Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28

Sunday night, back at work. For some reason it hasn't been quite as busy tonight. I have no idea why, but I'll take it, lol. It rained off and on all day and right now I'm seeing lightning off in the distance. There's a decent sized storm out there but I dunno if it's going to make it all the way here or not. So maybe more rain, maybe not.

So let's see. I got home Friday and TK was asleep so I hung out and watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Woke him up around 9:00 and we did some yardwork and shit. Yay :-/ I mowed our back yard while he mowed the neighbor lady's yard, then we raked up all of the sticks and tree limbs from her back yard and loaded them in her truck. And holy shit it was a lot of work! Hot, too. Finished that up and decided to go swimming to cool off but when we got over to the pool they had closed down because the chlorine was too low >:-( I really like that pool but it seriously seems to have a problem with its chemicals and shit because that happens wayyyyyy too often. Sigh. So we stopped by HEB for a few things then headed home. Took a shower, played some Destiny until TH got home, hung out with him for a little while, then he went on to bed and we stayed up a little later playing.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25

So...yeah. Thursday night, yay! I'm not really sure why but I just haven't had a chance to write all week. It's been busy at work and shit but there's also just not really much going on. Been feeling kinda blah lately too so maybe that's it. I dunno...

So let's see. It has kinda rained off and on all week. We never did get a chance to go swimming but I think TK and I are going to try to go when they open in the morning. We've all felt kinda shitty all week but TH actually came home early from work today because he was puking and shit. So I don't imagine he'll feel like going tomorrow even if he does make it to work. Other than that it's just been the usual. So yay?

Noms for the days: Nope.

Song: Kevin McKidd - How We Operate. From Grey's Anatomy. I likes :-)

Best thing: Got plans for another game night with my boss/buddy Saturday night!

Worst thing: Poor sick TH :-(


Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21

Sunday night, back at work. Not really much going on but it's busy, as usual. It rained off and on all day but I think it's pretty much done for the night. I'm kinda tired and I feel super shitty. I can't decide if it's because I drank too much (probably) or if the pork ribs that we grilled today were not as fresh as we thought they were. They had been marinating in the fridge since like, last Saturday but they smelled fine so we went ahead and cooked them. I guess if nobody else gets sick it's just a hangovery type thing. Sigh.

So let's see. I didn't write like, at all last week but there really wasn't much to write about. I worked Monday night, was off Tuesday, then worked Wednesday and Thursday. Off Friday and Saturday as usual and now I'm back tonight. Last week was pretty much just work, sleep, hang out with everyone...the usual. It ended up raining enough and at just the right times that we weren't able to go swimming at all, which kinda sucked :-( Starting tomorrow though it's supposed to be dry again for a while so hopefully we can go this week. We didn't really do much this weekend either. Today was Father's Day so we grilled some stuff even though it was raining, lol. So that was fun.

Noms for the days: Nopedy nope nope nope.

Song: Fireflight - Unbreakable. Random shuffle.

Best thing: So my boss finally broke down and bought an Xbox One. Friday night TK and I played some Destiny with him. It was fun :-)

Worst thing: Feel like absolute shit :-(


Monday, June 15, 2015

June 16

Fuck fuck fuck. Got home this morning and found all of the kitties except Thor (one of the new guys). I found his collars in the backyard but he's missing. Fuck this, from now on they can go in and out during the day but once it gets dark they're staying in. I'm tired of my kitties going missing >:-(

In other news, since I worked Saturday night I'm supposed to be off tomorrow night (Tuesday). That is, as long as nobody calls in sick and they call me to come in. Really though, fuck it. I don't think I want to even if they do. Oh and there's a tropical storm down in the Gulf (ok so I live in Texas, in case you hadn't figured it out) that's supposed to make landfall sometime tomorrow and still be kinda nasty by the time it makes its way up to us later in the day. So it could get interesting.

Yep. Just fuck it all...

