Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9

I have new shoes! My toes are nice and dry and happy tonight. They feel weird though, I hate how shoes feel until you wear them for a little while. TH bought me a pair of rainboots too, but I haven't tried them on yet. He said they fit TK though, so if they don't fit me he can use them. Now when we go over to the house we won't destroy our shoes walking through the mud. There is no grass left in the front yard and just a little bit in the back, from the backhoes and stuff. So it's one big mudpit right now. When they finish the house, the last thing that they will do is lay sod in the front yard and part of the back and side yards. I thought they do that just because it looks nice, but now I understand why. They're pretty destructive, lol.

Spicewood Springs 4905
New countertop!
We met with the builder again this morning to pick a new countertop. It took forever! I think it took longer just to decide on a new countertop than it did to choose everything the last time we were there. We decided to go with one a little darker than the first one we had. It's called Spicewood Springs (lol), and it's a neat granite looking pattern. Once I got to looking at the other one we had chosen, I realized that I'm pretty sure it's the same pattern as the desk and countertops here at work, just a different color. I would have realized that eventually, and it would have bugged the fuck out of me. But by then it would have been all over the kitchen :-/ So I guess this was actually a good thing! We laid everything out and looked at it together, and it all fits together nicely. We're gonna have a purty kitchen :-)

TH went by to feed the kitties and he said the trenches that they dug for the beams (TK's "battle trenches") are full of water, and some of the spots they built up have collapsed. So they'll have to fix all of that when they get back in there.  While we were at the builder's this morning the foreman came in, and he gave us a little bit of an update. They got the results of the form survey back, and it was good. I'm not 100% sure but I think that was to make sure the house is laid out in the right place, according to the site plans. Yesterday they were supposed to have had a layout inspection to make sure the forms are done properly. I think they were also supposed to start the plumbing rough (laying out the water and sewer lines in the yard and through the house), and have it finished and inspected by today. But, stupid rain. Now they have to wait for it to dry out before they can even get the first inspection done. Grrrrrr. Hopefully though this won't slow them down too much. I think they were already a little bit ahead anyway. The tentative schedule the foreman gave us didn't call for the trenches being done until like tomorrow, and they're already done. He had estimated Tuesday the 15th for the pour, so if it happened that Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday that would actually work better. Crossing our fingers and toes!!

We stopped at Taco Bell on the way home and I tried one of their new XXL nachos with beef. They're kinda expensive - $5, but it is a big thing of nachos. You get beans, meat, shredded cheese, cheese sauce, pico, guacamole, and sour cream. And chips, of course. They're not bad! When we got home TH was looking at the class schedule to try to find something he can take and stumbled across an Economics class that sounds like it should be fairly easy. It uses MyEconLab and you have homework and quizzes on there, and all of the tests except for the cumulative final you can take on Blackboard. You can even retake all of the tests if you didn't do as well as you hoped. Plus there are multiple chances for extra credit. He signed up for it and got the last seat. Bastard :-P I think I'm going to see if I can get in it too. If I can, I'm going to take that and drop the Texas Government class. I've decided I'm not taking the Philosophy class, either. So that will leave Music Appreciation, Psychology, and Economics. I seriously need an easy semester, I need to get my shit together. I also found out that my student loans came through today. Yay! We need to hang on to as much of that as we can. We still need to see how much homeowner's insurance is going to cost, because we have to have a year of insurance prepaid before we can take possession of the house once it's finished.

Slept, got up, and came to work. The rain finally stopped, so now it's just a little squishy but it was pretty foggy in some places. It's Wednesday night! One more night and then it's my weekend, yay! I haven't asked yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they stay home this weekend, since they're leaving next Thursday for a long weekend. Which means we'll have the dogs. Fucking dogs. I'm not as nervous about staying up late on the weekends if they're home since we moved the Xbox into TK's room. His room is over the garage and if we keep the door closed we don't bother anybody. Just have to be careful sneaking into the kitchen because it's right over their bedroom. This is the weirdest damn house. It's like it tried to be a split level, but it's built on flat ground. The garage, living room, and master bedroom are downstairs. You have to go up a set of steps to get to the porch and front door, and then once you're in you either go down to the living room or up to the upstairs. Upstairs there's another living room, the kitchen, a bathroom, and 2 more bedrooms. It's a nice house, just weird. They go in and out through the garage - I think we're the only ones that have ever used the front door, lol.

I just looked out the window and there was a fox standing in the flowerbed!! SO CUTE!!! Also, it is getting seriously foggy out there now. I'm talking like, Stephen King looking shit.

Now I'm sitting here waiting for the monsters and shit to come crawling out...

No house pictures again, sigh. I told TH he should've taken a picture of the mudpit and the trenches full of water :-) So since I haven't done it yet, I present: Meet the kitties!

Song of the day: Halo Reach OST - [Overture] Swift, Strong, Brave. From the Halo Reach Soundtrack. It's also the song that plays on the main menu screen. The whole soundtrack is good. I like listening to it and trying to match up the song with which part of the campaign it's from.

Best thing: New shoes and dry toes!!

Worst thing: Really miss the kitties. Looking through the pictures is still really hard sometimes :-/


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