Sunday, January 20, 2013

January 20

Yep, missed another Saturday. Hopefully this won't become a habit :-/ It's just hard sometimes to find a chance to write anything on my days off, when I don't have somebody right up my ass. It's not like I really wanna advertise what I'm doing, either. I'll work on it for next week.

So Friday I only slept for about 3 hours, then went and picked up TK and we went to the store, then stopped to get take and bake pizza (Papa Murphy's). Went home and played a little Black Ops, then cooked the pizza to have it ready when TH got home from work. He got the movie on his way home because I forgot, lol. We watched Dredd. It was actually better than I thought it was going to be! I had never seen the original but TH said it stayed pretty faithful to the story. So that was cool. Drank just a little too much cheap beer. Steel Reserve - cheap, not horrible tasting, and wicked strong. Did not stay up and play with TK, which actually wasn't too bad because I'm pretty sure he went to bed pretty early too.

TH woke me up when he left for work Saturday morning, and I had trouble going back to sleep. Stayed up for a little bit (soooo quiet) and then slept just a little bit more. When TK woke up we went over to check out the house and see the kitties. Litterbox dumping time again, yuck. Told TH he gets dumping duty (hehe, duty) next time. When we got there the concrete guys were there leveling stuff out and...I'm not really sure what else they were doing. The big pile of fill dirt in the front was mostly gone though, and what was left was over on the side of the yard where the driveway used to be, along with a big pile of black dirt that looked like it was dug up from the battle trenches. They also had a laser level set up. Misadventure saw us pull up and came running over to see us. Didn't see Hiro, but we've seen her almost every day. We went back and played with the kitties and when we came out the guys were gone, so I snapped a few quick pics. Misadventure saw us back there so she came running across the "slab", jumping over the trenches. It was so cute :-) The guys came back then - they had gone down to what we call the Crappy Mart to get a snack. It's a ratty looking little convenience store at the front of the neighborhood. I forget why we started calling it that but it stuck. So we left because I think we were making them nervous, lol.

Went by the little liquor store right by the house, the one with a drive-thru. The people that work there are our buddies :-) The lady always gives TK a sucker, and we've made them cookies a couple of times. We haven't been going there very often lately because it's just not very convenient right now. I had told them about the fire after it happened and every time I've been back in they would ask if there was anything new. So I told them yesterday that they had finally started working on it and they were all YAY!!!! lol. We left there and we were thinking, aw man we were just at the store, we should have bought them some cookies!! So we went by the 7-11 and bought a Slurpee and some cookies. Went back to the liquor store and when we pulled up they were like, huh? Handed over the bag of cookies and they were like, YAY!!!! again. Made my day :-)

Got home and played a little bit of Black Ops waiting for TH to get home. Since we had enough pizza left over for dinner again (you get a lot of Papa Murphy's for about $20) we decided to do another movie night! We got Ted this time, and since I had heard that parts of it were pretty vulgar we watched the theatrical version. It was still kinda dirty, but not too bad. Pretty funny, too! I'm thinking about getting it again from Netflix and watching the unrated version at work. I'm curious to see what that's like, lol. Stayed up a little while and played Black Ops, then went to bed. TH woke me up when he left for work this morning, and once again I had a hard time going back to sleep. Eventually dozed off again and wasn't asleep very long before they got home. Turned on the white noise app, and tried again. Then the daughter came over, and I gave up. I swear to the FSM, these are about the loudest people I have ever met. Soon...we will be home soon...

TH said he drove by the house on his way home, and they had finished the forms completely - added the ones across the front of the house where the porch is going to be. I guess they had to do that last, so they could still get in there to dig out the trenches more if they needed to? He's pretty sure that's where the pile of black dirt came from, too. He got home and we made queso of doom, but I used half Salsa of Doom and half Salsa of not-so-Doom that I made for TK today out of the leftover tomatoes. It turned out pretty good, but it had  a weird consistency. Dunno if the salsa had too much liquid or if we just didn't heat it long enough. Eh, it was dinner. And now I'm at work, and eheheheheheheheh. I should study, but I don't want to. Economics homework and quiz for Chapters 1 and 2 are due by Sunday the 27th (I think). I've done the homeworks, but I haven't really read the chapters yet. I just kinda skimmed them to find the homework answers. Yeah I know, it's bad :-/

