Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26

Thursday night, yay. Super cold again tonight and I think it's supposed to be this way most of the weekend. There's a slight chance for some sleet or snow flurries or some shit in the morning but right now it looks like it might stay just to the north of us. So we'll see what happens.

So not much going on today. Got home and TK was awake so we stayed up way too late playing COD (again). Went to bed and slept until pretty much time to come to work. So, yeah. Tomorrow we'll go take care of the kitties, run a few errands, then...I dunno. The other girl here at work didn't show up today so I'm wondering if she's gone for good. If so I may be back working Sunday nights starting this weekend. Eh, whatever, lol.

Noms for the day: Yeah...

Song: Savage Garden - Carry On Dancing. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Thursday night!!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25

So, yeah. Wednesday night, yay, lol. Got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but again there's not much going on so not really that big of a deal. Pretty much just the usual. It was cold Monday and Tuesday, a little warmer today, and it's supposed to be cold and rainy again over the weekend, I think. Dunno though. So, yeah. That's petty much it.

Noms for the days: Keto :-)

Song: Flo Rida, David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Bought a couple of butterfly knife comb thingies off of Amazon and we've been practicing. I'm actually getting better, lol.

Worst thing: Feeling kinda crappy tonight :-(


Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23

Monday night, back at work. And it is seriously fucking cold out there! We had a little bit of sleet and freezing rain and stuff early this morning, it's been right about freezing almost all day, and they're calling for more freezie stuff overnight. They've already called a 2 hour delay for most of the school districts in the area. The roads were still fine when I came to work but if it does anything like what they're expecting, the drive home in the morning could be fun...

So let's see. Friday morning TK and I went to take care of the kitties, went to Walmart for a couple of things, then stopped by HEB for some grocery stuff. Got home and hung out for a while, then my neighbor buddy came over for a little bit and we got a little drunk, lol. TH got home and took me to pick up my Lyft Glowstache then we stopped by a different HEB for a couple more things. Got home and had leftover type stuff for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck, then went to bed kinda early.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19

Thursday night, yay! So I'm still alive and all of that stuff. It's been busy here at work the last couple of nights so I haven't really had a chance to write. Not really much going on though so I guess it's not that big of a deal, lol. Pretty much just work, get home and hang out with TK, sleep, get up and hang out with TH and TK, and come back to work. Thrilling :-P I spent one night here at work getting all of my Uber and Lyft tax stuff sorted out, and another night downloading and converting a bunch of ebooks for the Kindle app on my phone. So that was fun. I'm so fucking tired tonight though. The lady behind us is having her roof reshingled and the fucking dog next to us spent all day outside barking at the roofers so I got the shittiest sleep ever today. Sigh.

So let's see. Tomorrow we'll go take care of the kitties, run a few errands, then...I dunno. I need to drive at least one night but I'm not sure which one yet.

Noms for the days: Back on the keto thing but not so much logging stuff. I'm doing alright though.

Song: Fiona Apple - Criminal. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Filed our taxes yesterday, and the deductions and stuff from Uber and Lyft added like $400 to our refund :-)

Worst thing: Tired, crampy, and just eh :-(

Yep yep yep.

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 16

Monday night, back at work. It's cold and windy tonight and there's a slight chance of some sleet and stuff later on but it's warm enough that there shouldn't be any accumulation. So there's that. Today was Presidents' Day so pretty much everyone was off but it's pretty slow here at work. Other than that, not much going on.

So basically it was an uneventful and rather unproductive weekend. Just kinda blah :-( Friday TK and I went to take care of the kitties and went by Walmart to pick up a couple of things. I thought my neighbor buddy and R. from work might be coming over Friday night so we picked up some beer and snacks and a couple of Papa Murphy's pizzas. They didn't, though :-( TK's buddy came over to spend the night so at least that was something. Basically we pretty much just hung out all weekend and did some cleaning and laundry. And I drank wayyy too much. Sigh. TH and TK went to breakfast Sunday morning but I really didn't feel like going. So...yeah. Woohoo.

Noms for the weekend: Nope nope freaking nope. Back on track today though so yay?

Song: Ed Sheeran - I See Fire. From The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

Best thing: R. from work had a camera that he has been trying to sell and he offered it to me in exchange for 2 bottles of liquor, lol. So now we have a decent little camera :-)

Worst thing: Just blah :-(


Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12

Thursday night! Yay...maybe, lol. There's a decent chance that I might end up working tomorrow night if the other girl here at work calls in again like she did today. So that could be fun, I guess. If not then I'll probably end up driving. I figure Friday would be better than Saturday again this week because there's going to be a marathon Sunday morning that's supposed to have all kinds of street closures and shit downtown overnight Saturday. So that just sounds like a huge pain in the ass. So we'll see what happens.

So let's see. Got kinda busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but there's really not much going on so I guess it's not that big of a deal, lol. Pretty much both days I got home and hung out with TK for a while, went to bed, got up and hung out with everyone and had dinner, then came to work. So...yeah. Wednesday we had leftovers for dinner but tonight I made a crock pot full of Buffalo Chicken Soup. So that was nom :-)

Noms for the days: Wednesday, Thursday.

