Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30

Thursday night, yay! Not really much going on today. Talked to TH on the way home, TK was asleep when I got there so I went to bed fairly early and got up around 4:30 or so. Hung out with them for a while, made burgers for dinner, and now I'm at work. There's supposed to be a cold front moving through tonight that might kick off a few showers and thunderstorms. I'm sitting here watching a pretty decent lightning show but I don't know yet if it's going to make it this far. We'll see, lol.

Tomorrow TK and I get to go do the kitty thing, probably run a few errands, then after TH gets home we do Halloween!! I think TK's buddy is going to come spend the night, so that should be fun :-)

Noms for the day: Nom.

Song: Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Thursday night!!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda :-/


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29

Wednesday night! Still kinda tired again tonight but really not too bad, I guess. By the time I got home this morning though I was seriously ready for bed. TH was at work so I talked to him on my way home. TK was asleep when I got there so I pretty much just drugged the kitty and went on to bed. Got up around 1:00 and my floor mats were there! I didn't want to put them in a dirty car so TK and I went to get my car washed and do a little running around. I had gotten an email from World Market about a Halloween wine sale and this was one of the ones pictured. So of course I had to go look for it. Unfortunately they were sold out of the black and orange bottles but I did find a pink one so I got that instead. For now, lol. I may have to go back and check again before they go off sale. I kinda really want a couple of the black ones :-) We also went by Gamestop to look around a little bit then stopped by Randall's for some fruit and stuff. Got home and made leftover chicken, a skillet full of veggies, and homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner. Watched an episode of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. with TH, took a shower, and now I'm at work.

So TK has been super fucking hyper lately about wanting to get an Xbox One, mostly because of the new Master Chief Collection (and Halo 5, eventually) and the fact that they're re-releasing GTA V for next-gen and it's supposed to be totally awesome. So we got to looking around and I'm actually kinda thinking about getting one. Sigh. The guy at Gamestop today said that after this Sunday the prices are dropping $50, which would make the COD version $450. Also, the last few times we went to Gamestop they've tried to get me to sign up for one of their credit cards so today I finally let them run it to see what kind of credit limit I might be eligible for. So now I have a $350 credit card for Gamestop, lol. They have a deal right now where if you make a purchase that is more than $500, even if you don't pay the whole balance with the card, you get 6 months to pay it off with no interest. So...yeah. I'm kinda really thinking about it, lol.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28

Kinda tired again tonight :-/ Not really much going on though. Got home this morning and TK was asleep. Talked to TH at work for a while then went to bed around 10:00 or so. Got up at 2:30 and TK and I went to Sam's. Traffic was freaking horrible for some reason >:-( TH was already home when we got finished so we hung out with him for a while. I made some brown rice and black bean stuff for dinner then took a quick nap before work. So...yeah, that's pretty much it :-P

Noms for the day: I'm working on it...

Song: CkY - Tripled Manic State. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Managed to give Zoe her meds twice today without too much drama. Yay!

Worst thing: I might have finished off the last little bit of vodka this morning, even though it was really too much to drink at one time. Which might have resulted in me puking my guts up and feeling like shit for the rest of the day. Sigh.


Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27

Holy shit I'm tired tonight. Sigh. I ended up going to bed late and getting up early which always sucks. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to sleep a little more. So let's see. I got busy here at work last night and didn't get a chance to write. Apparently the kids out here didn't have school today so I guess that explains it. So far tonight has been pretty slow though. It's nice and cool and breezy out too. I think they're calling for a cold front to blow through sometime tomorrow but I don't know how cool it's supposed to get. It's been warmer than normal for the last week or so which kinda sucks. I'm ready for the fall temperatures to stick around!

So Friday morning I got home and TK was still awake so we went to HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played a little Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron until almost time to go do the volunteer thing. Stopped by Walmart on the way there and bought us each a pair of hiking shoes. Yay! We also grabbed a short string of Christmas lights to stick in the spider's head so his eyes would light up. Got to Petsmart a little early and had to wait a little while for the lady to show up. We ended up being there for almost 2 1/2 hours! She like, seriously trained us, lol. A couple of the kittens had eaten some wet food the night before and it didn't agree with them so they had managed to shit all over themselves and a couple of the cages, so that was really fucking gross. We managed though, lol. Finished up with all of the cleaning and played with the kitties for a little bit, stopped by the liquor store for a couple of bottles of vodka, got home and started the vodka gummy bears (nom), and pretty much just hung out until TH got home. Oh, and we went by Wendy's to pick up lunch because we were starving, lol. TH got home and we watched a couple of episodes of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. for movie night and went to bed. Because sleeeeeeeeep :-)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23

Thursday night! Kinda tired again tonight. Not too bad though. I'm actually kinda surprised that I don't feel worse than I do because I caved this morning and drank a couple of beers before I went to bed. And then proceeded to go over my carbs and shit for the day. Sigh. At least though I didn't just say fuck it and eat ALL THE BAD THINGS!!! like I've done before. I pretty much stuck to keto-friendly stuff, just not very smart portions of it. So yay, I guess?

