Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9

Monday night, back at work. Woofuckinghoo. It was really warm today, like 81 or 82, and it's still kinda gross and muggy tonight. So yeah, that's freaking awesome. At least it's not busy though?

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties. Went by HEB for a couple of things then got home and played for a while. Hung out until TH got home then I took a quick nap and went to go drive. Yay, lol. I went out about 11:00 and quit around 4:30-4:45 to make sure I had time to get to that stupid meeting on time. And yeah, it was a stupid fucking meeting. Sigh. But I'll end up bringing home about $120 for driving Friday night, so at least there's that :-) Did the stupid meeting, got home and everyone was awake so I hung out with them for a little bit then took a nap. Did a little cleaning and laundry then watched The Interview and had nachos for dinner. It was actually better than I had expected! Hung out for a little while then TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while. So I guess that was pretty much Friday and Saturday all rolled into one.

Sunday we slept kinda late, did some more laundry and shit, and basically just hung out. Went to Home Depot for a couple of water hoses and looked around at garden type stuff, then went by Academy and bought a new basketball and looked at shotguns. They're sooooo shiny, lol. Got home and TH went to bed pretty quick and TK and I just kinda hung out for a while.

Monday I slept late, got up for a while, slept a little more...basically all day until almost time for TH to get home. Dunno what was going on but I never could seem to get any decent sleep :-/ Got up and hung out with them for a while, made some dinner, then took another super quick nap before work. And now I'm here feeling all tired and gross :-( Sigh...

Bonus! It's a Mary Ann (calico) and Amber (fuzzy white one)!! This is the best picture I've been able to get of them. They don't like to hold still, lol.

Awwwwwww :-)

Noms for the weekend: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Song: Youngblood Hawke - We Come Running. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Finally drove and actually made a little money!

Worst thing: Feeling eh for some reason :-/


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