Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27

Holy shit I'm tired tonight. Sigh. I ended up going to bed late and getting up early which always sucks. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to sleep a little more. So let's see. I got busy here at work last night and didn't get a chance to write. Apparently the kids out here didn't have school today so I guess that explains it. So far tonight has been pretty slow though. It's nice and cool and breezy out too. I think they're calling for a cold front to blow through sometime tomorrow but I don't know how cool it's supposed to get. It's been warmer than normal for the last week or so which kinda sucks. I'm ready for the fall temperatures to stick around!

So Friday morning I got home and TK was still awake so we went to HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played a little Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron until almost time to go do the volunteer thing. Stopped by Walmart on the way there and bought us each a pair of hiking shoes. Yay! We also grabbed a short string of Christmas lights to stick in the spider's head so his eyes would light up. Got to Petsmart a little early and had to wait a little while for the lady to show up. We ended up being there for almost 2 1/2 hours! She like, seriously trained us, lol. A couple of the kittens had eaten some wet food the night before and it didn't agree with them so they had managed to shit all over themselves and a couple of the cages, so that was really fucking gross. We managed though, lol. Finished up with all of the cleaning and played with the kitties for a little bit, stopped by the liquor store for a couple of bottles of vodka, got home and started the vodka gummy bears (nom), and pretty much just hung out until TH got home. Oh, and we went by Wendy's to pick up lunch because we were starving, lol. TH got home and we watched a couple of episodes of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. for movie night and went to bed. Because sleeeeeeeeep :-)

Saturday TH had to work so TK and I slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, played a little GTA V, then TK's buddy came over to spend the night. I made a quick trip to HEB for some frozen pizzas because I wasn't really expecting him this weekend. Got home and my neighbor buddy was outside so I chatted with her for a few minutes until TH got home, cooked the pizzas, and we watched the new Hercules movie for movie night. TH went on to bed and I hung out with the boys for a little bit. I was seriously not in a driving mood this weekend :-/

Sunday TH was off so I slept a little late then got up and basically just hung out with him and TK for a little while. I was still tired so I took another nap then went to work. Apparently at some point on Thursday night there were several cars here in the neighborhood at work broken into so some people are kinda pissed off. Some guy from the HOA was up here at the gatehouse watching the cameras to see if they could figure out who did it, which is stupid because it's not like someone's going to drive through the gate with a big sign on their car that says, "I'm here to steal y'alls shit :-D" Fucking dumbasses. I'm pretty sure I know who was involved, though. There's this one little girl who has started hanging around with these little thug-life looking punks and I just know they're up to no good. R said he had to run them off from the clubhouse Thursday night because they were just hanging around in the parking lot after it closed. One of my cop buddies said they thought it might have been them the last time the clubhouse was broken into but they didn't have any proof. I fucking hate children sometimes >:-(

Anyway. Monday morning I chatted with TH at work on my way home. TK was still awake when I got there so I played a little GTA V with him then he went to bed. Zoe (the new little tortie kitten) was still acting a little snotty so I had decided I was going to go ahead and take her to the vet to get checked out. They open at 9:00 so we got there a little early to get signed in. Turns out that she has some kind of upper respiratory infection. The vet said that it's pretty much a 50/50 chance that it's either viral or bacterial, but either way they treat it with antibiotics. If it's bacterial the meds will knock it out but if it's viral it should go away on its own, and the meds just help keep it from progressing into something worse. Or something like that, lol. She got a shot with an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory plus 10 days of liquid antibiotics to take home. So we get to torture her twice a day for a week and a half. I'm sure she's going to be thrilled, lol. Got home and hung out for a while, went to bed around 11:00, and got up around 4:00 or so. TH got home and I made some oven roasted chicken breast and brown rice for dinner. The rice ended up a little...dry. I stuck it in the fridge and I'm going to see if I can rescue it tomorrow with some Rotel and beans or something. So basically we had chicken for dinner, lol. Hung out with them for a while, took a shower, and now I'm at work. And soooooo tired :-(

Hmmm. I guess that's basically it. We still need to get to Sam's for a couple of things, including Halloween candy. Only a few more days!! I also need to get my car washed because I parked under a tree at HEB the other night and the fucking birds shit all. over. it. Bastards >:-( I'm not driving Friday night (because HALLOWEEN!!) but I really plan on trying to drive Saturday night. I ordered a set of awesome floor mats and it looks like they should be here in the next couple of days! Expensive, but from everything I've heard about them, totally worth it. I can't wait :-)

Noms for the days: Yeah, nope. I'm so freaking confused :-/ I can't figure out what I want to do and what would be best and what I can actually stick with. Sigh.

Song: Mis-Teeq - Scandalous. From the GTA V soundtrack.

Best thing: Kitties!!

Worst thing : Tired :-(


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