Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19

Wow, what a weekend! First things first though - Sunday night, back at work. And I've been here since 6 pm rather than 10 pm because one of the guys called in sick. Again. The big boss called me at home earlier today to see if I could come in early so the guy who was here wouldn't end up staying for 16 hours until I got here at 10. This way we both ended up with 12 for the day. The big boss also said that they were planning on firing this guy who called in because he has basically just been fucking off and not doing his job. So now he's gone and I'm not sure who will end up covering his shifts until they can find another new person. I might go ahead and volunteer to do next Friday and Saturday nights (sigh) but there's no way I'm doing the next Friday night. Cause it's Halloween :-)

Ok so let's see. Friday morning I got home and TK was still awake so we decided to go hiking! We went to this little park where you start off on a paved trail but then end up wandering through the woods on little forest trail type things. It was awesome! Stopped by HEB to pick up a couple of things, Sprouts to get a few veggies, then went by the house to put everything away. We decided to go look at Target to see if they had any new cool toys so we headed down there. We got distracted on the way there though and stopped at a Gamestop to look around. Nothing good, lol. There's a Petsmart in the same shopping center as the Gamestop so we decided to go in and look at the animals. Um, more on this later :-) So when we were finished running around we got home and hung out for a while until TH got home, made some nachos (pork rind nachos for me), and watched a couple of episodes of Orange Is The New Black for movie night. I was seriously tired because I hadn't slept at all so I just went on to bed when TH did instead of going out driving. Oh, and my phone case showed up so I got my new phone all synced and ready to go. It's sooooooo shiny :-)

Saturday we all woke up pretty early and just kinda hung out around the house. It was nice :-) Did a little cleaning and laundry. Messed around with syncing and transferring stuff from TH's old phone to his new one, then TK's old phone to TH's old phone. Also managed to get TK's old phone wiped and ready to use for Uber, once I go turn in my Uber phone and download the app. So all of that was fun. Played a little Transformers War For Cybertron with TK for a little bit then went outside and did the Halloween decorations! We set up the big spider, hung little bats up on the porch, little skeletons from the mailbox out at the street, and tried (and failed) to string some of that spiderweb shit from the spider's butt to make it look like he was shooting a web. That stuff looks cool if it's done right but it's a bitch and a half to work with :-/ It all looks awesome though! I didn't take a picture but I'm pretty sure I have one from last year around here somewhere. I'll have to look. Finished up with the decorations, took a quick nap, and went out driving. It was an ok night. Kinda slow though. I think I'm only going to end up with around $125 or so. Though it was slow enough that I got bored and headed home around 3:00 so maybe if I had stuck it out a little longer I would have done better. TK's buddy came over to spend the night but they were both asleep when I got home so I just hung out by myself for a while. I think I ended up going to bed around 5:00 or so.

Sunday I was actually still asleep when the big boss called to see if I would come in early. Sigh. Got up and hung out with TH and TK for a little bit, ate some leftover chicken chili stuff for lunch, took a shower, and now I'm here. All in all it was busy this afternoon but there were no big events going on so it wasn't horrible. Now that it's almost midnight it's getting to be pretty quiet. Which is always good :-) I'm thinking that if I'm as tired when I get home in the morning as I am now I'll probably go straight to bed. Because sleeeeeeeep, lol.

Oh, and once again TH will be working until 4 pm every day instead of getting off at 2:30 like he's supposed to. He'll also be working one weekend day for the foreseeable future because their new guy (who has been there like, a week) just quit. Like I told TH, when the overtime rains, it pours :-D

