Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16

Bad dreams again today :-/ Not the usual ones, at least. This time, we were somewhere, at some house, and all of a sudden there was a flood. It's weird, because I don't even remember it raining or anything. So we were outside of the house, and realized that the kitties were still inside and we needed to go get them out. We kept trying to get back to the house, but the water was pushing us back. Then the house started to break apart, and pieces of it were getting swept away, towards us. I could see all of our stuff floating along, getting sucked under and disappearing. Somehow this random old dude came out of nowhere, and he swam over to us and handed me Doggie! He said he pulled him out of the water before he could wash away. He wasn't even wet, though. We finally made it over to the part of the house that was still standing, even though I just knew that the kitties were gone. Somehow though, they had managed to crawl down in this I don't even know how to describe it. I tried reaching down in to pull them out but I couldn't quite reach them. Everybody was there, including Prozac and Gypsy. I didn't see Runt-Runt, but I guess she wasn't supposed to be there because I remember thinking how glad I was that they had all made it there. We had some cat carriers we were going to put them in when we got them out, but some of the screws that held the tops and bottoms together were loose, and we were trying to put them back together. We were also trying to figure out who to put in which carrier so they wouldn't fight with each other. And then I woke up.

So...analysis, anybody? This is pretty much the way that my dreams usually go. If anything, this one was a little tame. I either have really fucked up dreams, sometimes 3 or 4 different scenarios a day, or I either don't dream or just don't remember them. I can't remember the last time I had a "normal" dream. I remember reading this study a while back, and it totally makes sense. I have noticed that it seems like if I drink enough that it's easy for me to fall asleep, those are the days that I either don't dream or don't remember them. Either way works, really. But then that's really not good for me, either. Well, shit.

I stayed up this morning and played some Black Ops 2 then watched a little Family Guy and American Dad. Went to bed around 1:00, but it took forever to fall asleep. TH picked up TK and went by the house. He checked on the kitties, said they were fine but whiny. Poor little buttheads :-/ He also said it didn't look like they had done anything at the house. The construction schedule called for leveling the fill dirt today, and then this afternoon install water line and electrical ground rod. When he went by there, they hadn't done anything. Grrrrrrr. I'm still hoping for a Friday pour, not Monday or Tuesday. I know I'm being impatient, but I just want it to be finished so bad!! I guess it seems like if we can't actually tell that something has been done, nothing is happening. I know that's not the case, but it's how my mind works sometimes, lol. I'm having trouble imagining what it will be like to actually be in our own house again. I haven't even tried to wrap my brain around the idea of a pretty new house. Everything will be new, and clean. With the old house it seemed like no matter how much we tried to clean, it never got really clean. I guess that's what happens when you have a 45 year old house with years of built up dirt and yuck.

Oh yeah - this morning I made the Salsa of Doom!! It is freaking hot already, and it only gets hotter the longer it stays in the fridge. I made a huge batch, and brought some to the guy at work who wanted the recipe. Told him this is what it tastes like if you follow the recipe. Adjust accordingly, lol. Recipe here. I know, it would probably be 10x better if you used all fresh ingredients, but I like the convenience and consistency of the canned stuff. It's easy to make, and I always have the stuff in the pantry. Nom nom nom nom nom.

This is what I brought the guy at work. I should have taken a pic when I made it this morning - it was so purty in a big glass bowl :-)

And once again, no house pic. Sigh. I have started putting the videos I took of the demolition up on YouTube, but I need to get the ones from TH's phone before I can add any more. I'm thinking of adding an album on here so that everything related to the house is easy to find. Ooh, a song list would be good, too. We'll see how ambitious I get, lol. For now though, remember the Chicken Place car from the other day? One of the other ones was there tonight. Another crappy nighttime picture, away!!

Yeah. Still not sure if it's the same dude, or more than one. Half tempted to go ask, lol.

Song: Avenged Sevenfold - Not Ready to Die. I just heard about this today - there is an easter egg that plays this song on the Black Ops Zombie map Call of the Dead. It's a DLC map that we don't have yet, but I wanna get it. We bought the season pass for Black Ops 2 but we don't have any of the DLC for the older stuff. I'm thinking that's probably what TK will end up spending his allowance on for a while. I know he wants to get Nuketown 2025, for sure. He found it on Ebay for like $15, not too bad I guess.

Best thing: Salsa of Doom!!

Worst thing: Dreams :-/

Bye byyyyeeeee!!

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