Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31

So, I'm still alive. Just been kinda busy at work for some reason so I haven't really had a chance to write. It's Tuesday night, so only 2 days left for the week. Yay :-) But then I'm working this Saturday because someone needs the day off so that's gonna suck a little bit. Oh well though. The extra cash will be nice. Oh, but some random resident lady brought me flowers tonight! She said she sees me all the time and I'm always smiling (and farting sunshine and rainbows and shit) so she wanted to do something nice. They're so purty :-)

Okey dokeys let's see. Last Thursday was pretty much just the usual - work the night before, sleep, hang out with TH and TK, and come back to work that night. Friday morning I got off work and went online on the way home but didn't manage to catch any rides. Chatted with TH at work for a while then woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties, stopped by the restaurant supply place to buy a pizza peel, looked at Gamestop to see if there was anything interesting (there wasn't, lol) went by HEB to pick up some grocery stuff, then got home and played for a while until TH got home. Hung out with him, watched an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then went to bed kinda early because I was tired. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night and playing with TK for a while though, so that was fun :-)

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, then went to Home Depot to get stuff to build a couple of flower beds and a veggie garden. Got home and built the garden then went by Subway for dinner. Hung out with TH for a while then he went on to bed kinda early and I stayed up playing with TK.

Sunday when we got up we built the flowerbeds and spread the mulch then went back to Home Depot for veggie plants and seeds. Got home and laid out the garden but we were too fucking tired to do anything else so we hung out for a while and grilled some frozen pizzas and pork ribs. Basically we just sat outside until TH was ready to go to bed, lol. I stayed up for a little while playing with TK.

Monday TH went to work early. TH and I slept kinda late, mowed the front and back yards, then played until TH got home. Made some fish, fries, and hush puppies for dinner, took a quick nap, then went to work.

Tuesday I got home and downloaded the new map packs for COD: Advanced Warfare, chatted with TH at work for a while, then went to bed kinda early, Got up before TH got home and TK and I played a few games on the new map pack. I likes :-) TH got home and we (finally) planted everything in the garden. It's sooooo cute!!! We had leftover pork rib stuff for dinner then I took a quick nap. And now I'm at work.

We kinda added it all up, and we figured out that on Saturday we bought something like 1200 lbs of dirt/compost/manure. Plus the boards to build the garden. Plus the rocks to line the flowerbed. Plus getting all of that from the store shelves to the cart, the cart to the car, then the car to where we needed it in the yard. Plus all of the bending and digging and everything else. So it's no wonder we're so sore. I'm much better today but holy shit yesterday it hurt to even breathe :-/ But it's all sooooo pretty, lol.

So tomorrow is April Fool's Day. Before I left for work tonight TK and I changed the radio station in TH's car to some Tejano station, so when he gets in to go to work tomorrow morning he'll be all like WTF? Lol. We also told him that we were going to make brownies. We're taking a brown paper bag and cutting out some letter E's, putting them in a pan, and covering it with foil. Get it? Brownies...brown e's...But now here's the fun part. I told TK I was going to stop by Randall's and buy a pan of brownies so we could be like "lol j/k here you go". But before I get home in the morning I'm going to take those brownies out of their pan, cut some cardboard to fit down in there so it looks legit, and frost the cardboard. Then when they try to cut the "real" brownies I get to fool them both XD I'm also going to see if I can get on the computer at home before TK wakes up and TH gets home and go change all of the Windows sounds to a fart noise, and set the background as a giant picture of a cat's butt. I may change the Chrome homepage to a cat butt, too. It's all gonna be fucking hilarious!

So, yeah. Pretty awesome weekend even if it did almost cripple me, lol. Other than that though, not really much going on.

Flowerbed on the left side of the house, in front of the dining room. We planted some daffodils and tulips that we found on clearance at HEB. TK calls them refugees because they always look so sad when we bring them home, lol.

Front flowerbed (and a kitty Naga, lol). The windchimes and flowers are new, too.
Veggie garden (and the little tree that we bought for Christmas). It's 4x8 laid out in 1' squares. The plants are cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, cilantro, and strawberries. We also planted spinach, cabbage, okra, green onions, radishes, garlic chives, and carrots from seeds.

Noms for the days: Not exactly...

Song: White Town - Your Woman. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Flowerbeds and garden!!!!

Worst thing: Sooooo sore :-(


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