Ok so, Friday at Petsmart. They always have cats there that are available for adoption, plus they sell birds and guinea pigs and all of that shit. So we went in to look at the animals. Just look, I swear. Something we've done a hundred times. Apparently today was different though, because we ended up leaving with 2 kittens and a volunteer job with the adoption agency. Dum de dummm, lol. Ok so we were looking at all of the kitties in the cages and there was this one little orange guy who just...I don't know. It felt like we were meant to take him home. TK of course fell in love with him. They had named him Bandit. I called the adoption number and the lady who runs it said she could meet us there in an hour or so. We ran over to Target and looked around for a minute, went by the bank to hit the ATM for money for the adoption fee, and got back to Petsmart before she actually showed up. When she did we went into the little room to play with the kitten and got to talking about the sign on the door saying that they were looking for volunteers. It sounded cool so starting next week, every Friday morning TK and I will go over to Petsmart and clean out the kitty cages, scoop litterboxes, fill up the food and water bowls, and (the best part!) play with the kitties and let them run around in the little room for a while to get some exercise. It's going to be awesome! Ok so the adoption fee was $65 but that covers the kitty being spayed or neutered, a checkup, shots, and all of that good stuff. Plus you get a coupon book for like, free cat food and shit. Which is awesome. So we were hanging out with this lady and she was kinda showing us what all is involved in the cage cleaning and stuff when she mentions that if you adopt 2 cats they lower the fee to $55 each. We had been letting some of them run around in the little room behind the cages and the orange one we decided to get was jumping around and playing with the others. Well, one of the others was this tiny little pitiful looking tortoiseshell. Her name was Mary. The lady said that she had been found as a stray :-( She's 2-3 months old, same as the orange one, but she only weighs like 2 pounds. He's twice her size, at least. So...I couldn't resist. She really seemed like she needed us. The lady was saying that she would need to be fed extra wet food and kitten milk stuff to help her gain weight and grow. We had pulled $80 from the ATM and that was all we had but the lady actually let us just go ahead and take both of them. Said that she could tell we would really take care of them :-) Plus she's going to bring some extra wet food and kitten milk for us to use when we see her next week. We have a little wet food at home and we bought a big can of powdered kitten milk to get us started. Which they really seem to enjoy :-)

Once we got them home we locked ourselves in the game room with them (away from the other cats) and let them play while we waited for TH to get home. Because I might or might not have consulted him about this whole little kitten procuring deal. (Spoiler alert - I didn't!) He got home and was just like, srsly? Lol. He already wubs them though cause he's a big softie :-) We turned them loose so they could run around the house to explore and meet the other cats. The other cats are...not so thrilled, lol. There has been much growling and hissing but so far nothing physical. So yay? By the time we got ready to go to bed they had found our room and were camped out under the bed. We don't want them to figure out the kitty doors yet so when we went to bed we left the door open for them to roam around. The orange one seems to have adapted pretty quickly but the tortie is still kinda skittish. By Saturday morning though they had both ventured out to the living room so we closed off our bedroom to keep them from just hiding under the bed all day. We decided to rename them and finally came up with Jazz (from Transformers) for the orange one and Zoe (from...several things. Plus it sounded cool, lol) for the tortie. As tiny and skinny as she is she definitely has an appetite and lots of energy! She's been eating everything we put in front of her and running around like crazy. Jazz likes to play-fight with her, lol. She does have a little case of the sniffles so I'm thinking if that doesn't clear up in the next few days we'll probably take her to the vet to get it checked out. Otherwise though they seem to be doing just fine :-)

So, I think that's pretty much it, lol. Definitely an eventful weekend. That's probably why I'm so freaking tired tonight. I am seriously sitting here trying not to fall asleep. I'm over halfway done for the night though! 6 1/2 hours down, 5 1/2 to go. Yay!

Teeny tiny little Zoe!!

Jazz! Or "Trouble", as TH calls him, lol.

Awwwww :-)

Noms for the weekend: All awesomely keto! Got a little distracted though and didn't do a very good job logging everything though.

Song: Cage The Elephant - Cigarette Daydreams. A new one!

Best thing: KITTENS!!!!

Worst thing: Sooooooo freaking tired tonight :-/

Yep yep yep.

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