 So I talked to TH on the way home this morning because he was at work. TK was asleep when I got home so I hung out and talked to TH for a while and went to bed around 10:30 or so. Got up around 6:30 and hung out with them, played with the kitties, and now I'm at work. We had ordered a couple of 6 foot power cables for the new phones to plug in next to the bed and those came today. I likes :-) We also got our copies of Transformers: Fall Of Cyberton! Hopefully we'll get a chance to play it sometime this weekend. Tomorrow morning we're meeting the adoption lady over at Petsmart for our volunteer training thingie. It's gonna be awesome :-) We also need to go by HEB and Sam's for a couple of things. And, I dunno what else. TH works Saturday but he's off Sunday and I'll probably go drive at least one night. So that should be fun, lol.

Noms for the day: Eh. I haven't eaten the lunch salad yet so it might actually end up being less than that. Still not my best day though :-(

Song: Hal Ketchum - Small Town Saturday Night. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: New game and long power cords!

Worst thing: Tired and kinda eh :-/


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22

Wednesday night! Kinda tired again but not too bad. Not very busy here at work for some reason either, which is always nice. It rained for just a little while right after I got here tonight, I definitely wasn't expecting it so that was kinda cool.

So TK was asleep when I got home this morning and TH was at work again. Chatted with him for a while then went to bed. Got up around 2:00 and TK and I went to Gamestop to see if we could sell one of the old iPhones. We were there for freaking ever while they messed with it but ended up not doing it because the wireless was acting up again and wouldn't connect. Sigh. A fully functioning phone is worth like $100 cash or $127 store credit, but without the wireless working we could only get like $50. I may try again this weekend and see if it works. If not I guess we'll just take whatever we can get for it since we really don't have a use for it. We also decided that I think we're going to cancel our preorder for COD Advanced Warfare. We'll probably pick it up later on after it gets cheap but I really don't think we would play it enough to pay $100 for it and all of the map packs. I figure for now if we really want to shoot shit we can just go in and play a little Ghosts or Black Ops 2, lol. So anyway, we finished up at Gamestop and went by Target to look around. Picked up some frozen wings for something easy to cook for dinner. Headed home and ran into TH at the gas station by the house so we stopped to bother him. And get gas, lol. Got home and hung out with TH and TK for a while, took a shower, fixed the wings, and watched a few episodes of the new season of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. And now I'm at work :-P

Noms for the day: Nom :-)

Song: diRTy WoRMz - Two Inch Reel Killa. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Got out and did some stuff with TK!

Worst thing: Stupid phone acting up while we were trying to sell it >:-(


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21

Still kinda tired tonight but not quite as bad as yesterday. A little busier here at work for some reason. Last night ended up being super dead. Which is always nice :-) Last night was also supposed to be the peak of the Orionids Meteor shower so I spent some time standing outside staring at the sky. Never managed to see anything though :-( It's dark enough out here that I have a pretty good view of the stars but I guess it wasn't quite dark enough for meteors. Sigh. Oh, and I met the "new" guy this morning. He's worked for the company for a long time - he used to work in the main office and would drive around checking up on all of the sites, so I've actually known him for about 6 years now. He's going to be filling in at our site for the guy who just quit/got fired or whatever. There's still a chance that I might end up working Friday night though. I'll probably find out tomorrow.

So let's see. Stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning because they had my low-carb tortillas on sale. I also found a couple of blocks of cheddar habanero cheese marked down that I had to try. It's hot but really good! Got home and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed. Got up at 3:00 and played a little Transformers War For Cybertron with TK until TH got home, made burgers for dinner, watched an episode of Orange Is The New Black, and now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: Yep. I haven't eaten the dinner salad yet so if I don't end up finishing it I'll be a little lower :-)

Song: Fitz And The Tantrums - Fool's Gold. Another new one!

Best thing: Kitties doing great! And little Zoe is getting less and less skittish every day :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired still :-/


Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20

Not much going on today. Kitties are still doing great :-) TK was asleep and TH was at work when I got home this morning so I chatted with him for a little bit then went to bed. Got up around 6:00, made fajitas with the leftover pork roast, and now I'm at work. So far it's been pretty quiet which is nice. I am still seriously tired for some reason though. Sigh.

