Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21

Sunday night, back at work. Not really much going on but it's busy, as usual. It rained off and on all day but I think it's pretty much done for the night. I'm kinda tired and I feel super shitty. I can't decide if it's because I drank too much (probably) or if the pork ribs that we grilled today were not as fresh as we thought they were. They had been marinating in the fridge since like, last Saturday but they smelled fine so we went ahead and cooked them. I guess if nobody else gets sick it's just a hangovery type thing. Sigh.

So let's see. I didn't write like, at all last week but there really wasn't much to write about. I worked Monday night, was off Tuesday, then worked Wednesday and Thursday. Off Friday and Saturday as usual and now I'm back tonight. Last week was pretty much just work, sleep, hang out with everyone...the usual. It ended up raining enough and at just the right times that we weren't able to go swimming at all, which kinda sucked :-( Starting tomorrow though it's supposed to be dry again for a while so hopefully we can go this week. We didn't really do much this weekend either. Today was Father's Day so we grilled some stuff even though it was raining, lol. So that was fun.

Noms for the days: Nopedy nope nope nope.

Song: Fireflight - Unbreakable. Random shuffle.

Best thing: So my boss finally broke down and bought an Xbox One. Friday night TK and I played some Destiny with him. It was fun :-)

Worst thing: Feel like absolute shit :-(


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