Song: Miley Cyrus - Party In The U.S.A. Random shuffle.

Best thing: One of the residents here at work is from Thailand and he went back to visit over Christmas. He brought me back a small bag of different kinds of candy from there! I mean, I'm not going to eat it, but it was a super sweet thing to do :-)

Worst thing: Tired, kinda.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed. Got up kinda late and hung out with TH and TK, had leftovers for dinner, and now I'm at work. Super freaking exciting, huh?

Noms for the day: MFP.

Song: Imagine Dragons - Tokyo. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Spent a couple of hours last night on the phone with my niece (well, TH's niece) because she needed someone to talk to. She's all pregnant and hormonal and everyone else was asleep, lol. It was nice though :-)

Worst thing: Still feeling eh :-(


Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9

Monday night, back at work. Woofuckinghoo. It was really warm today, like 81 or 82, and it's still kinda gross and muggy tonight. So yeah, that's freaking awesome. At least it's not busy though?

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and woke TK up and we went to take care of the kitties. Went by HEB for a couple of things then got home and played for a while. Hung out until TH got home then I took a quick nap and went to go drive. Yay, lol. I went out about 11:00 and quit around 4:30-4:45 to make sure I had time to get to that stupid meeting on time. And yeah, it was a stupid fucking meeting. Sigh. But I'll end up bringing home about $120 for driving Friday night, so at least there's that :-) Did the stupid meeting, got home and everyone was awake so I hung out with them for a little bit then took a nap. Did a little cleaning and laundry then watched The Interview and had nachos for dinner. It was actually better than I had expected! Hung out for a little while then TH went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while. So I guess that was pretty much Friday and Saturday all rolled into one.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 5

Thursday night, yay! Still kinda cool tonight but it's supposed to start warming up for this weekend. No rain or anything though so we should be able to get out and do a couple of things. So that should be nice :-)

Not much going on again today. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work for a while. Went to bed later than I should have and woke up a little bit after TH got home. Hung out with TH and TK for a while then actually ended up falling back asleep until almost time to come to work. Oops, lol.

Tomorrow morning we're going to go take care of the kitties, maybe run a few errands, then I need to try to get a nap so I can drive tomorrow night. I figure it would be easier to stay up and drive Friday night and then go to the stupid Saturday morning meeting instead of trying to get some sleep and wake up early. Plus I really really need to go out driving.

Noms for the day: MFP.

Song: Katy Perry - California Gurls. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Thursday night!

Worst thing: Had some flax pancakes for dinner and they're causing a little bit of an...intestinal issue, lol.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4

Not much going on today. Nice and slow at work again. It was a little warmer today but there's supposed to be a cold front pushing through tonight that will drop temperatures for the next day or so. Then it's supposed to be much warmer this weekend. Yay, lol.

So let's see. Got home this morning and TK was asleep so I stayed up and chatted with TH at work. Went to bed a little early and got up around 3:00 or so. Made a couple of batches of flax buns and had breakfast for dinner after TH got home - eggs, sausage, and flax pancakes. Nom :-) Hung out with TH and TK for a while then took a quick nap before work. And now I'm here.

Noms for the day: MFP. I'm not even hungry yet so I may or may not end up eating the salad. So it could be less :-)

Song: Cracker - Low. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Woke up this afternoon and had sooooooo many kitties sleeping with me. It was awesome :-)

Worst thing:Found out that my Sister-in-law's mom died. We grew up in a really small town so I knew my sister-in-law (and her mom) way before she and my brother got married. She was a really sweet lady :-(


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3

Okey dokeys. I got busy last night and didn't have a chance to write so here goes. Tuesday night, back at work, lol. It's been cooler the last couple of days and it rained off and on today. I don't think we actually got very much, but it's been nice. We'll pretty much take anything we can get at this point.

So let's see. Friday morning we should have gone to take care of the kitties but that ended up getting sidetracked. Ok so I've been feeling a little weird for the last week or so, and about halfway through the night Thursday night it started getting pretty bad. I was kinda shaky, and dizzy, and everything felt all tingly. I managed to hold it together long enough to get home but by that point I was kinda freaking out. I was going to wait until my doctor's office opened and see if I could get an appointment but it just got so bad that I legitimately thought I was having a heart attack or some shit so I went on over to the emergency room. Long story short, they did a bunch of tests and there's nothing wrong with my heart. So yay! My blood sugar was a little low (which is not really that unusual) and my blood pressure was a little high (which is unusual). I was kinda freaking the fuck out though so I guess it makes sense. So basically they think I was having a panic attack. Which makes no sense whatsoever, because nothing was wrong! So once again it's my fucked up brain screwing things up for me. Sigh. They gave me a prescription for an anti-anxiety drug and told me to follow up with the doctor. So I finished up there and went home, woke TK up and we went to pick up a couple of things from HEB, then got home and played and hung out for a while until TH got home. Had some leftovers for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Chuck for movie night, then went on to bed. Cause it had been a long ass day...