Noms for the day: Yay.

Song: Dream Theater - Pull Me Under. Random shuffle.

Best thing: R (the guy from work) brought me some little Walking Dead minifig dudes that he had extras of. They're so cute!

Worst thing: Seriously tired :-/


Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19

Wow, what a weekend! First things first though - Sunday night, back at work. And I've been here since 6 pm rather than 10 pm because one of the guys called in sick. Again. The big boss called me at home earlier today to see if I could come in early so the guy who was here wouldn't end up staying for 16 hours until I got here at 10. This way we both ended up with 12 for the day. The big boss also said that they were planning on firing this guy who called in because he has basically just been fucking off and not doing his job. So now he's gone and I'm not sure who will end up covering his shifts until they can find another new person. I might go ahead and volunteer to do next Friday and Saturday nights (sigh) but there's no way I'm doing the next Friday night. Cause it's Halloween :-)

Ok so let's see. Friday morning I got home and TK was still awake so we decided to go hiking! We went to this little park where you start off on a paved trail but then end up wandering through the woods on little forest trail type things. It was awesome! Stopped by HEB to pick up a couple of things, Sprouts to get a few veggies, then went by the house to put everything away. We decided to go look at Target to see if they had any new cool toys so we headed down there. We got distracted on the way there though and stopped at a Gamestop to look around. Nothing good, lol. There's a Petsmart in the same shopping center as the Gamestop so we decided to go in and look at the animals. Um, more on this later :-) So when we were finished running around we got home and hung out for a while until TH got home, made some nachos (pork rind nachos for me), and watched a couple of episodes of Orange Is The New Black for movie night. I was seriously tired because I hadn't slept at all so I just went on to bed when TH did instead of going out driving. Oh, and my phone case showed up so I got my new phone all synced and ready to go. It's sooooooo shiny :-)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16

Thursday night! Finally :-) TH is off Saturday and Sunday this week so I'm not sure what we're doing yet. Right now I'm planning on driving Friday and Saturday nights, as long as nothing happens. Definitely want to get some of the Halloween stuff put up for sure. Dunno. Either way it will be nice having everyone home together for a while!

So I got home this morning and TK was still awake so we hung out and played a little Pixelmon. Ended up going to bed around 12:00 or so and got up at 7:30. Had leftover buffalo chicken chili type stuff for dinner and hung out with TH until time to come to work. And now I'm here :-P

Oh and and and...this whole Ebola thing is getting a little more worrisome :-/ So the first guy here who had it came from Liberia and got sick after he was here in my state. He died a week or so ago :-( Now 2 nurses who helped take care of him have come down with it, and one of them actually flew to and from a state across the country while she might have been contagious. So now they're looking at everyone she was in contact with to see if they're at risk for getting it. One of the people on her flight lives in a town like 20 minutes away from here. This is about the time where I start wishing I had never read any Dean Koontz, robin Cook, Michael Chrichton type stuff...

Noms for the day: Yep. I haven't eaten the salad or the peanut butter/cocoa/whipping cream thing yet so it might end up being less than that. Still not too bad though.

Song: Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass. I...I kinda hate myself for this one, lol. But it's just so catchy!

Best thing: Thursday night!

Worst thing: Feeling kinda crappy. I've had a headache that I can't seem to get rid of and...intestinal issues again :-(


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15

It was nice and cool out this morning when I got off work. I think the high was only like 85 today and the 7 day forecast is full of low 80's and upper 70's for the highs. Yay for fall :-) We still need to work on getting the Halloween decorations up. If nothing else we have to have the giant spider by Halloween, at least. Halloween is always fun!

So I talked to TH on the way home this morning since he was at work. TK was asleep when I got home so I chatted with TH for a little longer then went to bed. Got up when TH got home and hung out with him for a while, played a little Transformers War For Cybertron with TK, then took a quick nap until time to come to work. TH had already gone to bed when I got up so I had to sneak around and gather up my clothes and shit. That's always fun, lol.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14

Kinda tired tonight. Not really much going on though. It's nice and cool out again though so that's nice. It was 52 when I left work this morning and I think it's supposed to be a little cooler than that in the morning. I think it's probably safe to say that our really hot weather is over. Finally, lol.

So TK was still awake when I got home this morning. Hung out with him for just a little bit then went to bed around 8:00. Woke up at about 1:30 or so and couldn't fall back asleep so I just got up. Played a little GTA V with TK until TH got home, hung out with him for a little bit, then took another nap. They had dinner while I was asleep but I brought mine to work with me. We still had some leftover pork roast but I took the broth that was left in the crockpot and added some cooked chicken thighs, TVP, hot sauce, and mixed veggies to make kind of a buffalo chicken chili type thing. Yay, options! Everyone was asleep when I got up so that was a little weird. Makes me wonder whether TK will be awake when I get home in the morning or not.

