Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30

We have walls!! Well, framed out walls, at least. So I went by the house on the way home this morning, just to have a chance to walk around the slab before they did anything to it. It still just seems too small to actually be a house, somehow. It's about the same size as our old house, just narrower and deeper. So it's almost like our old house turned sideways, kinda. It just looks so different that it's still weird, I guess. I walked around a little bit and took a few pictures, of course :-) They had marked out door and window openings, and where the washer, dryer, dryer vent and range hood will go. It was neat!

TK did go to school. He woke up feeling ok, but tired. No fever or anything. He made it all day though, yay! I hung out with TH for a while, then played some Halo 4 matchmaking and a few games of Team Deathmatch on the new Black Ops 2 maps. I tried the Halo 4 Grifball. It's...different, but still Grifball. The gravity hammers sound weird though. In Reach they sounded like bigass hammers hitting the ground. Now they sound like...a nailgun or something going off. It's hard to describe. And of course I stayed up wayyyy too late, so now I'm tired. I never freaking learn, lol. Slept til 8:30 so I didn't have time to play with TK. Maybe tomorrow, if I don't stay up too late.

TH drove by the house when he dropped TK off, to see if anybody was there yet. There were 4 or 5 construction dudes there and they had already unstrapped the lumber and started laying it out. I think they show up at 8:00, and it was only like 8:10. These guys aren't gonna screw around! He went back later just before he picked up TK, and the trusses had been delivered and we had walls!! Just looking at the pics, it looks like all of the interior walls and everything are framed out. It was early enough that they might have had time to set the trusses before they left, but they still have tomorrow to work on it so I don't know if they did or not. I'm going to go by in the morning on the way home and walk through it. I'll find out then!

I am glad he went by there this afternoon, because he discovered that they did mess up on one thing. The front left side of the house is the dining room, and there is supposed to be a regular window on the side of the house and a bay window on the front. They boxed out the one on the side, but forgot the front one. It was just framed up as a solid wall. Ooops, lol. So he emailed the foreman to let him know. So actually, maybe they will have fixed that this afternoon instead of starting on the roof. Dunno. Tomorrow the schedule calls for completing the framing and having the rest of the first load of supplies delivered. At the rate they're going so far I'm thinking they just might be able to stick with the schedule. Just have to hope that the inspections all pass and don't slow anything down. The foreman said that every time you fail an inspection you basically lose 3 days, because they won't come out and do a reinspection for 72 hours. Ouch :-/

I got to work tonight and my boss, who relieved me this morning at 06:00, was still here. He did a double and has to be back in the morning at 06:00. And this is why I'm glad I'm not the boss, lol. The guy that was supposed to be here at 14:00 has been out of town for a few days and was supposed to be back this morning but his flight got cancelled. He called me early this morning to leave a message for the boss. When I left this morning it still wasn't clear if he was going to be here late, or at all. I told my boss that if he had to stay and he got hungry he could eat one of my little dinners or something that I keep in the cabinet here at work. He ate a dinner and drank a soda and gave me $5 for it. He's so funny.

So tomorrow is my doctor appointment. Boo freaking hiss. It was supposed to be Tuesday but when they decided they were going to pour Monday I rescheduled it. I didn't want to have 2 days of having to go do something and then get up to pick TK up from school. Turns out it wouldn't have mattered because he was sick, but who knew, lol. I so don't wanna go. I know I need to, I just freaking hate going to the doctor. I think I'm going to try to write everything down tonight, so that when he asks what's going on I can just be like, here dude. They know the appointment is for a med refill but they always want to talk about the "how are you feeling" bullshit. I figure it's also probably not a good idea to tell him that sometimes I want to fucking strangle everyone who annoys me :-/

My rings are definitely looser. I have to keep adjusting them because they turn upside down. Hmmm. Also, I have this one pair of knee-length basketball shorts that are the only pair I will wear out of the house - all of my others are too short. (I guess I should get more long shorts?) Anyway, it has been cold so I've been wearing pants. I put them on the other day for the first time in a few weeks and they were looser around the legs. Double Hmmmm.

House pictures!! With walls!!

From the front. Dining room (with missing window) on the left, front door in the middle, living room on the right. Front porch on the front, of course :-)

Front again. Looking through the living room window, down the hall, into the master bedroom.

From the right side. Side of the living room on the left, small bedroom (gameroom!!) in the middle, TK's room on the right. See the small door near the middle? Water heater closet is on the outside of the house. Trusses stacked up in front. And look at that sky!!

Song: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop. I saw this a few months ago on Reddit and meant to go download it but I forgot. Heard it as a "staff pick" on the radio tonight so now I have it! The video is freaking awesome!!

Best thing: We have walls!!!

Worst thing: My stomach hurts :-/ I think it's nerves. Don't wanna go to the doctor!


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