Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23

Monday night, back at work. And Thank FSM that Spring Break and that fucking music festival thingie are over and everyone has left town. So now it's nice and quiet here at work, just the way I like it :-)

So let's see. I went online when I left work Friday morning and managed to catch a decently long ride that ended up close to home, so that was cool. TK and I went to take care of the kitties, went by HEB for a few grocery things, stopped at Home Depot and bought some wildflower seeds, a hummingbird feeder, and a couple of wind chimes, then went by Gamestop to buy a new Xbox One headset (because the darling kitties ate one of ours, lol). Got home and tossed the wildflower seeds out in the side yard then basically just hung out until time for TH to get home. TK's buddy was coming to spend the night so TH stopped by Sam's on his way home and picked up a couple of their precooked pizzas. They're actually surprisingly good, lol. He got home and we hung out, watched a couple of episodes of agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., then we went on to bed and the boys stayed up pretty much all night.

Saturday we pretty much just hung out all day. It had started raining Friday afternoon and pretty much rained all day Saturday. We did some cleaning and laundry, I played a little COD with TK, then took a middle of the day nap. We had leftover pizza for dinner and then TH went on to bed kinda early and TK and I stayed up playing COD with one of the guys that I work with. So that was fun :-)

Sunday I actually got up a lot earlier than I had planned. Did a little more cleaning and finished the laundry, hung out with TH and TK, did a little reading, then sat outside for a while and grilled some fajitas, a package of sausage, and a little bitty pork roast. Oh, and some of the flatbread like we did last week. Nom :-) I was kinda tired because I got up early so I went on to bed when TH did.

Monday I woke up when TH left for work, stayed up and read for a while, then took another quick nap. Got up before he got home and hung out with TK, watched some Transformers cartoons, then had nachos for dinner after TH got home. And now I'm at work. There was a huge accident on my way here that had one of the main roads blocked off and I ended up having to turn around and go the long way around. So that kinda sucked.

Other than that not really much going on. I can't wait to see if the wildflower seeds we "planted" are going to grow. That's gonna be pretty :-)

Noms for the days: Eh.

Song: Dido - Hunter. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Pretty wind chimes :-)

Worst thing: Cramps :-(


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