Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7

Sunday night, back at work. It's pretty busy again, but I guess it's just going to be this way for the rest of the summer. Stupid kids >:-( Though at least there was one good thing  - last Thursday night my sheriff buddy came by and told me that someone had poured soap in all of the fountains in the rest of the neighborhood, but they didn't get the one in my section. So yay for not getting yelled at!

So let's see. Friday morning TK and I went by Walmart for a couple of things then went home and basically just played until TH got home. Hung out with him, made frozen pizzas for dinner, I watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy, then went on to bed kinda early.

Saturday we thought about starting on the flowerbed but decided to just mow the yard instead. Got the whole thing mowed and weedeated (lol), hung out for a while and cooled off, did some laundry and cleaning, played some COD with TK, then grilled some pork chops and sausage and sat outside with the kitties. We ended up going to bed kinda late.

Sunday I slept late then we pretty much just hung out all day. I took another quick nap in the afternoon and now I'm at work. Basically I just enjoyed not having to come to work all weekend :-)

Noms for the days: Not quite...

Song: Sublime - Santeria. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Sleeeeeeeep!!!!

Worst thing: Forgot to wear socks when I mowed on Saturday and now I have matching blisters on both feet :-(


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