Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16

Monday night, back at work. So it's Spring Break but so far it hasn't really been too much worse than a normal Wednesday or Thursday night. I'm sure it will get a little busier as the week goes on but I'll take whatever I can get, lol. Traffic around town sucks ass but I'm trying to stay out of it as much as possible. It was pretty warm all weekend but there's a decent chance of rain starting sometime tomorrow. So we'll see.

So Friday morning I turned on Lyft and Uber on the way home and managed to catch an airport ride. So that was cool :-) Got home and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties then stopped by Sams and HEB for a couple of things. Played a little GTA V until TH got home then helped him put together his new grill and sat outside while he let it burn for a while to season it. Made wings and fries for dinner, watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for movie night, then stayed up for a little while playing with TK.

Saturday we woke up kinda early, made some breakfast, hung out and paid bills (yay, lol), then TH and I went running around to look at a new table for the dining room. We've been using our big patio table in there but we decided we wanted to get something smaller and put the big one outside for when we BBQ and stuff. We ended up finding one and it looks awesome :-) I need to get a picture though. We also bought a new coffeepot like the one we had before so that TH can take the one we've been using to work. And it was nice to get off and do something with TH for a while. Got home and moved the tables around, cleaned out one of the flowerbeds in front of the house to plant some daffodils that I had found on sale at HEB, and moved the basketball goal from the back yard to the end of the driveway. And that was a bitch and a half! One of the wheels was missing and it had sat back there so long we had to pry it out of the weeds and shit :-/ Finally finished up with that and started up the grill. We cooked some chicken, some sausage, and a package of pork chops. Oh and a grilled flatbread that I randomly found a recipe for. I also made some homemade macaroni and cheese. It was awesome :-) And now we have meat for like, the rest of the week. By the time we finished dinner and got everything cleaned up it was late and I was pretty tired so we all just went on to bed.

Sunday we woke up pretty early again and hung out for a while, did some laundry and cleaning, played a little GTA V with TK, then took a short nap. Got up and played with TK some more, made frozen pizzas for dinner, and went to bed kinda early. So yeah. Super duper productive day, lol. Though I did get some reading done, if that helps :-D

Monday I woke up when TH left for work, kinda sorta went back to sleep for a couple of hours, then TK and I took Maryann (the calico) to the vet. She's had an upper respiratory thing for a couple of days but Saturday night she started sounding seriously congested so we decided to go ahead and take her in when they opened this morning. And holy shit we were there for like 2 hours! It wouldn't have taken so long except that they had an emergency surgery case so all but one doctor was tied up. I love our vet but the only thing that bugs me is that it's walk in only - there are no appointments. But then I do like being able to just go take someone in at the last minute if they need it. And too if you really need to be seen they'll see you right away and not make you wait. I've been there once when an emergency case came in and they just went straight to the back. So it works out alright. So Maryann's thing is most likely viral but they gave her a shot of antibiotics to help keep it from developing into something else. Basically now we just wait for her to get better. I hate sick kitties :-( Finally finished up at the vet and went home and played with TK until TH got home, hung out with him for a while, then took a nap before work, And now I'm here. I'm thinking that unless I'm just unbelievably tired in the morning I'll probably go online when I leave here and see if I can snag another ride or two, lol.

Noms for the weekend: Eh, not the best.

Song: Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me. Random shuffle.

Best thing: So today is our anniversary! TH and I have been married 16 years now and haven't killed each other yet, lol.

Worst thing: Sick kitty :-(


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