Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11

Well, Zoe is still missing :-( We've been checking the shelter and Craigslist and everything but I'm pretty sure she's gone, just like Amber. It almost has to be some kind of critter so that makes me really nervous about letting the others out but I know if we tried to keep them all inside they would just be miserable. So I let them out and worry and hope they're all still there every time I check on them...

So yeah. This has not been the best week. It's Thursday night so I'm off tomorrow but then I have to work again Saturday. I haven't slept worth a shit all week. I drank wayyyyy too much trying to be able to fall asleep Wednesday so I spent the entire night at work feeling like shit. It has been fucking ass busy at work because all of the fucking kids are out of school and they have nothing better to do than roam the fucking streets all fucking night. I swear these people have no idea where their kids are or what they're doing. Probably don't even care, either. Whatever. If I can just make it through tonight maybe I can get some sleep tomorrow. Although this was kinda fucked up - I actually went home this morning and was sleepy enough to go to bed early. I was in bed by like 7:30. Then my boss called and woke me up to see if I could work this weekend, my mom called wanting a favor...yeah. That's just the way it goes, though.

Noms for the days: Not fucking even.

Song: Hollywood Undead - Fuck The World. It just fits :-P

Best thing: You're fucking kidding me, right? Um, it's Thursday night and at least I get one day off this weekend? Fuck if I know...

Worst thing: My little baby ZoZo :-(

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

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