!!). Here is the song only, with lyrics.

Best thing: Saw a coyote!!

Worst thing: No (visible) progress on the house. Boo, hiss.

Yeah, I got nothing else.

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