Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21

So I get to work tonight, and I start having cramps. Fucking lovely. See, I use one of these, and it's at home. I usually keep track of shit and throw it in my backpack a few days ahead of time so I'll have it at work if I need it, but I totally derped out this time. Plus I have to go get my oil changed in the morning and go by and check on the house and the kitties before I go home, so it's gonna be a long night :-/ The first day usually isn't too bad though, so maybe it'll be ok. If you've never heard of it, or you have and you're curious, go check out that link. I've been using one for almost 13 years, I guess. That's probably about right - I bought the first one right after TK was born. It is freaking awesome!! It took a few times to get the hang of, but now I can't imagine going back to anything else. They say that one can last for 10 years, and I believe it. I used my first one for a few years until it got lost. I still don't know how that happened, lol. The second one I had for probably 6 or 7 years before I lost it in the fire, and it was still in great shape. Hopefully this one I can keep long enough to wear it out :-)

Went home this morning and played a little Black Ops campaign. TH got up early and, intentionally or not, annoyed me until I gave up and turned it off. Sigh. So I hung out with him. TK was out of school because of the holiday and he didn't get up until I was about to go to bed. I stayed up late so I didn't get up for work until 8:30. So now I feel bad for not playing with him today :-/ And now I'm at work, but at least it's quieter than it was last night. Busy nights are a pain in the ass.

Since I didn't have to go pick up TK, TH went by the house on his way to work. The plumbers had already been there and installed the water line, and the concrete guys had the plastic down and were finishing up placing the beams. He wasn't sure about the electrical ground, but it was still early in the day so they could have been coming later. He said the concrete guys had a few choice words about the plumbers, lol. It turns out that they are bringing in the main water line from the street and running it through the slab, but where it will branch off to the bathrooms, kitchen, and everything else will be run through the attic. I guess that way if there's a problem it's easier to fix? Dunno. It's also not pipes like I was expecting - it's some kind of hose or something. Interesting. I also now know where the plastic goes. I'm learning so much, lol. He said the concrete guys said they will be finished with everything today. I think all they still have left to do is lay the grid over the top of everything. Tomorrow they will do the water and electrical inspections and have the slab engineer check the forms. If all of that passes (and it fucking better!!), they pour Wednesday morning!!! And we're gonna go watch. I am so freaking excited! I know, kinda lame. Don't care :-P

So - pictures today!! TH actually took a few when he went by there on his way home last night, but really the only difference from the Saturday ones was that the tops of the little islands were smooth. It was dark, so they're not the best. That's never stopped me before though, lol.

Sunday night - ready for plastic!

Today though, it looks completely different! For all practical purposes it is ready for concrete.

So the plastic covered the little islands and the trenches. The steel beams went down in the trenches on top of the plastic. You can see the water line stretching across. The little part that sticks out on the right is the front porch.

Closer look at the steel beams. Those black boxes on the right are there to leave room to set the drain for the shower and the tub. And don't forget the P-trap (hehe). Yeah, I'm like 12 :-P

Song: Nine Inch Nails - Survivalism. Random shuffle today. I had never seen the video before. It's interesting.

Best thing: No really fucked up dreams today.

Worst thing: Cramps, and my Keeper is at home :-/


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