Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23

Thursday night! Kinda tired again tonight. Not too bad though. I'm actually kinda surprised that I don't feel worse than I do because I caved this morning and drank a couple of beers before I went to bed. And then proceeded to go over my carbs and shit for the day. Sigh. At least though I didn't just say fuck it and eat ALL THE BAD THINGS!!! like I've done before. I pretty much stuck to keto-friendly stuff, just not very smart portions of it. So yay, I guess?

 So I talked to TH on the way home this morning because he was at work. TK was asleep when I got home so I hung out and talked to TH for a while and went to bed around 10:30 or so. Got up around 6:30 and hung out with them, played with the kitties, and now I'm at work. We had ordered a couple of 6 foot power cables for the new phones to plug in next to the bed and those came today. I likes :-) We also got our copies of Transformers: Fall Of Cyberton! Hopefully we'll get a chance to play it sometime this weekend. Tomorrow morning we're meeting the adoption lady over at Petsmart for our volunteer training thingie. It's gonna be awesome :-) We also need to go by HEB and Sam's for a couple of things. And, I dunno what else. TH works Saturday but he's off Sunday and I'll probably go drive at least one night. So that should be fun, lol.

Noms for the day: Eh. I haven't eaten the lunch salad yet so it might actually end up being less than that. Still not my best day though :-(

Song: Hal Ketchum - Small Town Saturday Night. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: New game and long power cords!

Worst thing: Tired and kinda eh :-/


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