Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19

Thursday night, yay! So I'm still alive and all of that stuff. It's been busy here at work the last couple of nights so I haven't really had a chance to write. Not really much going on though so I guess it's not that big of a deal, lol. Pretty much just work, get home and hang out with TK, sleep, get up and hang out with TH and TK, and come back to work. Thrilling :-P I spent one night here at work getting all of my Uber and Lyft tax stuff sorted out, and another night downloading and converting a bunch of ebooks for the Kindle app on my phone. So that was fun. I'm so fucking tired tonight though. The lady behind us is having her roof reshingled and the fucking dog next to us spent all day outside barking at the roofers so I got the shittiest sleep ever today. Sigh.

So let's see. Tomorrow we'll go take care of the kitties, run a few errands, then...I dunno. I need to drive at least one night but I'm not sure which one yet.

Noms for the days: Back on the keto thing but not so much logging stuff. I'm doing alright though.

Song: Fiona Apple - Criminal. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Filed our taxes yesterday, and the deductions and stuff from Uber and Lyft added like $400 to our refund :-)

Worst thing: Tired, crampy, and just eh :-(

Yep yep yep.

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