Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14

Kinda tired tonight. Not really much going on though. It's nice and cool out again though so that's nice. It was 52 when I left work this morning and I think it's supposed to be a little cooler than that in the morning. I think it's probably safe to say that our really hot weather is over. Finally, lol.

So TK was still awake when I got home this morning. Hung out with him for just a little bit then went to bed around 8:00. Woke up at about 1:30 or so and couldn't fall back asleep so I just got up. Played a little GTA V with TK until TH got home, hung out with him for a little bit, then took another nap. They had dinner while I was asleep but I brought mine to work with me. We still had some leftover pork roast but I took the broth that was left in the crockpot and added some cooked chicken thighs, TVP, hot sauce, and mixed veggies to make kind of a buffalo chicken chili type thing. Yay, options! Everyone was asleep when I got up so that was a little weird. Makes me wonder whether TK will be awake when I get home in the morning or not.

Noms for the day: Yay! I basically just kinda guessed on the amounts for dinner. It may not end up being quite that much but I'm still good.

Song: Hozier - Take Me To Church. A new one! I like the song but the video's sad :-(

Best thing: Got the shipping notice today for our new phones. They should be here tomorrow!

Worst thing: Had some...intestinal issues going on earlier. I guess it's just the change in diet? Dunno, but it kinda sucked :-/


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