Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4

Not much going on today. Nice and slow at work again. It was a little warmer today but there's supposed to be a cold front pushing through tonight that will drop temperatures for the next day or so. Then it's supposed to be much warmer this weekend. Yay, lol.

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work. Went to bed a little early and got up around 3:00 or so. Made a couple of batches of flax buns and had breakfast for dinner after TH got home - eggs, sausage, and flax pancakes. Nom :-) Hung out with TH and TK for a while then took a quick nap before work. And now I'm here.

Noms for the day: MFP. I'm not even hungry yet so I may or may not end up eating the salad. So it could be less :-)

Song: Cracker - Low. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Woke up this afternoon and had sooooooo many kitties sleeping with me. It was awesome :-)

Worst thing:Found out that my Sister-in-law's mom died. We grew up in a really small town so I knew my sister-in-law (and her mom) way before she and my brother got married. She was a really sweet lady :-(


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