Saturday, June 13, 2015

June 13

Saturday night, at work. Poop. Actually though it's busy, but it's really not too much busier than a normal weeknight now that school is out. So yay, I guess? So the only thing that really sucks is that I'm here and my people are at home. Sigh. We usually would have tried to grill tonight but I think if it's not raining in the morning we'll try to do it early tomorrow. That way I can still sit out there and drink beer and then go to bed before work, lol.

So let's see. I stopped by Randall's on the way home Friday morning to pick up a couple of things. They had grapes on sale for $.77/lb! Nom :-) I also had to use their little Western Union thing to send my sister $100 (looooong story, lol) and they were the ones who opened earliest. So that was fun, lol. Got home and played with TK until the pool opened and went swimming! It was awesome :-) Stopped by HEB on the way home for a couple more things, then got home and started playing COD because CLAN WARS!! TH got home and he was tired so he took a nap. Hung out with him after he woke up, had Hot Pockets for dinner, and went to bed around 9:00 or so. Because tiiiired.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11

Well, Zoe is still missing :-( We've been checking the shelter and Craigslist and everything but I'm pretty sure she's gone, just like Amber. It almost has to be some kind of critter so that makes me really nervous about letting the others out but I know if we tried to keep them all inside they would just be miserable. So I let them out and worry and hope they're all still there every time I check on them...

So yeah. This has not been the best week. It's Thursday night so I'm off tomorrow but then I have to work again Saturday. I haven't slept worth a shit all week. I drank wayyyyy too much trying to be able to fall asleep Wednesday so I spent the entire night at work feeling like shit. It has been fucking ass busy at work because all of the fucking kids are out of school and they have nothing better to do than roam the fucking streets all fucking night. I swear these people have no idea where their kids are or what they're doing. Probably don't even care, either. Whatever. If I can just make it through tonight maybe I can get some sleep tomorrow. Although this was kinda fucked up - I actually went home this morning and was sleepy enough to go to bed early. I was in bed by like 7:30. Then my boss called and woke me up to see if I could work this weekend, my mom called wanting a favor...yeah. That's just the way it goes, though.

Noms for the days: Not fucking even.

Song: Hollywood Undead - Fuck The World. It just fits :-P

Best thing: You're fucking kidding me, right? Um, it's Thursday night and at least I get one day off this weekend? Fuck if I know...

Worst thing: My little baby ZoZo :-(

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9

Well, fuck. Now Zoe (the little tortie) is missing. I saw her before I went to work last night (Monday) and TK saw her before he went to bed. And that's it. She's not really the kind to wander off either so I'm afraid she's gone too. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7

Sunday night, back at work. It's pretty busy again, but I guess it's just going to be this way for the rest of the summer. Stupid kids >:-( Though at least there was one good thing  - last Thursday night my sheriff buddy came by and told me that someone had poured soap in all of the fountains in the rest of the neighborhood, but they didn't get the one in my section. So yay for not getting yelled at!

So let's see. Friday morning TK and I went by Walmart for a couple of things then went home and basically just played until TH got home. Hung out with him, made frozen pizzas for dinner, I watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy, then went on to bed kinda early.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 4

Thursday night! Fucking finally, lol. So I guess school is out for the kids out here at work because they had their graduation this morning and the little fuckers are all over the place tonight. Sigh. And so it begins...

So let's see. I got busy the last couple of nights and didn't get a chance to write so I'll just hit the highlights, lol. Tuesday the new map pack for COD:AW came out but by the time we finished downloading it and fucking around with mowing the neighbor's yard we didn't have time to play. I still ended up going to bed too late (again) though so I dunno. Slept, hung out with TH and TK, and came to work.

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1

Wow, it's June already. Kinda crazy. So let's see. Right now the days are all kind of a blur, lol It's Monday night now, which means after tonight I only have 3 days left to work until the weekend. Yay! I've totally got this, lol.

So I got busy Sunday night and didn't get a chance to write but there's still not really much going on. Stopped by HEB on my way home Sunday morning and picked up a couple of things. TH was awake so I hung out with him for a while. TK and his buddy got up a little later and I went on to bed. Work last night was pretty quiet, which is always nice :-)