Lets see, what else? Oh yeah - TH has pointed out that what I keep calling "trenches" at the house are actually called the beams. It kinda doesn't make sense to me though, because the whole slab is one big solid piece. Calling them the beams makes it sound like there are separate pieces. I asked him: if you picked up the entire slab and turned it upside down, it would look like a waffle, right? He said yep. So the steel beams they have put together already, that are leaning up against the fence, are what go down in the trenches to make up the beams - the pockets of the waffle. And then they put down some plastic (somewhere), then a weave of more rebar across the entire "slab" area, then pour the concrete. Or something like that. Hey, I'm learning here, lol. I have no idea how most of this stuff works. I told TH by the time we're finished here we'll be house-building experts :-)

Tomorrow they should put in the electrical ground and the water lines, and it's a holiday (MLK Jr. Day) so the city is closed, but the foreman told everyone to call last Friday to get their inspections Tuesday. He should have scheduled the slab engineer already, either for tomorrow or Tuesday, so there shouldn't be any reason they won't be able to pour Wednesday morning. He said they only leave the forms on for like a day, and then they can get in there and start building on it! I think he said it takes 30 days to fully cure, but what they do is just make sure they don't fully tighten the bottom plates on the walls until it has had a chance to cure. There could actually be walls going up by next week!!! We used to go to new neighborhoods and look at the houses being built. There was one neighborhood that we watched them build pretty much start to finish. We would walk through the half-built houses and pretend that one of them was ours. Now we really are watching our house being built! I just wish it hadn't happened the way it did :-(

Yeah, tomorrow's a holiday so there's no school. It has been busier than crap at work tonight, grrrrr! I scheduled my oil change for Tuesday morning at 7:00. If I had remembered about tomorrow I would have tried to schedule it then. Sigh. I finally called the doctor and I have an appointment for next Tuesday morning, also at 7:00 I believe. I am so not looking forward to that. Our regular doctor retired December 2011 and I haven't been back since. He recommended the guy I'm supposed to see next week, so I hope he's not too bad.

Oh, I almost forgot! TK used his allowance to buy a Black Ops map pack - Rezurrection. It's nothing but zombies, lol. We have figured out though, that Black Ops zombies is harder than Black Ops 2 zombies. You can't change the difficulty in Black Ops! We got our asses kicked a few a bunch of times. I think Moon is my favorite, but it's also the hardest. You start off in no man's land and you have to run over to a teleporter that takes you to the Moon (duh). You deal with a few zombies in no man's land but if you take longer than about 30 seconds to get to the teleporter  the hellhounds show up. And everyone has to be on the teleporter for it to work. More than once while we were playing 4 player on Live there would be one dude out there dicking around in the mud puddles when the hellhounds showed up. He would go down, and we would all get nommed. Dumbasses. Once you get to the Moon you have to grab a spacesuit and put it on or you'll suffocate. Then you start fighting zombies but what makes it hard is that it's low gravity so you're kinda bouncing all over the place, and the zombies are bouncing all over the place, and there's a "bad guy" in a space suit who will either kill you or teleport you somewhere else on the map if you get too close to him. What's funny is that he has a red name over him, so you know he's an enemy, and sometimes it uses people from your friends list. TK said he played without me Friday night and the bad spacedude was me :-) Then once you start opening doors you get into this maze of tunnels and staircases and it's easy to get confused and let the zombies sneak up on you. It's a lot of fun, but frustrating as hell.

Ok so finally, house pictures!! They really don't look much different than last time, but I know for sure that there has been progress.

From the street. Old dirt, new dirt, finger!!! Yeah, I'm that awesome.

From the back. I can't tell that they did anything, but then I am not a clever girl, lol. Laser level is up by the portapotty. And, a Misadventure!!! You can almost hear it - Meow, meow. Meow, meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meowmeowmeowmeow :-)

And, one more. Remember I said that TK made me a Black Ops 2 emblem of my little green goofy guy up there? He's made a few others too but for now, Little Green Guy!!

He's so cute!!!

Ok. Song: Three Days Grace - Now Or Never. Back when we first started delivering newspapers I had a green Jeep Grand Cherokee (I've got a picture somewhere, I'm sure). This was one of the CDs I listened to almost constantly. I remember flying along in the middle of the night, windows down and music up, chunking newspapers and dodging deer. I still miss that job sometimes :-/

Best thing: It was yesterday, but still. Made people smile with COOKIES!!

Worst thing: Not enough sleep so now I'm tired and it's busy tonight :-/

Okey Dokeys...

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