Saturday, June 13, 2015

June 13

Saturday night, at work. Poop. Actually though it's busy, but it's really not too much busier than a normal weeknight now that school is out. So yay, I guess? So the only thing that really sucks is that I'm here and my people are at home. Sigh. We usually would have tried to grill tonight but I think if it's not raining in the morning we'll try to do it early tomorrow. That way I can still sit out there and drink beer and then go to bed before work, lol.

So let's see. I stopped by Randall's on the way home Friday morning to pick up a couple of things. They had grapes on sale for $.77/lb! Nom :-) I also had to use their little Western Union thing to send my sister $100 (looooong story, lol) and they were the ones who opened earliest. So that was fun, lol. Got home and played with TK until the pool opened and went swimming! It was awesome :-) Stopped by HEB on the way home for a couple more things, then got home and started playing COD because CLAN WARS!! TH got home and he was tired so he took a nap. Hung out with him after he woke up, had Hot Pockets for dinner, and went to bed around 9:00 or so. Because tiiiired.

Saturday morning I woke up before everyone else (which is kinda weird) and pretty much immediately started playing COD. When we went to bed we were in 1st place but someone came in overnight and took freaking everything. Grrrrr. So I played by myself until everyone woke up, we made some breakfast, then TK and I pretty much played for the rest of the day. I took a quick nap before work, and now I'm here. So yeah, that's pretty much it.

Noms for the days: Nah.

Song: Melanie Fiona - Bang Bang. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Swimming!!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired but not bad.


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