Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 24

Thursday night! My last night and then I'm off for 2 days, yay. It has been a long week, for some reason. Didn't hear from the foreman today, so they're not pouring tomorrow. Big surprise, huh? It was hot today, too. I think TH said it was 82 when he went to pick up TK. Looks like it's going to be pretty much the same for the next 5 or 6 days. That's just wrong. At least the kitties won't get too cold, though. Kinda makes me nervous for what the sumer is going to be like. I fucking hate summer, and I hate the heat. Give me a nice cold day and I will be happier than a bird with a french fry. It has to be pretty fucking cold for me to wear long sleeves or a jacket - it makes me  feel like I'm being suffocated :-/

Got home this morning and everybody was still asleep, which was weird. They were going to go to work just for a little while and then leave from there to go out of town, so they slept late today and left the dogs at home. They usually take the dogs to work with them, which is nice. TH got up, then went to take TK to school and brought back a Sonic breakfast burrito and tater tots for breakfast. So sweet :-) Sonic has the best breakfast burritos! They have one called a Super Sonic Breakfast Burrito that has eggs, sausage, tomatoes, jalapenos, and (I think) tater tots. Nom nom nom nom nom. By then the dogs had figured out that they had been left at home so the boy was upstairs, licking his ass and being annoying. So I went and locked myself in TK's room and played video games.

And and and....I finally finished the Halo 4 Legendary campaign solo!! Pain in the ass does not even begin to describe it, lol. I only had 3 missions left but they took for freaking ever! I also played one game of War Games, and seriously got stomped. I joined a game in progress on Haven that was like halfway over, and the other team spent the entire time camping inside regen fields either on the ramp opposite the man cannon or down in the center area. Pussies :-P

Last week we ordered another big (300-something disc) DVD binder to put video games in, but I hadn't had a chance to mess with it yet. We already had 2 different ones that we keep DVDs in - one has just random movies and the other is the Star Trek binder. It has the entire collection of every Star Trek series, plus all of the movies. It's awesome :-) So this morning we swapped them around so that the 2 with DVDs match and the video game one is the odd one. I put all of the Halo games together, all of the CODs, etc. It should take a while to fill it up. We still have a PS2 and some games down in the garage, I need to dig it out and get it cleaned up. Star Wars Battlefront FTW!!! I'll probably put its games in there, too. Maybe start from the back on those, to keep them separate.

So, finished messing with the games, stayed up way later than I should have (again) talking to TH, finally went to bed, then got up around 8:30 to come to work. So I didn't play with TK again :-/ He wanted his friend to come over this weekend, but he never did call and ask him. I think he's going to ride the bus to the friend's house after school tomorrow and find out then if he can come over. The friend lives in our neighborhood, so I'll go by and check on the house and the kitties and either pick up one kid or two from the friend's house, lol. We'll probably do pizza movie night tomorrow, so gotta stop and get beer and Papa Murphy's. We really like their pizza, and it ends up being a lot cheaper for more pizza than getting it from Pizza Hut or whatever. Leftover pizza is always a good thing :-) Now just need to figure out which movie to get...

House pictures today - when TH went to pick up TK he went by the house again to check it out. The ditches where the water and sewer mains are hadn't been filled in yet, but there was a green inspection sticker on the sewer line and one on the electrical ground that hadn't been there yesterday. So maybe they were waiting for the inspectors? I just wish we knew exactly what was going on! I don't want to be annoying or get in the way or anything, I just wanna know! Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Yay, the sewer line passed inspection!! Let the pooping commence! Well, maybe not quite yet :-)

Electrical ground also passed inspection. This way the house won't fry us if anything goes wrong. Hooray!!

Song: ReadyUpLive - (Halo 4) Requiem Awaits . In honor of finishing the Halo 4 Legendary campaign solo. Yeah, suck it Prometheans!!

Best thing: See above :-)

Worst thing: Tired tonight :-(

Yep yep yep.

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