Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23

Monday night, back at work. And it is seriously fucking cold out there! We had a little bit of sleet and freezing rain and stuff early this morning, it's been right about freezing almost all day, and they're calling for more freezie stuff overnight. They've already called a 2 hour delay for most of the school districts in the area. The roads were still fine when I came to work but if it does anything like what they're expecting, the drive home in the morning could be fun...

So let's see. Friday morning TK and I went to take care of the kitties, went to Walmart for a couple of things, then stopped by HEB for some grocery stuff. Got home and hung out for a while, then my neighbor buddy came over for a little bit and we got a little drunk, lol. TH got home and took me to pick up my Lyft Glowstache then we stopped by a different HEB for a couple more things. Got home and had leftover type stuff for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck, then went to bed kinda early.

Saturday we woke up kinda early and made some breakfast, hung out for a while, did some laundry and cleaning, then TH and TK went running around for a little while and I stayed home to put together the little ghetto BBQ grill that someone had given us when we first moved in. I had found a bunch of meat on clearance at Walmart so we decided to grill :-) They got home and we hung out outside grilling, drinking beer, and watching the kitties play. It was awesome :-) TH went on to bed kinda early and TK and I stayed up playing for a little bit.

Sunday we woke up early again and basically just hung out all day. I played a little COD with TK while TH did some schoolwork, read for a little while, we did a little more laundry, then made frozen pizzas for TH and TK (I had wings) and watched The Hunger Games for movie night. I was still pretty tired so I went on to bed kinda early.

Monday I got up when TH left for work, hung out with TK for a little bit, stayed up and read for a while, then took a short nap. Got up before TH got home and made some chili and some taco meat, hung out with him after he got home, then took another quick nap. And now I'm at work freezing my ass off.

So I found out that the other girl here at work got a new job so she'll be leaving sometime soon. Which means that more than likely I'll go back to working Sunday nights. I'm kinda bummed but kinda not, I guess. We could definitely use the extra money, and this way if I'm working 40 hours again I won't feel super duper guilty if I don't go out and drive every weekend. So I guess it's all good.

Noms for the weekend: All keto except for a slice of TH's frozen pizza, lol.

Song: Tyga, The Game - Switch Lanes. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Got the blackout shades put up Saturday. Our room is soooooo dark now :-)

Worst thing: Drank wayyyy too much this weekend :-(


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