Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2

Holy shit it is finally Thursday night!! I survived 12 straight days of work. Well, 12 days here. I usually end up driving on the weekends so that's kinda work but that's not the point. So yay, lol. So it got hot today but a front was supposed to move through this evening and cool everything down. It's here! The wind has shifted and it feels like the humidity is dropping. There was a pretty good chance of thunderstorms but it looks like they mostly stayed off to the north and west. We got just a tiny sprinkle here a little while ago but I am sitting here watching an awesome lightning show. So at least that's something, lol.

So when I got home this morning TH was at work and TK was still awake so we stayed up for a while playing some GTA V. TK went to bed and I had trouble falling asleep so I ended up chatting with TH again until almost 1:00. Sigh. Got up at 7:00, made some black bean and rice stuff for dinner, hung out with TH and TK for a while, and now I'm at work. I've already seen my one cop buddy, lol. He came by to say hi because there's nothing going on out there tonight. He also confirmed that the guy who hit the light pole in here last night is a resident. So if HOA tries to get all shitty about it this time, they can just suck it :-P

Tomorrow I need to go get my car washed and shit so it's ready to drive this weekend. I still haven't figured out for sure when I'm going to go out. TH is working Friday morning (as usual), then all day Saturday and he's off Sunday. If I get all of my shit done early enough Friday I might go out for a little bit ealry to check it out. Depending on how long I stay and how I do I'll decide whether or not I want to get back out Friday night. Or I guess if I just waited until Friday night and went out earlier than normal I could hang out with TK during the day and miss the regular weekday traffic. Then maybe go out fairly early Saturday? Hmmmm. Dunno yet. I know it's going to be crazy but I'm really curious to see what it's actually like.

And I really need to figure out what to do abut my phone. Since I haven't been able to use wifi we've used more data this month than we ever have. We got a text from AT&T today warning us that we have used 65% of our monthly allowance. I mean, the billing cycle starts over on the 11th so that's only like another week. But still, I need to do something. We got ahold of one of the repair places and it's going to cost $90 if all they do is open it up and reattach the wireless antenna. If it actually has to be replaced it's going to be $125. I just don't know about spending that much on a 3 year old phone (it's a refurbished 4S) when I could get a new 5S with at least as much memory for like $200. I'm not sure I really want to upgrade, though. I know I definitely don't want a 6. I guess I need to really look around and compare prices and shit.

So, I guess that's about it. The new guy actually showed up this morning for training so that's good. He's supposed to officially start tomorrow afternoon so that will be his first shift working alone. Fridays are super freaking busy anyway, plus all of the extra shit for the music festival, plus anytime there's a college home game the clubhouse down there has a tailgate party the Friday night before. So...yeah. I'm curious to see if he shows up the next day after dealing with all of that, lol.

Noms for the day: Hot dogs, chips, and beer for breakfast. Rice and black bean stuff for dinner.

Song: Passion Pit - Take A Walk. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Saw my favorite cop buddy last night!! He transferred to a different department like 2 months ago and he finally finished his training so that he can be out on his own. So he decided to come by and see me and R :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired but not too bad.


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