Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3

Okey dokeys. I got busy last night and didn't have a chance to write so here goes. Tuesday night, back at work, lol. It's been cooler the last couple of days and it rained off and on today. I don't think we actually got very much, but it's been nice. We'll pretty much take anything we can get at this point.

So let's see. Friday morning we should have gone to take care of the kitties but that ended up getting sidetracked. Ok so I've been feeling a little weird for the last week or so, and about halfway through the night Thursday night it started getting pretty bad. I was kinda shaky, and dizzy, and everything felt all tingly. I managed to hold it together long enough to get home but by that point I was kinda freaking out. I was going to wait until my doctor's office opened and see if I could get an appointment but it just got so bad that I legitimately thought I was having a heart attack or some shit so I went on over to the emergency room. Long story short, they did a bunch of tests and there's nothing wrong with my heart. So yay! My blood sugar was a little low (which is not really that unusual) and my blood pressure was a little high (which is unusual). I was kinda freaking the fuck out though so I guess it makes sense. So basically they think I was having a panic attack. Which makes no sense whatsoever, because nothing was wrong! So once again it's my fucked up brain screwing things up for me. Sigh. They gave me a prescription for an anti-anxiety drug and told me to follow up with the doctor. So I finished up there and went home, woke TK up and we went to pick up a couple of things from HEB, then got home and played and hung out for a while until TH got home. Had some leftovers for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, then went on to bed. Cause it had been a long ass day...

Saturday I was having trouble sleeping so I woke up earlier than I had really planned on. Hung out with TH and TK for a while, did a little laundry, then TH and I went to Sam's to pick up a couple of things and Petsmart to return the cat lady's carrier and buy a couple of critters for TK's aquarium. He still had the little ghost shrimp so we bought 3 more of them, a couple of little snails, and a betta. As of right now (Tuesday night) they're all still alive. So yay! Got home and made burger salad for dinner and watched the first Alien movie for movie night. TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while.

Sunday we got up kinda early, did some cleaning and some more laundry, finally took down the Christmas decorations (lol), and made some roasted cauliflower and jalapeno cream cheese thingies to go with the wings for Super Bowl. Then we watched the game. It was fun :-) Afterward TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing.

Monday I got up kinda early (again) and went to my doctor's appointment. Basically I'm still all fucked up and need to stay on the Prozac. Sigh. I filled the anti-anxiety stuff that the hospital had given me but wanted to wait and ask him about it before I took any of it. He's thinking we should wait and see what happens with the whole panic attack thing before deciding on any other meds. I kinda think that's a good idea. I'm supposed to go back to see him in 3 months to see how everything is going. So that should be fun :-/ Got home and played with TK for a while, hung out with TH after he got home, then took a quick nap before work. Work wasn't too bad. I ended up having one of the private security dudes hanging out most of the night because he was bored so it was hard to get anything done. It does seem to make the time pass quicker though so I guess that's something. Although I think I almost had another panic attack at work but I managed to settle it down before it got too bad. I guess at least if I can realize what's going on and try to stop it, I should be able to deal with it?

Tuesday TK was awake when I got home but he went to bed shortly after so I stayed up wayyy too late chatting with TH at work. Got up when he got home and hung out with them for a while then tried to take another quick nap. It didn't really work though because I kept having weird dreams :-/ And now I'm at work. So far it's nice and quiet which works for me.

So when I got to work last night I found out that we're having a mandatory meeting next Saturday morning at fucking 6:00 in the morning. That is just all 52 different kinds of bullshit. Apparently the weekend morning guy fucked up big time last weekend and let someone in going to the house that's being watched by the private security company because of a big messy divorce and custody dispute. Well, the resident lady told us Friday morning that she and the kids were going out of town for the weekend and that since they wouldn't be home, the security company wouldn't be coming in. When they first started out there it was 24 hour security but a few weeks ago it dropped down to overnight only. So Saturday morning the lady's ex-mother-in-law (the ex-husband's mom) tried to come in to see the kids and this fucking dumbass let her in. Not only that, but he told her that they weren't home and that they had private security, and even gave her the name of the security company. When the MIL got down to the house it turned out that the lady was still home but the kids were out of town with a relative. She caused a huge scene, police were called, all of that shit. So now the lady is all freaked out and has bumped security back up to 24 hours, she's all pissed, and we have to have a meeting to "make sure we're all on the same page about blah blah blah..." Fucking grrrrrrrrr >:-(

Noms for the weekend: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I went over a couple of days (Super Bowl, lol) but overall not too bad.

Song: George Ezra - Budapest. A new one!

Best thing: Hmmm. I guess that I didn't have a heart attack, lol.

Worst thing: Stupid panic attack shit :-(

Yep yep yep.

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