Noms for the day: Yay! I basically just kinda guessed on the amounts for dinner. It may not end up being quite that much but I'm still good.

Song: Hozier - Take Me To Church. A new one! I like the song but the video's sad :-(

Best thing: Got the shipping notice today for our new phones. They should be here tomorrow!

Worst thing: Had some...intestinal issues going on earlier. I guess it's just the change in diet? Dunno, but it kinda sucked :-/


Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13

My first day back on keto! Yay, lol. So far so good, which is awesome. All I really have to do it stick with it because I know it works. Hopefully I can do this!

So, let's see. I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning and picked up a pork roast, some onions, and some radishes. Got home and threw it all in the crockpot to cook all day. TK was asleep so I stayed up for a little while talking to TH (at work), went to bed around 9:00, and woke up at about 1:30. Got up and vacuumed, did a little cleaning and a load of laundry, and played with TK for a while until TH got home at 3:00. He was supposed to work until 4:00 again but they finally got a new guy trained and the big boss is trying to cut down on the overtime. So that was cool. Hung out with them then took another quick nap around 6:30 or so. And now I'm at work. It's nice and cool out tonight! Last night and most of today was super windy while the cold front was moving through but it's died down now. We did end up getting just a little bit of rain after I got home this morning but nothing like what it looked like on the overnight radar. Seems like most of the heavy stuff fizzled out before it got here. At least the front cooled everything down though :-)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12

Sunday night, back at work. Yay, lol. Got busy Wednesday and Thursday night and didn't get a chance to write but there wasn't much going on so no big deal really. I ended up not going out driving this weekend so I actually had 2 days off, which was kinda weird. Nice, but weird. So let's see. TK was still awake Friday morning when I got home so we went to HEB to pick up a couple of things, got home and played a little GTA V, took a quick nap until TH got home, and made nachos for dinner. We watched a couple of episodes of Orange Is The New Black and I was still pretty tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Saturday TH was off so we woke up kinda early and hung out for a while. A cool front moved through overnight so it rained pretty hard off and on for most of the morning. We watched Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls. Lol - bumblebee tuna XD Got out later in the afternoon and went to the AT&T store to look at phones since I still haven't managed to go get mine looked at. I think I've decided that I'm just going to suck it up and buy a 128 Gig iPhone 6. I had been looking at a refurbished 64 Gig 5S but we figured out that it would actually only be about another $150 to get the brand new 6 with double the memory. They have it to where you can either renew your contract and pay a discounted price for the phone or pay full price for the phone in monthly installments and have the option to upgrade again in a year instead of 2. If we paid the discounted price we would lose a $25/month discount per line that we have right now, plus pay a $40 activation fee. Paying it out with installments lets us keep the discount and waives the activation fee. So really it ends up being cheaper in the long run to do the installments and pay full price for the phone. So that's kinda fucked up, but whatever. And of course since we decided to go ahead and upgrade to the 6, they didn't have any in stock. I think we're just going to end up ordering them online, which takes 3 weeks or so because they're backordered. We also added another line to our account for only $15 so I can use one of the old iPhones for Uber and give them their phone back, and not have to pay the $10/week rental fee. Yay! So anyway, we messed around with them then went by Sam's for some stuff. Got home and hung out for a while, ordered pizza, and played TK's new game. He had earned some money for mowing the yard on Friday so he bought Transformers: War For Cybertron. I like :-) We really want to get Fall Of Cybertron because DINOBOTS!!! but it's still a little expensive. Sooooon, lol. I was still kinda tired so I went to bed a little earlier than I had planned.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7

Not much going on today. Stopped by HEB on my way home this morning because I wanted Hot Pockets for breakfast, lol. Got home and TK was still awake so we played a little GTA V. He went to bed fairly early but I had trouble falling asleep. I watched a little Netflix and finally fell asleep around 2:30 or so. Sigh. Got up at 8:00 and hung out with TH until time to come to work. And now I'm here.

So Time Warner has been offering a free internet speed increase if you traded in your old modem for a new one. We got the new one and set it up Monday, and sure enough we have faster internet. Yay! But somehow when we hooked it up we managed to fuck up our Minecraft server so we haven't been able to play for a couple of days. Which sucked -/ Finally figured out how to fix it this afternoon so now I can play Pixelmon at work. Yay!

Noms for the day: Hot Pockets, potato chips, and beer for breakfast. Soup for dinner.

Song: Interpol - All The Rage Back Home. A new one!

Best thing: Got today's Lyft summary for the airport ride yesterday. After commission I ended up making $44.80! The dude tipped me $8, too. Score!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired.


Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6

So, I decided to go online on my way home this morning and managed to pick up an airport run! North part of town to the airport, it was about 20 miles and 30 minutes or so. I won't get the statement on it until tomorrow morning so I'm not sure how much it paid but it was pretty cool :-) I really didn't have to go very far out of my way to pick the guy up and I live pretty close to the airport so it was just like, bonus, lol. Yay :-)

So, let's see. Dropped the guy off at the airport and went home. TK was still awake so I hung out with him for a while and played a little GTA V. He went to bed but I couldn't fall asleep so I put up the laundry and emptied the dishwasher, lol. Finally ended up going to bed around 2:00 or so and got up at 8:00. And now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: A couple of tacos for breakfast. Soup and some Cheetos for dinner.

Song: Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Airport run this morning!

Worst thing: Went to change out the water bottle on the dispenser here at work this morning and just happened to see something floating in the bottle. There was a dead fucking spider in the sealed 5 gallon bottle of water :-/


Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 5

Sunday night, back at work. Woohoo, lol. I thought it might be busy tonight since today was the last day of the music festival thingie but so far it's been pretty normal. So that's nice. It was kinda cool over the weekend but it's back to warm and muggy tonight. I think it's supposed to be hot for a few more days before another "cold front" moves through by the end of the week. Right now they're showing a decent chance of rain for next weekend, which is the second weekend of the music festival. It will be interesting to see what ends up happening.

So let's see. Friday morning I talked to TH on the way home because he was at work. TK was still awake when I got home so we went to get some coffee, wandered around Walmart for a while, got my car washed, and stopped by HEB to pick up a couple of things. And we finally found the Transformer dude that we wanted to get TH for his birthday! So that was cool :-) Got home and played a little GTA V with TK then he took a nap and I went out driving. I left around 12:30 or 1:00 and stayed out until almost 6:00. And holy fucking shit at the traffic! I actually ended up doing pretty well but if there hadn't been so much traffic I could have done more rides and maybe made a little more. So I'm kinda thinking that for me, at least, it's not really worth it to try and go out during the day on the busy weekends. I think I'll stick to the weekend late night stuff. I really really don't like traffic. Or daylight, lol. So I finished up there and headed home, we made frozen pizzas for dinner and watched 22 Jump Street for movie night. Well, I watched half of 22 Jump Street. I hadn't taken a nap so I was too tired to finish it. So I went on to bed, lol.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2

Holy shit it is finally Thursday night!! I survived 12 straight days of work. Well, 12 days here. I usually end up driving on the weekends so that's kinda work but that's not the point. So yay, lol. So it got hot today but a front was supposed to move through this evening and cool everything down. It's here! The wind has shifted and it feels like the humidity is dropping. There was a pretty good chance of thunderstorms but it looks like they mostly stayed off to the north and west. We got just a tiny sprinkle here a little while ago but I am sitting here watching an awesome lightning show. So at least that's something, lol.

So when I got home this morning TH was at work and TK was still awake so we stayed up for a while playing some GTA V. TK went to bed and I had trouble falling asleep so I ended up chatting with TH again until almost 1:00. Sigh. Got up at 7:00, made some black bean and rice stuff for dinner, hung out with TH and TK for a while, and now I'm at work. I've already seen my one cop buddy, lol. He came by to say hi because there's nothing going on out there tonight. He also confirmed that the guy who hit the light pole in here last night is a resident. So if HOA tries to get all shitty about it this time, they can just suck it :-P

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1

First day of October!! That means it's almost Halloween, lol. I'm hoping that this weekend we'll get a chance to put up our giant spider and the rest of our Halloween decorations. Cause they're totally awesome :-)

So let's see. I ended up getting busy last night and didn't have a chance to write. The crazy flex officer girl worked yesterday afternoon so after I got here she hung out and chatted until almost 11:30. One of our cop buddies came by and I stood outside with him for about another hour, then R. came through 3 or 4 times. So I had plenty of people to talk to last night, lol. Other than that not really much going on yesterday. Talked to TH on the way home then TK was still awake so we went by HEB for milk and a couple of things. Got home and stayed up later than we probably should have playing GTA V. Finally went to bed around 2:00 or so and got up at 8:00. Basically just did leftover type stuff for dinner. Work was cool, not too busy as far as traffic and everything. So that was nice.